8 research outputs found

    Inductively Coupled CMOS Power Receiver For Embedded Microsensors

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    Inductively coupled power transfer can extend the lifetime of embedded microsensors that save costs, energy, and lives. To expand the microsensors' functionality, the transferred power needs to be maximized. Plus, the power receiver needs to handle wide coupling variations in real applications. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a power receiver that outputs the highest power for the widest coupling range. This research proposes a switched resonant half-bridge power stage that adjusts both energy transfer frequency and duration so the output power is maximally high. A maximum power point (MPP) theory is also developed to predict the optimal settings of the power stage with 98.6% accuracy. Finally, this research addresses the system integration challenges such as synchronization and over-voltage protection. The fabricated self-synchronized prototype outputs up to 89% of the available power across 0.067%~7.9% coupling range. The output power (in percentage of available power) and coupling range are 1.3Ă— and 13Ă— higher than the comparable state of the arts.Ph.D

    Architecture for ultra-low power multi-channel transmitters for Body Area Networks using RF resonators

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 99-103).Body Area Networks (BANs) are gaining prominence for their use in medical and sports monitoring. This thesis develops the specifications of a ultra-low power 2.4GHz transmitter for use in a Body Area Networks, taking advantage of the asymmetric energy constraints on the sensor node and the basestation. The specifications include low transmit output powers, around -10dBm, low startup time, simple modulation schemes of OOK, FSK and BPSK and high datarates of 1Mbps. An architecture that is suited for the unique requirements of transmitters in these BANs is developed. RF Resonators, and in particular Film Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators (FBARs) are explored as carrier frequency generators since they provide stable frequencies without the need for PLLs. The frequency of oscillation is directly modulated to generate FSK. Since these oscillators have low tuning range, the architecture uses multiple resonators to define the center frequencies of the multiple channels. A scalable scheme that uses a resonant buffer is developed to multiplex the oscillators' outputs to the Power Amplifier (PA). The buffer is also capable of generating BPSK signals. Finally a PA optimized for efficiently delivering the low output powers required in BANs is developed. A tunable matching network in the PA also enables pulse-shaping for spectrally efficient modulation. A prototype transmitter supporting 3 FBAR-oscillator channels in the 2.4GHz ISM band was designed in a 65nm CMOS process. It operates from a 0.7V supply for the RF portion and 1V for the digital section. The transmitter achieves 1Mbps FSK, up to 10Mbps for OOK and BPSK without pulse shaping and 1Mbps for OOK and BPSK with pulse shaping. The power amplifier has an efficiency of up to 43% and outputs between -15dBm and -7.5dBm onto a 50Q antenna. Overall, the transmitter achieves an efficiency of upto 26% and energy per bit of 483pJ/bit at 1Mbps.by Arun Paidimarri.S.M

    Energy Harvesting for Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems

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    Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMSs) predict over- and underinflated tires, and warn the driver in critical situations. Today, battery powered TPMSs suffer from limited energy. New sensor features such as friction determination or aquaplaning detection require even more energy and would significantly decrease the TPMS lifetime. Harvesting electrical energy inside the tire of a vehicle has been considered as a promising alternative to overcome the limited lifetime of a battery. However, it is a real challenge to design a system, that generates electrical energy at low velocities while being robust at 200 km/h where radial accelerations up to 20000 m/s2 occur. This work focusses on developing different electromechanical energy transducers that meet the high requirements of the automotive sector. Different approaches are addressed on how the change of acceleration and strain within the tire can be used to provide mechanical energy to the energy harvester. The energy harvester converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy. In this thesis, piezoelectric and electromagnetic transducers are discussed in depth, modelled as electromechanical networks. Since the transducers provide energy in the form of an AC voltage, but sensors require a DC voltage, various common interface circuits are compared, using LTspice and applying method of the stochastic signal analysis. Furthermore, a buck-boost converter concept for the electromagnetic energy harvester is optimized and improved. Experiments on a tire test rig validate the theoretically determined output and confirm that well designed energy harvesters in the tire can generate much more energy than required by an TPMS not only at high velocities but also at velocities as low as 20 km/h

    Ultra Low-Power Frequency Synthesizers for Duty Cycled IoT radios

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    Internet of Things (IoT), which is one of the main talking points in the electronics industry today, consists of a number of highly miniaturized sensors and actuators which sense the physical environment around us and communicate that information to a central information hub for further processing. This agglomeration of miniaturized sensors helps the system to be deployed in previously impossible arenas such as healthcare (Body Area Networks - BAN), industrial automation, real-time monitoring environmental parameters and so on; thereby greatly improving the quality of life. Since the IoT devices are usually untethered, their energy sources are limited (typically battery powered or energy scavenging) and hence have to consume very low power. Today's IoT systems employ radios that use communication protocols like Bluetooth Smart; which means that they communicate at data rates of a few hundred kb/s to a few Mb/s while consuming around a few mW of power. Even though the power dissipation of these radios have been decreasing steadily over the years, they seem to have reached a lower limit in the recent times. Hence, there is a need to explore other avenues to further reduce this dissipation so as to further improve the energy autonomy of the IoT node. Duty cycling has emerged as a promising alternative in this sense since it involves radios transmitting very short bursts of data at high rates and being asleep the rest of the time. In addition, high data rates proffer the added advantage of reducing network congestion which has become a major problem in IoT owing to the increase in the number of sensor nodes as well as the volume of data they send. But, as the average power (energy) dissipated decreases due to duty cycling, the energy overhead associated with the start-up phase of the radio becomes comparable with the former. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of duty cycling, the radio should be capable of being turned ON/OFF almost instantaneously. Furthermore, the radio of the future should also be able to support easy frequency hopping to improve the system efficiency from an interference point of view. In other words, in addition to high data rate capability, the next generation radios must also be highly agile and have a low energy overhead. All these factors viz. data rate, agility and overhead are mainly dependent on the radio's frequency synthesizer and therefore emphasis needs to be laid on developing new synthesizer architectures which are also amenable to technology scaling. This thesis deals with the evolution of one such all-digital frequency synthesizer; with each step dealing with one of the aforementioned issues. In order to reduce the energy overhead of the synthesizer, FBAR resonators (which are a class of MEMS resonators) are used as the frequency reference instead of a traditional quartz crystal. The FBAR resonators aid the design of fast-startup oscillators as opposed to the long latency associated with the start-up of the crystal oscillator. In addition, the frequency stability of the FBAR lends itself to open-loop architecture which can support very high data rates. Another advantage of the open-loop architecture is the frequency agility which aids easy channel switching for multi-hop architectures, as demonstrated in this thesis

    Fast-waking and low-voltage thermoelectric and photovoltaic CMOS chargers for energy-harvesting wireless microsensors

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    The small size of wireless microsystems allows them to be deployed within larger systems to sense and monitor various indicators throughout many applications. However, their small size restricts the amount of energy that can be stored in the system. Current microscale battery technologies do not store enough energy to power the microsystems for more than a few months without recharging. Harvesting ambient energy to replenish the on-board battery extend the lifetime of the microsystem. Although light and thermal energy are more practical in some applications than other forms of ambient energy, they nevertheless suffer from long energy droughts. Additionally, due to the very limited space available in the microsystem, the system cannot store enough energy to continue operation throughout these energy droughts. Therefore, the microsystem must reliably wake from these energy droughts, even if the on-board battery has been depleted. The challenge here is waking a microsystem directly from an ambient source transducer whose voltage and power levels are limited due to their small size. Starter circuits must be used to ensure the system wakes regardless of the state of charge of the energy storage device. The purpose of the presented research is to develop, design, simulate, fabricate, test and evaluate CMOS integrated circuits that can reliably wake from no energy conditions and quickly recharge a depleted battery. Since the battery is depleted during startup, the system must use the low voltage produced by the energy harvesting transducer to transfer energy. The presented system has the fastest normalized wake time while reusing the inductor already present in the battery charger for startup, therefore, minimizing the overall footprint of the system.Ph.D

    Generic Adaptation Support for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are used in various and expanding application scenarios and are also considered to be important elements of the Internet of Things. They monitor and deliver data, which is not only used for research but to an increasing degree also in business environments. With the increasing complexity of these scenarios and the increasing dependency on the availability of the sensor network data, the requirements to a Wireless Sensor Network increase at the same pace. Since Wireless Sensor Networks are typically implemented using resource-constrained platforms, sensor network algorithms are typically optimised for specific operating conditions such as static or mobile networks, high or low traffic etc. However, due to scenario complexity and dynamic real-world conditions a static configuration of a Wireless Sensor Network software cannot always meet the requirements. Moreover, these requirements of the sensor network's user can change over time, for example concerning accuracy. Therefore, the sensor network software has to adapt itself to cope with dynamic system conditions and user requirements. This thesis presents the TinyAdapt and TinySwitch frameworks to solve the aforementioned problems. TinyAdapt, our generic adaptation framework for Wireless Sensor Networks, allows for the autonomous adaptation of arbitrary sensor network algorithms based on explicit and intuitively defined user preferences and on automatically monitored network conditions. Due to a two-phase approach, run-time adaptation is executed completely and efficiently on standard sensor node hardware and does not need support from, e.g., the base station. The creation of adaptive applications is guided by a complete workflow, which is presented as well. When changing parameters of an algorithm is not enough to achieve the desired adaptation results, the algorithm has to be exchanged completely. However, several limitations of TinyOS and the sensor node hardware limit the use of simple code exchange by node reprogramming for efficient adaptation. TinySwitch, our generic switching framework, allows to switch between alternative algorithms that are already installed in parallel. TinySwitch analyses these algorithms, determines their dependencies and creates all code to enable one of the algorithms while isolating all others. Due to its minimal overhead, TinySwitch is perfectly suited for run-time adaptation in TinyAdapt