53 research outputs found

    Bao: A Lightweight Static Partitioning Hypervisor for Modern Multi-Core Embedded Systems

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    Operating System Kernels on Multi-core Architectures

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    Operating System (OS) kernels have been under research and development for decades, mainly assuming single processor and distributed hardware systems. With the recent rise of multi-core chips that may incorporate a network on chip (NoC), new challenges have appeared that were not considered before. Given that a complete multi-core system that works on a single system on chip (SoC) is now the normal case, different cores on a single SoC may share other physical resources and data. This new sharing scheme on a SoC affects crucial aspects of an overall system like correctness, performance, predictability, scalability and security. Both hardware and OSs to flexibly cooperate in order to provide solutions for such challenges. SoC mimics the internet somehow now, with different cores acting as computer nodes, and the network medium is given in an advanced digital fabrics like buses or NoCs, that are a current research area. However, OSs are still assuming some (hardware) features like single physical memory and memory sharing for inter-process communication, page-based protection, cache operations, even when evolving from uniprocessor to multi-core processors. Such features not only may degrade performance and other system aspects, but also some of them make no sense for a multi-core SoC, and introduce some barriers and limitations. While new OS research is considering different kernel designs to cope up with multi-core systems, they are still limited by the current commercial hardware architectures. The objective of this thesis is to assess different kernel designs and implementations on multi-core hardware architectures. Part of the contributions of the thesis is porting RTEMS (RTOS) and seL4 microkernel to Epiphany and RISC-V hardware architectures respectively, trading-off the design and implementation decisions. This hands-on experience gave a better understanding of the real-world challenges regarding kernel designs and implementations

    A first look at RISC-V virtualization from an embedded systems perspective

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    This article describes the first public implementation and evaluation of the latest version of the RISC-V hypervisor extension (H-extension v0.6.1) specification in a Rocket chip core. To perform a meaningful evaluation for modern multi-core embedded and mixedcriticality systems, we have ported Bao, an open-source static partitioning hypervisor, to RISC-V. We have also extended the RISC-V platformlevel interrupt controller (PLIC) to enable direct guest interrupt injection with low and deterministic latency and we have enhanced the timer infrastructure to avoid trap and emulation overheads. Experiments were carried out in FireSim, a cycle-accurate, FPGA-accelerated simulator, and the system was also successfully deployed and tested in a Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU104. Our hardware implementation was opensourced and is currently in use by the RISC-V community towards the ratification of the H-extension specification.This work has been supported by FCT - undação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. This work has also been supported by FCT within the PhD Scholarship Project Scope: SFRH/BD/138660/2018

    Advancing Deductive Program-Level Verification for Real-World Application: Lessons Learned from an Industrial Case Study

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    This thesis is concerned with practicability of deductive program verification on source code level. As part of a case study for the verification of real-world software, the specification and verification approach to show correctness of the virtualizing kernel PikeOS is presented. Issues within the verification process using current tools and methodologies are discussed and several aspects of these problems are then addressed in detail to improve the verification process and tool usability

    Microkernel mechanisms for improving the trustworthiness of commodity hardware

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    The thesis presents microkernel-based software-implemented mechanisms for improving the trustworthiness of computer systems based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware that can malfunction when the hardware is impacted by transient hardware faults. The hardware anomalies, if undetected, can cause data corruptions, system crashes, and security vulnerabilities, significantly undermining system dependability. Specifically, we adopt the single event upset (SEU) fault model and address transient CPU or memory faults. We take advantage of the functional correctness and isolation guarantee provided by the formally verified seL4 microkernel and hardware redundancy provided by multicore processors, design the redundant co-execution (RCoE) architecture that replicates a whole software system (including the microkernel) onto different CPU cores, and implement two variants, loosely-coupled redundant co-execution (LC-RCoE) and closely-coupled redundant co-execution (CC-RCoE), for the ARM and x86 architectures. RCoE treats each replica of the software system as a state machine and ensures that the replicas start from the same initial state, observe consistent inputs, perform equivalent state transitions, and thus produce consistent outputs during error-free executions. Compared with other software-based error detection approaches, the distinguishing feature of RCoE is that the microkernel and device drivers are also included in redundant co-execution, significantly extending the sphere of replication (SoR). Based on RCoE, we introduce two kernel mechanisms, fingerprint validation and kernel barrier timeout, detecting fault-induced execution divergences between the replicated systems, with the flexibility of tuning the error detection latency and coverage. The kernel error-masking mechanisms built on RCoE enable downgrading from triple modular redundancy (TMR) to dual modular redundancy (DMR) without service interruption. We run synthetic benchmarks and system benchmarks to evaluate the performance overhead of the approach, observe that the overhead varies based on the characteristics of workloads and the variants (LC-RCoE or CC-RCoE), and conclude that the approach is applicable for real-world applications. The effectiveness of the error detection mechanisms is assessed by conducting fault injection campaigns on real hardware, and the results demonstrate compelling improvement

    The design and application of an extensible operating system

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor

    Selection of a new hardware and software platform for railway interlocking

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    The interlocking system is one of the main actors for safe railway transportation. In most cases, the whole system is supplied by a single vendor. The recent regulations from the European Union direct for an “open” architecture to invite new game changers and reduce life-cycle costs. The objective of the thesis is to propose an alternative platform that could replace a legacy interlocking system. In the thesis, various commercial off-the-shelf hardware and software products are studied which could be assembled to compose an alternative interlocking platform. The platform must be open enough to adapt to any changes in the constituent elements and abide by the proposed baselines of new standardization initiatives, such as ERTMS, EULYNX, and RCA. In this thesis, a comparative study is performed between these products based on hardware capacity, architecture, communication protocols, programming tools, security, railway certifications, life-cycle issues, etc

    Secure and safe virtualization-based framework for embedded systems development

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    Tese de Doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de Computadores (PDEEC)The Internet of Things (IoT) is here. Billions of smart, connected devices are proliferating at rapid pace in our key infrastructures, generating, processing and exchanging vast amounts of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data. This strong connectivity of IoT environments demands for a holistic, end-to-end security approach, addressing security and privacy risks across different abstraction levels: device, communications, cloud, and lifecycle managment. Security at the device level is being misconstrued as the addition of features in a late stage of the system development. Several software-based approaches such as microkernels, and virtualization have been used, but it is proven, per se, they fail in providing the desired security level. As a step towards the correct operation of these devices, it is imperative to extend them with new security-oriented technologies which guarantee security from the outset. This thesis aims to conceive and design a novel security and safety architecture for virtualized systems by 1) evaluating which technologies are key enablers for scalable and secure virtualization, 2) designing and implementing a fully-featured virtualization environment providing hardware isolation 3) investigating which "hard entities" can extend virtualization to guarantee the security requirements dictated by confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and 4) simplifying system configurability and integration through a design ecosystem supported by a domain-specific language. The developed artefacts demonstrate: 1) why ARM TrustZone is nowadays a reference technology for security, 2) how TrustZone can be adequately exploited for virtualization in different use-cases, 3) why the secure boot process, trusted execution environment and other hardware trust anchors are essential to establish and guarantee a complete root and chain of trust, and 4) how a domain-specific language enables easy design, integration and customization of a secure virtualized system assisted by the above mentioned building blocks.Vivemos na era da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Biliões de dispositivos inteligentes começam a proliferar nas nossas infraestruturas chave, levando ao processamento de avolumadas quantidades de dados privados e sensíveis. Esta forte conectividade inerente ao conceito IoT necessita de uma abordagem holística, em que os riscos de privacidade e segurança são abordados nas diferentes camadas de abstração: dispositivo, comunicações, nuvem e ciclo de vida. A segurança ao nível dos dispositivos tem sido erradamente assegurada pela inclusão de funcionalidades numa fase tardia do desenvolvimento. Têm sido utilizadas diversas abordagens de software, incluindo a virtualização, mas está provado que estas não conseguem garantir o nível de segurança desejado. De forma a garantir a correta operação dos dispositivos, é fundamental complementar os mesmos com novas tecnologias que promovem a segurança desde os primeiros estágios de desenvolvimento. Esta tese propõe, assim, o desenvolvimento de uma solução arquitetural inovadora para sistemas virtualizados seguros, contemplando 1) a avaliação de tecnologias chave que promovam tal realização, 2) a implementação de uma solução de virtualização garantindo isolamento por hardware, 3) a identificação de componentes que integrados permitirão complementar a virtualização para garantir os requisitos de segurança, e 4) a simplificação do processo de configuração e integração da solução através de um ecossistema suportado por uma linguagem de domínio específico. Os artefactos desenvolvidos demonstram: 1) o porquê da tecnologia ARM TrustZone ser uma tecnologia de referência para a segurança, 2) a efetividade desta tecnologia quando utilizada em diferentes domínios, 3) o porquê do processo seguro de inicialização, juntamente com um ambiente de execução seguro e outros componentes de hardware, serem essenciais para estabelecer uma cadeia de confiança, e 4) a viabilidade em utilizar uma linguagem de um domínio específico para configurar e integrar um ambiente virtualizado suportado pelos artefactos supramencionados