1,105 research outputs found

    In-Body Energy Harvesting Power Management Interface for Post Heart Transplantation Monitoring

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    Deep tissue energy harvesters are of increasing interest in the development of battery-less implantable devices. This paper presents a fully integrated ultra-low quiescent power management interface. It has power optimization and impedance matching between a piezoelectric energy harvester and the functional load that could be potentially powered by the heart's mechanical motions. The circuit has been designed in 0.18-µm CMOS technology. It dissipates 189.8 nW providing two voltage outputs of 1.4 V and 4.2 V. The simulation results show an output power 8.2x times of an ideal full-bridge rectifier without an external power supply. The design has the potential for use in self-powered heart implantable devices as it is capable providing stable output voltages from a cold startup

    A Nail-Size Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting System Integrating a MEMS Transducer and a CMOS SSHI Circuit

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    Piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting has drawn much interest to power distributed wireless sensor nodes for Internet of Things (IoT) applications where ambient kinetic energy is available. For certain applications, the harvesting system should be small and able to generate sufficient output power. Standard rectification topologies such as the full-bridge rectifier are typically inefficient when adapted to power conditioning from miniaturized harvesters. Therefore, active rectification circuits have been researched to improve overall power conversion efficiency, and meet both the output power and miniaturization requirements while employing a MEMS harvester. In this paper, a MEMS piezoelectric energy harvester is designed and cointegrated with an active synchronized switch harvesting on inductor (SSHI) rectification circuit designed in a CMOS process to achieve high output power for system miniaturization. The system is fully integrated on a nail-size board, which is ready to provide a stable DC power for low-power mini sensors. A MEMS energy harvester of 0.005 cm3 size, co-integrated with the CMOS conditioning circuit, outputs a peak rectified DC power of 40.6 µW and achieves a record DC power density of 8.12 mW/cm3 when compared to state-of-the-art harvesters

    Analysis on One-Stage SSHC Rectifier for Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesting

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    Conventional SSHI (synchronized switch harvesting on inductor) has been believed to be one of the most efficient interface circuits for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting systems. It employs an inductor and the resulting RLC loop to synchronously invert the charge across the piezoelectric material to avoid charge and energy loss due to charging its internal capacitor (CPC_P). The performance of the SSHI circuit greatly depends on the inductor and a large inductor is often needed; hence significantly increases the volume of the system. An efficient interface circuit using a synchronous charge inversion technique, named as SSHC, was proposed recently. The SSHC rectifier utilizes capacitors, instead of inductors, to flip the voltage across the harvester. For a one-stage SSHC rectifier, one single intermediate capacitor (CTC_T) is employed to temporarily store charge flowed from CPC_P and inversely charge CPC_P to perform the charge inversion. In previous studies, the voltage flip efficiency achieves 1/3 when CT=CPC_T = C_P. This paper presents that the voltage flip efficiency can be further increased to approach 1/2 if CTC_T is chosen to be much larger than CPC_P

    Functional modelling and prototyping of electronic integrated kinetic energy harvesters

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    The aim of developing infinite-life autonomous wireless electronics, powered by the energy of the surrounding environment, drives the research efforts in the field of Energy Harvesting. Electromagnetic and piezoelectric techniques are deemed to be the most attractive technologies for vibrational devices. In the thesis, both these technologies are investigated taking into account the entire energy conversion chain. In the context of the collaboration with the STMicroelectronics, the project of a self-powered Bluetooth step counter embedded in a training shoe has been carried out. A cylindrical device 27 × 16mm including the transducer, the interface circuit, the step-counter electronics and the protective shell, has been developed. Environmental energy extraction occurs exploiting the vibration of a permanent magnet in response to the impact of the shoe on the ground. A self-powered electrical interface performs maximum power transfer through optimal resistive load emulation and load decoupling. The device provides 360 μJ to the load, the 90% of the maximum recoverable energy. The energy requirement is four time less than the provided and the effectiveness of the proposed device is demonstrated also considering the foot-steps variability and the performance spread due to prototypes manufacturing. In the context of the collaboration with the G2Elab of Grenoble and STMicroelectronics, the project of a piezoelectric energy arvester has been carried out. With the aim of exploiting environmental vibrations, an uni-morph piezoelectric cantilever beam 60×25×0.5mm with a proof mass at the free-end has been designed. Numerical results show that electrical interfaces based on SECE and sSSHI techniques allows increasing performance up to the 125% and the 115% of that in case of STD interface. Due to the better performance in terms of harvested power and in terms of electric load decoupling, a self-powered SECE interface has been prototyped. In response to 2 m/s2 56,2 Hz sinusoidal input, experimental power recovery of 0.56mW is achieved demonstrating that the device is compliant with standard low-power electronics requirements

    Piezoelectric energy harvesting solutions

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    This paper reviews the state of the art in piezoelectric energy harvesting. It presents the basics of piezoelectricity and discusses materials choice. The work places emphasis on material operating modes and device configurations, from resonant to non-resonant devices and also to rotational solutions. The reviewed literature is compared based on power density and bandwidth. Lastly, the question of power conversion is addressed by reviewing various circuit solutions

    Power Management Electronics

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    A Multi-Source Harvesting System Applied to Sensor-Based Smart Garments for Monitoring Workers’ Bio-Physical Parameters in Harsh Environments

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    This paper describes the development and characterization of a smart garment for monitoring the environmental and biophysical parameters of the user wearing it; the wearable application is focused on the control to workers’ conditions in dangerous workplaces in order to prevent or reduce the consequences of accidents. The smart jacket includes flexible solar panels, thermoelectric generators and flexible piezoelectric harvesters to scavenge energy from the human body, thus ensuring the energy autonomy of the employed sensors and electronic boards. The hardware and firmware optimization allowed the correct interfacing of the heart rate and SpO2 sensor, accelerometers, temperature and electrochemical gas sensors with a modified Arduino Pro mini board. The latter stores and processes the sensor data and, in the event of abnormal parameters, sends an alarm to a cloud database, allowing company managers to check them via a web app. The characterization of the harvesting subsection has shown that ≈ 265 mW maximum power can be obtained in a real scenario, whereas the power consumption due to the acquisition, processing and BLE data transmission functions determined that a 10 mAh/day charge is required to ensure the device’s proper operation. By charging a 380 mAh Lipo battery in a few hours by means of the harvesting system, an energy autonomy of 23 days was obtained, in the absence of any further energy contribution

    Toward Small-Scale Wind Energy Harvesting: Design, Enhancement, Performance Comparison, and Applicability

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    © 2017 Liya Zhao and Yaowen Yang. The concept of harvesting ambient energy as an alternative power supply for electronic systems like remote sensors to avoid replacement of depleted batteries has been enthusiastically investigated over the past few years. Wind energy is a potential power source which is ubiquitous in both indoor and outdoor environments. The increasing research interests have resulted in numerous techniques on small-scale wind energy harvesting, and a rigorous and quantitative comparison is necessary to provide the academic community a guideline. This paper reviews the recent advances on various wind power harvesting techniques ranging between cm-scaled wind turbines and windmills, harvesters based on aeroelasticities, and those based on turbulence and other types of working principles, mainly from a quantitative perspective. The merits, weaknesses, and applicability of different prototypes are discussed in detail. Also, efficiency enhancing methods are summarized from two aspects, that is, structural modification aspect and interface circuit improvement aspect. Studies on integrating wind energy harvesters with wireless sensors for potential practical uses are also reviewed. The purpose of this paper is to provide useful guidance to researchers from various disciplines interested in small-scale wind energy harvesting and help them build a quantitative understanding of this technique

    Energy harvesting from water flow by using piezoelectric materials

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    As a promising energy-harvesting technique, an increasing number of researchers seek to exploit the piezoelectric effect to power electronic devices by harvesting the energy associated with water flow. In this emerging field, a variety of research themes attract interest for investigation; these include selection of the excitation mechanism, oscillation structure, piezoelectric material, power management interface circuit, and application. Since there has been no comprehensive review to date with respect to the harvesting of water flow using piezoelectric materials, herein relevant work in the last 25 years is reviewed. To ensure that key aspects of the water-flow energy harvester are overviewed, they are discussed in the context of energy-flow theory, which includes the three stages of energy extraction, energy conversion, and energy transfer. The development of each energy-flow process is reviewed in detail and combined with meta-analysis of the published literature. Correlations between the harvesting processes and their contribution to the overall energy-harvesting performance are illustrated, and directions for future research are also proposed. In this review, a comprehensive understanding of water-flow piezoelectric energy harvesting is provided and it is aimed to guide future research and the development of piezoelectric harvesters for water-flow-powered devices is promoted
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