59,799 research outputs found

    Spitzer Warm Mission Transition and Operations

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    Following the successful dynamic planning and implementation of IRAC Warm Instrument Characterization activities, transition to Spitzer Warm Mission operations has gone smoothly. Operation teams procedures and processes required minimal adaptation and the overall composition of the Mission Operation System retained the same functionality it had during the Cryogenic Mission. While the warm mission scheduling has been simplified because all observations are now being made with a single instrument, several other differences have increased the complexity. The bulk of the observations executed to date have been from ten large Exploration Science programs that, combined, have more complex constraints, more observing requests, and more exo-planet observations with durations of up to 145 hours. Communication with the observatory is also becoming more challenging as the Spitzer DSN antenna allocations have been reduced from two tracking passes per day to a single pass impacting both uplink and downlink activities. While IRAC is now operating with only two channels, the data collection rate is roughly 60% of the four-channel rate leaving a somewhat higher average volume collected between the less frequent passes. Also, the maximum downlink data rate is decreasing as the distance to Spitzer increases requiring longer passes. Nevertheless, with well over 90% of the time spent on science observations, efficiency has equaled or exceeded that achieved during the cryogenic mission

    Scientific Objectives for UV/Visible Astrophysics Investigations: A Summary of Responses by the Community (2012)

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    Following several recommendations presented by the Astrophysics Decadal Survey 2010 centered around the need to define "a future ultraviolet-optical space capability," on 2012 May 25, NASA issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking persuasive ultraviolet (UV) and visible wavelength astrophysics science investigations. The goal was to develop a cohesive and compelling set of science objectives that motivate and support the development of the next generation of ultraviolet/visible space astrophysics missions. Responses were due on 10 August 2012 when 34 submissions were received addressing a number of potential science drivers. A UV/visible Mission RFI Workshop was held on 2012 September 20 where each of these submissions was summarized and discussed in the context of each other. We present a scientific analysis of these submissions and presentations and the pursuant measurement capability needs, which could influence ultraviolet/visible technology development plans for the rest of this decade. We also describe the process and requirements leading to the inception of this community RFI, subsequent workshop and the expected evolution of these ideas and concepts for the remainder of this decade.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Microelectronics Process Engineering at San Jose State University: A Manufacturing-Oriented Interdisciplinary Degree Program

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    San Jose State University\u27s new interdisciplinary curriculum in Microelectronics Process Engineering is described. This baccalaureate program emphasizes hands-on thin-film fabrication experience, manufacturing methods such as statistical process control, and fundamentals of materials science and semiconductor device physics. Each course of the core laboratory sequence integrates fabrication knowledge with process engineering and manufacturing methods. The curriculum development process relies on clearly defined and detailed program and course learning objectives. We also briefly discuss our strategy of making process engineering experiences accessible for all engineering students through both Lab Module and Statistics Module series

    Report of the direct infrared sensors panel

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    The direct infrared sensors panel considered a wide range of options for technologies relevant to the science goals of the Astrotech 21 mission set. Among the technologies assessed are: large format arrays; photon counting detectors; higher temperature 1 to 10 micro-m arrays; impurity band conduction (IBC) or blocked impurity band (BIB) detectors; readout electronics; and adapting the Space Infrared Telescope Facility and Hubble Space Telescope. Detailed development plans were presented for each of these technology areas

    An introduction to the BANNING design automation system for shuttle microelectronic hardware development

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    The BANNING MOS design system is presented. It complements rather than supplant the normal design activities associated with the design and fabrication of low-power digital electronic equipment. BANNING is user-oriented and requires no programming experience to use effectively. It provides the user a simulation capability to aid in his circuit design and it eliminates most of the manual operations involved in the layout and artwork generation of integrated circuits. An example of its operation is given and some additional background reading is provided

    Implementation of Large Scale Integrated (LSI) circuit design software

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    Portions of the Computer Aided Design and Test system, a collection of Large Scale Integrated (LSI) circuit design programs were modified and upgraded. Major modifications were made to the Mask Analysis Program in the form of additional operating commands and file processing options. Modifications were also made to the Artwork Interactive Design System to correct some deficiencies in the original program as well as to add several new command features related to improving the response of AIDS when dealing with large files. The remaining work was concerned with updating various programs within CADAT to incorporate the silicon on sapphire silicon gate technology

    Early Implementation of Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans: Providing an Interim Safety Net for the Uninsurable

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    Outlines enrollment trends and enrollee traits in a temporary program designed to provide affordable coverage to the uninsured with preexisting conditions, changes to structures and premiums, and estimated out-of-pocket costs by utilization and plan type

    A Multiproject Chip Approach to the Teaching of Analog MOS LSI and VLSI

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    Multiproject chip implementation has been used in teaching analog MOS circuit design. After having worked with computer simulation and layout aids in homework problems, students designed novel circuits including several high performance op amps, an A/D converter, a switched capacitor filter, a 1 K dynamic RAM, and a variety of less conventional MOS circuits such as a VII converter, an AC/DC converter, an AM radio receiver, a digitally-controlled analog signal processor, and on-chip circuitry for measuring transistor capacitances. These circuits were laid out as part of an NMOS multiproject chip. Several of the designs exhibit a considerable degree of innovation; fabrication pending, computer simulation shows that some may be pushing the state of the art. Several designs are of interest to digital designers; in fact, the course has provided knowledge and technique needed for detailed digital circuit design at the gate level
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