4 research outputs found

    Escalonamento e alocação de registradores sob execução condicional

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós -Graduação em Computação.Esta dissertação descreve como resolver dois problemas clássicos da Síntese de Alto Nível, através de uma abordagem orientada à exploração de soluções alternativas. O primeiro é o problema de escalonamento de operações de um dado algoritmo sob restrição de recursos físicos, cuja solução define quando cada operação é executada, respeitando a ordem de precedência imposta pelo algoritmo. O segundo é a respectiva alocação de registradores, cuja solução determina quantos registradores são necessários no circuito digital para armazenar todos os valores produzidos por algumas operações até serem consumidos por outras. Como um algoritmo pode conter construções condicionais (ex. "if-then-else"), possivelmente aninhadas, o conceito de predicado é introduzido para permitir a modelagem de execução condicional, substituindo a tradicional noção de dependência de controle, que limita a exploração de paralelismo. Esta dissertação descreve a abordagem proposta, a modelagem que a ampara e a implementação de ferramentas que a suportam (escalonador e alocador). São apresentados resultados experimentais que se mostram promissores quando comparados aos obtidos em outras abordagens

    Power and memory optimization techniques in embedded systems design

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    Embedded systems incur tight constraints on power consumption and memory (which impacts size) in addition to other constraints such as weight and cost. This dissertation addresses two key factors in embedded system design, namely minimization of power consumption and memory requirement. The first part of this dissertation considers the problem of optimizing power consumption (peak power as well as average power) in high-level synthesis (HLS). The second part deals with memory usage optimization mainly targeting a restricted class of computations expressed as loops accessing large data arrays that arises in scientific computing such as the coupled cluster and configuration interaction methods in quantum chemistry. First, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation is presented for the scheduling problem in HLS using multiple supply-voltages in order to optimize peak power as well as average power and energy consumptions. For large designs, the MILP formulation may not be suitable; therefore, a two-phase iterative linear programming formulation and a power-resource-saving heuristic are presented to solve this problem. In addition, a new heuristic that uses an adaptation of the well-known force-directed scheduling heuristic is presented for the same problem. Next, this work considers the problem of module selection simultaneously with scheduling for minimizing peak and average power consumption. Then, the problem of power consumption (peak and average) in synchronous sequential designs is addressed. A solution integrating basic retiming and multiple-voltage scheduling (MVS) is proposed and evaluated. A two-stage algorithm namely power-oriented retiming followed by a MVS technique for peak and/or average power optimization is presented. Memory optimization is addressed next. Dynamic memory usage optimization during the evaluation of a special class of interdependent large data arrays is considered. Finally, this dissertation develops a novel integer-linear programming (ILP) formulation for static memory optimization using the well-known fusion technique by encoding of legality rules for loop fusion of a special class of loops using logical constraints over binary decision variables and a highly effective approximation of memory usage

    Coordinated parallelizing compiler optimizations and high-level synthesis

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    We present a high-level synthesis methodology that applies a coordinated set of coarse-grain and fine-grain parallelizing transformations. The transformations are applied both during a presynthesis phase and during scheduling, with the objective of optimizing the results of synthesis and reducing the impact of control flow constructs on the quality of results. We first apply a set of source level presynthesis transformations that include common sub-expression elimination (CSE), copy propagation, dead code elimination and loop-invariant code motion, along with more coarse-level code restructuring transformations such as loop unrolling. We then explore scheduling techniques that use a set of aggressive speculative code motions to maximally parallelize the design by re-ordering, speculating and sometimes even duplicating operations in the design. In particular, we present a new technique called "Dynamic CSE" that dynamically coordinates CSE and code motions such as speculation and conditional speculation during scheduling. We implemented our parallelizing high-level synthesis in the SPARK framework. This framework takes a behavioral description in ANSI-C as input and generates synthesizable register-transfer level VHDL. Our results from computationally expensive portions of three moderately complex design targets, namely, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and the GIMP image processing too], validate the utility of our approach to the behavioral synthesis of designs with complex control flows