391 research outputs found

    Design of Autonomous Cleaning Robot

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    Today, the research is concentrated on designing and developing robots to address the challenges of human life in their everyday activities. The cleaning robots are the class of service robots whose demands are increasing exponentially. Nevertheless, the application of cleaning robots is confined to smaller areas such as homes. Not much autonomous cleaning products are commercialized for big areas such as schools, hospitals, malls, etc. In this thesis, the proof of concept is designed for the autonomous floor-cleaning robot and autonomous board-cleaning robot for schools. A thorough background study is conducted on domestic service robots to understand the technologies involved in these robots. The components of the vacuum cleaner are assembled on a commercial robotic platform. The principles of vacuum cleaning technology and airflow equations are employed for the component selection of the vacuum cleaner. As the autonomous board-cleaning robot acts against gravity, a magnetic adhesion is used to adhere the robot to the classroom board. This system uses a belt drive mechanism to manoeurve. The use of belt drive increases the area of magnetic attraction while the robot is in motion. A semi-systematic approach using patterned path planning techniques for the complete coverage of the working environment is discussed in this thesis. The outcome of this thesis depicts a new and conceptual mechanical design of an autonomous floor-cleaning robot and an autonomous board-cleaning robot. This evidence creates a preliminary design for proof-of-concept for these robots. This proof of concept design is developed from the basic equations of vacuum cleaning technology, airflow and magnetic adhesion. A general overview is discussed for collaborating the two robots. This research provides an extensive initial step to illustrate the development of an autonomous cleaning robot and further validates with quantitative data discussed in the thesis

    An Empirical Evaluation Framework for Autonomous Vacuum Cleaners in Industrial and Commercial Settings: A Multi-Metric Approach

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    Despite advancements in cleaning automation, there is a noticeable gap in standardized evaluation methods for autonomous vacuum cleaners in industrial and commercial settings. Existing assessments often lack a unified approach, focusing narrowly on either technical capabilities or financial aspects, without integrating both perspectives. This research presents a framework for the evaluation of autonomous vacuum cleaners in industrial and commercial settings, focusing on eight key metrics. These metrics are designed to provide a unified empirical perspective of the vacuum cleaners\u27 performance, operational efficiency, cost, productivity, durability, safety, return on investment, and adaptability. The proposed framework starts with an analysis of cleaning efficiency, examining both the area covered by the cleaners and the quality of cleaning. Advanced image processing techniques are suggested for mapping the area coverage, tailored to different vacuum designs. For assessing cleaning quality, the proposal highlights the potential integration of real-time dirt detection technologies, such as gravimetric sampling and light sensors, to dynamically adapt to varying dirt concentrations and types. Operational efficiency part encompasses the assessment of battery life, charge time, and operational downtime. It advocates for a dual approach of empirical testing and analytical modeling to measure battery life and charge time accurately. The evaluation of operational downtime incorporates tracking of maintenance, charging periods, and other non-operational activities, complemented by predictive modeling for efficient future planning. The financial aspect of the proposed framework encompassed under cost metrics, considers the initial investment, operational and maintenance costs, and potential labor cost savings. This study argues that these cost analysis aids in understanding the long-term financial implications of adopting autonomous vacuum cleaners. Productivity metrics focus on the cleaning speed and the level of autonomy of the vacuum cleaners. Cleaning speed is evaluated using formulas that take into account various environmental factors, while the autonomy level is determined using Sheridan\u27s Levels of Autonomy, which reflects the vacuum\u27s operational independence and its impact on human productivity. Durability, reliability, safety, and compliance are key for vacuum cleaners, evaluated through metrics like Mean Time Between Failures, Mean Time To Repair, Service Life, safety incidents, and adherence to standards and regulations. Lastly, the suggested framework evaluates the vacuum\u27s flexibility and adaptability in different environments, such as various floor types and conditions, highlighting the importance of versatility in autonomous cleaning solutions. Article history: Received: 01/December /2022; Available online: 07/ February/2023; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons International License

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Machining-based coverage path planning for automated structural inspection

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    The automation of robotically delivered nondestructive evaluation inspection shares many aims with traditional manufacture machining. This paper presents a new hardware and software system for automated thickness mapping of large-scale areas, with multiple obstacles, by employing computer-aided drawing (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)-inspired path planning to implement control of a novel mobile robotic thickness mapping inspection vehicle. A custom postprocessor provides the necessary translation from CAM numeric code through robotic kinematic control to combine and automate the overall process. The generalized steps to implement this approach for any mobile robotic platform are presented herein and applied, in this instance, to a novel thickness mapping crawler. The inspection capabilities of the system were evaluated on an indoor mock-inspection scenario, within a motion tracking cell, to provide quantitative performance figures for positional accuracy. Multiple thickness defects simulating corrosion features on a steel sample plate were combined with obstacles to be avoided during the inspection. A minimum thickness mapping error of 0.21 mm and a mean path error of 4.41 mm were observed for a 2 m² carbon steel sample of 10-mm nominal thickness. The potential of this automated approach has benefits in terms of repeatability of area coverage, obstacle avoidance, and reduced path overlap, all of which directly lead to increased task efficiency and reduced inspection time of large structural assets

    Prediction of blast loads using machine learning approaches

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    The assessment of human injuries and structural damage following the detonation of a high explosive requires an understanding of blast load parameters. Use of physical experiments or physics-based numerical tools require large amounts of time and expertise, often restricting their use to deterministic analyses. Since explosive events are inherently unpredictable and key variables (e.g. charge size, mass, composition, location) may not be known a priori, there is a clear need for rapid analysis tools that can embrace this uncertainty in a probabilistic framework. Machine learning tools have been developed for this purpose, however, the features of the problem that are selected as model inputs can result in predictions being fixed to a single domain, thus requiring the tool to be retained for every new scenario. This paper details how the Directionencoded Neural Network (DeNN), a novel Machine Learning method, takes inspiration from the operation of robot vacuum cleaners to prevent this issue by considering the surroundings of each prediction point. Through comparisons to a traditional Artificial Neural Network (ANN), provided with global domain inputs, it is shown that the DeNN’s unique feature selection process allows for predictions in domains of variable sizes with movable obstacles, ultimately producing a tool that can be used in a range of studies without requiring additional task-specific training
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