3 research outputs found

    Biobanking for necrotizing enterocolitis: Needs and standards

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    Background Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating gastrointestinal disease that primarily affects premature infants. Despite medical advances, mortality and morbidity from NEC are still unacceptably high. This is partly because of the lack of specific biomarkers and therapies for this disease. Availability of high-quality biological samples and the associated data from premature infants are key to advance our understanding of NEC, and for biomarker discovery and drug development. To that end, the NEC Society Biorepository was established with the goal of promoting studies in human infants through sharing specialized biospecimen and data procurement for NEC research. Objective In this review, we will discuss the required infrastructure for biobanks, discuss the importance of informatics management, and emphasize the logistical requirements for sharing specimens. Finally, we will discuss the mechanism for how tissues and material will be shared between the institutions. Conclusion We have developed a state-of-the-art biobank for human infants to advance the field of NEC research. With the NEC Society Biorepository, we seek to facilitate and accelerate the basic and translational studies on NEC to provide hope to the infants afflicted with NEC and their families

    Efficient Sample Tracking With OpenLabFramework

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    The advance of new technologies in biomedical research has led to a dramatic growth in experimental throughput. Projects therefore steadily grow in size and involve a larger number of researchers. Spreadsheets traditionally used are thus no longer suitable for keeping track of the vast amounts of samples created and need to be replaced with state-of-the-art laboratory information management systems. Such systems have been developed in large numbers, but they are often limited to specific research domains and types of data. One domain so far neglected is the management of libraries of vector clones and genetically engineered cell lines. OpenLabFramework is a newly developed web-application for sample tracking, particularly laid out to fill this gap, but with an open architecture allowing it to be extended for other biological materials and functional data. Its sample tracking mechanism is fully customizable and aids productivity further through support for mobile devices and barcoded labels

    Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biobanks Dedicated to Cancer Research

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    Biological specimens collected, processed, and stored under optimal conditions increasingly provide a necessary foundation for cancer research. Information obtained from such samples opens opportunities to learn more about the causes, prevention, and treatment of the disease. International comparisons made possible by the study of sample collections from different parts of the world are also invaluable in the pursuit of the evidence base for cancer control. However, the above-mentioned opportunities are accompanied by many challenges and potential pitfalls. At times, pragmatic decisions have to be made in response to the constraints faced when conducting clinical or population-based studies. These constraints may be technical, may relate to infrastructure or finance, or may be ethical, legal, or social in nature. Being unaware of these types of risk to successful biobanking can place important scientific advances in jeopardy. In this context, it is a great pleasure to introduce this publication from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The purpose of the text is to provide clear and practical advice on the common practices needed to create and maintain biobanks, recognizing that the circumstances faced by the curators of biobanks vary across the world. The international cooperation that went into formulating these Common Minimal Technical Standards provides confidence that the content is realistic, while at the same time maintaining the minimal standards needed in order for the biospecimens to be valid and to yield the reliable research data being sought. In providing this Foreword, I would like to place on record my thanks to all authors and reviewers who have contributed to this final product, as well as to all the contributors to Common Minimum Technical Standards and Protocols for Biological Resource Centres Dedicated to Cancer Research, known as the \u201cGreen Book\u201d, published by IARC in 2007. In publishing this book, my hope is for a balanced focus, not only on what goes into a biobank but also on what comes out. There is a risk that biobanks remain untouched or underexploited, a deposit that is rarely put to work for the common good. While this book aims to ensure that what goes into a biobank is of high quality and well managed, it has as its ultimate objective to drive the use of those same biospecimens in research. This will involve the analysis of biospecimens, but to maximize the benefits it will also require linkage to other well-documented epidemiological and clinical data sets. In this period of spiralling numbers of cancer cases and costs of cancer care, the failure to use stored samples to answer critical research questions is indefensible. In conclusion, I trust that readers will find this publication to be a support to successful biobanking and will find herein one important foundation for cancer research in the 21st century