45 research outputs found

    Architecting a One-to-many Traffic-Aware and Secure Millimeter-Wave Wireless Network-in-Package Interconnect for Multichip Systems

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    With the aggressive scaling of device geometries, the yield of complex Multi Core Single Chip(MCSC) systems with many cores will decrease due to the higher probability of manufacturing defects especially, in dies with a large area. Disintegration of large System-on-Chips(SoCs) into smaller chips called chiplets has shown to improve the yield and cost of complex systems. Therefore, platform-based computing modules such as embedded systems and micro-servers have already adopted Multi Core Multi Chip (MCMC) architectures overMCSC architectures. Due to the scaling of memory intensive parallel applications in such systems, data is more likely to be shared among various cores residing in different chips resulting in a significant increase in chip-to-chip traffic, especially one-to-many traffic. This one-to-many traffic is originated mainly to maintain cache-coherence between many cores residing in multiple chips. Besides, one-to-many traffics are also exploited by many parallel programming models, system-level synchronization mechanisms, and control signals. How-ever, state-of-the-art Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based wired interconnection architectures do not provide enough support as they handle such one-to-many traffic as multiple unicast trafficusing a multi-hop MCMC communication fabric. As a result, even a small portion of such one-to-many traffic can significantly reduce system performance as traditional NoC-basedinterconnect cannot mask the high latency and energy consumption caused by chip-to-chipwired I/Os. Moreover, with the increase in memory intensive applications and scaling of MCMC systems, traditional NoC-based wired interconnects fail to provide a scalable inter-connection solution required to support the increased cache-coherence and synchronization generated one-to-many traffic in future MCMC-based High-Performance Computing (HPC) nodes. Therefore, these computation and memory intensive MCMC systems need an energy-efficient, low latency, and scalable one-to-many (broadcast/multicast) traffic-aware interconnection infrastructure to ensure high-performance. Research in recent years has shown that Wireless Network-in-Package (WiNiP) architectures with CMOS compatible Millimeter-Wave (mm-wave) transceivers can provide a scalable, low latency, and energy-efficient interconnect solution for on and off-chip communication. In this dissertation, a one-to-many traffic-aware WiNiP interconnection architecture with a starvation-free hybrid Medium Access Control (MAC), an asymmetric topology, and a novel flow control has been proposed. The different components of the proposed architecture are individually one-to-many traffic-aware and as a system, they collaborate with each other to provide required support for one-to-many traffic communication in a MCMC environment. It has been shown that such interconnection architecture can reduce energy consumption and average packet latency by 46.96% and 47.08% respectively for MCMC systems. Despite providing performance enhancements, wireless channel, being an unguided medium, is vulnerable to various security attacks such as jamming induced Denial-of-Service (DoS), eavesdropping, and spoofing. Further, to minimize the time-to-market and design costs, modern SoCs often use Third Party IPs (3PIPs) from untrusted organizations. An adversary either at the foundry or at the 3PIP design house can introduce a malicious circuitry, to jeopardize an SoC. Such malicious circuitry is known as a Hardware Trojan (HT). An HTplanted in the WiNiP from a vulnerable design or manufacturing process can compromise a Wireless Interface (WI) to enable illegitimate transmission through the infected WI resulting in a potential DoS attack for other WIs in the MCMC system. Moreover, HTs can be used for various other malicious purposes, including battery exhaustion, functionality subversion, and information leakage. This information when leaked to a malicious external attackercan reveals important information regarding the application suites running on the system, thereby compromising the user profile. To address persistent jamming-based DoS attack in WiNiP, in this dissertation, a secure WiNiP interconnection architecture for MCMC systems has been proposed that re-uses the one-to-many traffic-aware MAC and existing Design for Testability (DFT) hardware along with Machine Learning (ML) approach. Furthermore, a novel Simulated Annealing (SA)-based routing obfuscation mechanism was also proposed toprotect against an HT-assisted novel traffic analysis attack. Simulation results show that,the ML classifiers can achieve an accuracy of 99.87% for DoS attack detection while SA-basedrouting obfuscation could reduce application detection accuracy to only 15% for HT-assistedtraffic analysis attack and hence, secure the WiNiP fabric from age-old and emerging attacks

    Energy-efficient architectures for chip-scale networks and memory systems using silicon-photonics technology

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    Today's supercomputers and cloud systems run many data-centric applications such as machine learning, graph algorithms, and cognitive processing, which have large data footprints and complex data access patterns. With computational capacity of large-scale systems projected to rise up to 50GFLOPS/W, the target energy-per-bit budget for data movement is expected to reach as low as 0.1pJ/bit, assuming 200bits/FLOP for data transfers. This tight energy budget impacts the design of both chip-scale networks and main memory systems. Conventional electrical links used in chip-scale networks (0.5-3pJ/bit) and DRAM systems used in main memory (>30pJ/bit) fail to provide sustained performance at low energy budgets. This thesis builds on the promising research on silicon-photonic technology to design system architectures and system management policies for chip-scale networks and main memory systems. The adoption of silicon-photonic links as chip-scale networks, however, is hampered by the high sensitivity of optical devices towards thermal and process variations. These device sensitivities result in high power overheads at high-speed communications. Moreover, applications differ in their resource utilization, resulting in application-specific thermal profiles and bandwidth needs. Similarly, optically-controlled memory systems designed using conventional electrical-based architectures require additional circuitry for electrical-to-optical and optical-to-electrical conversions within memory. These conversions increase the energy and latency per memory access. Due to these issues, chip-scale networks and memory systems designed using silicon-photonics technology leave much of their benefits underutilized. This thesis argues for the need to rearchitect memory systems and redesign network management policies such that they are aware of the application variability and the underlying device characteristics of silicon-photonic technology. We claim that such a cross-layer design enables a high-throughput and energy-efficient unified silicon-photonic link and main memory system. This thesis undertakes the cross-layer design with silicon-photonic technology in two fronts. First, we study the varying network bandwidth requirements across different applications and also within a given application. To address this variability, we develop bandwidth allocation policies that account for application needs and device sensitivities to ensure power-efficient operation of silicon-photonic links. Second, we design a novel architecture of an optically-controlled main memory system that is directly interfaced with silicon-photonic links using a novel read and write access protocol. Such a system ensures low-energy and high-throughput access from the processor to a high-density memory. To further address the diversity in application memory characteristics, we explore heterogeneous memory systems with multiple memory modules that provide varied power-performance benefits. We design a memory management policy for such systems that allocates pages at the granularity of memory objects within an application

    Classification of networks-on-chip in the context of analysis of promising self-organizing routing algorithms

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    This paper contains a detailed analysis of the current state of the network-on-chip (NoC) research field, based on which the authors propose the new NoC classification that is more complete in comparison with previous ones. The state of the domain associated with wireless NoC is investigated, as the transition to these NoCs reduces latency. There is an assumption that routing algorithms from classical network theory may demonstrate high performance. So, in this article, the possibility of the usage of self-organizing algorithms in a wireless NoC is also provided. This approach has a lot of advantages described in the paper. The results of the research can be useful for developers and NoC manufacturers as specific recommendations, algorithms, programs, and models for the organization of the production and technological process.Comment: 10 p., 5 fig. Oral presentation on APSSE 2021 conferenc

    DCRA: A Distributed Chiplet-based Reconfigurable Architecture for Irregular Applications

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    In recent years, the growing demand to process large graphs and sparse datasets has led to increased research efforts to develop hardware- and software-based architectural solutions to accelerate them. While some of these approaches achieve scalable parallelization with up to thousands of cores, adaptation of these proposals by the industry remained slow. To help solve this dissonance, we identified a set of questions and considerations that current research has not considered deeply. Starting from a tile-based architecture, we put forward a Distributed Chiplet-based Reconfigurable Architecture (DCRA) for irregular applications that carefully consider fabrication constraints that made prior work either hard or costly to implement or too rigid to be applied. We identify and study pre-silicon, package-time and compile-time configurations that help optimize DCRA for different deployments and target metrics. To enable that, we propose a practical path for manufacturing chip packages by composing variable numbers of DCRA and memory dies, with a software-configurable Torus network to connect them. We evaluate six applications and four datasets, with several configurations and memory technologies, to provide a detailed analysis of the performance, power, and cost of DCRA as a compute node for scale-out sparse data processing. Finally, we present our findings and discuss how DCRA's framework for design exploration can help guide architects to build scalable and cost-efficient systems for irregular applications

    Implications of Shallower Memory Controller Transaction Queues in Scalable Memory Systems

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    Scalable memory systems provide scalable bandwidth to the core growth demands in multicores and embedded systems processors. In these systems, as memory controllers (MCs) are scaled, memory traffic per MC is reduced, so transaction queues become shallower. As a consequence, there is an opportunity to explore transaction queue utilization and its impact on energy utilization. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the performance and energy-per-bit impact when reducing transaction queue sizes along with the MCs of these systems. Experimental results show that reducing 50 % on the number of entries, bandwidth and energy-per-bit levels are not affected, whilst reducing aggressively of about 90 %, bandwidth is similarly reduced while causing significantly higher energy-per-bit utilization

    Reliable Design of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits

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