6 research outputs found

    Image Watermaking With Biometric Data For Copyright Protection

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    In this paper, we deal with the proof of ownership or legitimate usage of a digital content, such as an image, in order to tackle the illegitimate copy. The proposed scheme based on the combination of the watermark-ing and cancelable biometrics does not require a trusted third party, all the exchanges are between the provider and the customer. The use of cancelable biometrics permits to provide a privacy compliant proof of identity. We illustrate the robustness of this method against intentional and unintentional attacks of the watermarked content

    Hardware Implementation of a Secured Digital Camera with Built In Watermarking and Encryption Facility

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    The objective is to design an efficient hardware implementation of a secure digital camera for real time digital rights management (DRM) in embedded systems incorporating watermarking and encryption. This emerging field addresses issues related to the ownership and intellectual property rights of digital content. A novel invisible watermarking algorithm is proposed which uses median of each image block to calculate the embedding factor. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the earlier proposed permutation and CRT based algorithms. It is seen that the watermark is successfully embedded invisibly without distorting the image and it is more robust to common image processing techniques like JPEG compression, filtering, tampering. The robustness is measured by the different quality assessment metrics- Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Normalized Correlation (NC), and Tampering Assessment Function (TAF). It is simpler to implement in hardware because of its computational simplicity. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is applied after quantization for increased security. The corresponding hardware architectures for invisible watermarking and AES encryption are presented and synthesized for Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA).The soft cores in the form of Hardware Description Language(HDL) are available as intellectual property cores and can be integrated with any multimedia based electronic appliance which are basically embedded systems built using System On Chip (SoC) technology

    Hardware Implementation of a Digital Watermarking System for Video Authentication

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    Implantation sur circuit SoC-FPGA d'un système de chiffrement/déchiffrement AES-128 bits en utilisant deux approches de différents niveaux d'abstraction

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    RÉSUMÉ : La sécurité des données est une priorité absolue dans le monde technologique. Pour garantir la sécurité et la confidentialité des données, l'usage des systèmes de chiffrement/déchiffrement devient une nécessité dans plusieurs domaines. Dans ce mémoire nous présentons une architecture simple de système de chiffrement avancé à 128 bits en mode compteur (AES-CTR-128 bit), implantée sur une carte PYNQ-Z2 pour chiffrer/déchiffrer des signaux d'électrocardiogramme ECG (ElectroCardioGram) de la base de données MIT-BIH. Le système n'utilise que 13% des ressources matérielles du circuit Xilinx ZYNQ XC7Z020. Il consomme une puissance de 43 mW et opère à une fréquence maximale de 109.43 MHz, qui correspond à un débit maximal de 14 Gbps. Le temps d'exécution de chiffrement et de déchiffrement d'un fichier de valeurs séparée par des virgules CSV (Comma Separated Value) par rapport d'un fichier texte TXT (Text) est environ deux fois plus court dans les deux plateformes utilisant deux approches ayant des niveaux d'abstraction différents. La première utilise la programmation bas-niveaux via la plateforme Xilinx Vitis alors que la seconde utilise l'outil Jupyter/Python. L'architecture matérielle proposée est environ quatre fois plus rapide que l'implantation logicielle et il y a une légère différence au niveau du temps d'exécution pour l'implantation de notre architecture sur les deux plateformes présentées (Vivado/Vitis ou Jupyter/Python). Nous avons aussi testé notre architecture matérielle avec d'autres types de données tels que les signaux audio et des images. Nous avons utilisé la plateforme Jupyter/Python pour sa simplicité de manipulation. Le chiffrement/déchiffrement d'un signal audio d'une durée de 7 secondes et d'une fréquence d'échantillonnage de 8 kHz est réduit respectivement à 4.6 ms et 4.87 ms, par rapport à 16.18 ms et 15.8 ms pour le chiffrement/déchiffrement d'un signal audio par l'implantation logicielle. De même pour l'image couleur et l'image en niveau de gris. Ainsi que le temps de chiffrement d'une image couleur prend entre trois à quatre fois le temps de chiffrement d'une image en niveau de gris dans les deux implantations logicielle et matérielle. L'architecture matérielle présentée peut être utilisée dans un large éventail d'applications embarquées. Les résultats présentés ont montré que l'architecture proposée a surpassé toutes les autres implantations existantes sur FPGA. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Cryptographie, AES, Circuit FPGA, Signal ECG, Circuit ZYNQ, Chiffrement/Déchiffrement, Cryptage/Décryptage. -- ABSTRACT : Data security is a top priority in the technological world. To ensure data security and privacy, the use of encryption/decryption systems becomes a necessity in several areas. In this dissertation, we present a simple architecture of advanced 128-bit counter mode encryption systems (AES-CTR-128 bit), implemented on a PYNQ-Z2 board to encrypt/decrypt electrocardiogram (ECG) signals from the MIT-BIH database. The system uses only 13% of the hardware resources of the Xilinx ZYNQ XC7Z020 chip. It consumes 43 mW of power and operates at a maximum frequency of 109.43 MHz, which corresponds to a maximum through of 14 Gbps. The execution time of encryption and decryption of the comma-separated value (CSV) file compared to the text file (TXT) is about twice as short in both platforms using two approaches with different abstraction levels. The first use low-level programming via the Xilinx Vitis platform while the second uses the Jupyter/Python tool. The proposed hardware architecture is about four times faster than the software implementation and there is a slight difference in execution time for the implementation of our architecture on the two platforms presented (Vivado/Vitis or Jupyter/Python). We also tested our hardware architecture with other types of data such as audio signals and images. We used the Jupyter/Python platform for its simplicity of handling. The encryption/decryption of an audio signal with a duration of 7 seconds and a sampling rate of 8 kHz are reduced to 4.6 ms and 4.87 ms, respectively, compared to 16.18 ms and 15.8 ms for the encryption/decryption of an audio signal by the software implementation. The same applies to the color and grayscale image. Thus, the encryption time of a color image takes between three and four times the encryption time of a grayscale image in both software and hardware implementations. The presented hardware architecture can be used in a wide range of embedded applications. The presented results showed that the proposed architecture outperformed all other existing FPGA-based implementations. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Cryptography, AES, FPGA circuit, ECG signal, ZYNQ circuit, Encryption/Decryption

    Framing digital image credibility: image manipulation problems, perceptions and solutions

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    Image manipulation is subverting the credibility of photographs as a whole. Currently there is no practical solution for asserting the authenticity of a photograph. People express their concern about this when asked but continue to operate in a ‘business as usual’ fashion. While a range of digital forensic technologies has been developed to address falsification of digital photographs, such technologies begin with ‘sourceless’ images and conclude with results in equivocal terms of probability, while not addressing the meaning and content contained within the image. It is interesting that there is extensive research into computer-based image forgery detection, but very little research into how we as humans perceive, or fail to perceive, these forgeries when we view them. The survey, eye-gaze tracking experiments and neural network analysis undertaken in this research contribute to this limited pool of knowledge. The research described in this thesis investigates human perceptions of images that are manipulated and, by comparison, images that are not manipulated. The data collected, and their analyses, demonstrate that humans are poor at identifying that an image has been manipulated. I consider some of the implications of digital image manipulation, explore current approaches to image credibility, and present a potential digital image authentication framework that uses technology and tools that exploit social factors such as reputation and trust to create a framework for technologically packaging/wrapping images with social assertions of authenticity, and surfaced metadata information. The thesis is organised into 6 chapters. Chapter 1: Introduction I briefly introduce the history of photography, highlighting its importance as reportage, and discuss how it has changed from its introduction in the early 19th century to today. I discuss photo manipulation and consider how it has changed along with photography. I describe the relevant literature on the subject of image authentication and the use of eye gaze tracking and neural nets in identifying the role of human vision in image manipulation detection, and I describe my area of research within this context. Chapter 2: Literature review I describe the various types of image manipulation, giving examples, and then canvas the literature to describe the landscape of image manipulation problems and extant solutions, namely: • the nature of image manipulation, • investigations of human perceptions of image manipulation, • eye gaze tracking and manipulated images, • known efforts to create solutions to the problem of preserving unadulterated photographic representations and the meanings they hold. Finally, I position my research activities within the context of the literature. Chapter 3: The research I describe the survey and experiments I undertook to investigate attitudes toward image manipulation, research human perceptions of manipulated and unmanipulated images, and to trial elements of a new wrapper-style file format that I call .msci (mobile self-contained image), designed to address image authenticity issues. Methods, results and discussion for each element are presented in both explanatory text and by presentation of papers resulting from the experiments. Chapter 4: Analysis of eye gaze data using classification neural networks I describe pattern classifying neural network analysis applied to selected data obtained from the experiments and the insights this analysis provided into the opaque realm of cognitive perception as seen through the lens of eye gaze. Chapter 5: Discussion I synthesise and discuss the outcomes of the survey and experiments. I discuss the outcomes of this research, and consider the need for a distinction between photographs and photo art. I offer a theoretical formula within which the overall authenticity of an image can be assessed. In addition I present a potential image authentication framework built around the .msci file format, designed in consideration of my investigation of the requirements of the image manipulation problem space and the experimental work undertaken in this research. Chapter 6: Conclusions and future work This thesis concludes with a summary of the outcomes of my research, and I consider the need for future experimentation to expand on the insights gained to date. I also note some ways forward to develop an image authentication framework to address the ongoing problem of image authenticity