26 research outputs found

    The dynamic stochastic linear programming model for management in the consumption of fuel in flex

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    From the amount invested in fuel prices, the rate of road that owners of vehicles powered by combustion need to run within the city and on the roads in the region, began a study in order to allow a better definition as to the cost of supply of vehicle with Ethanol or gasoline. And to analyze the equation that the government, through Petrobras announces in the media, because it is mentioned that to obtain the lowest cost when the supply should divide the value of a liter of Ethanol Gasoline for that case stay above 0.70 is the ideal fuel to petrol and vice versa

    Integrated Fuzzy System and Multi-Expression Programming Techniques for Supplier Selection

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    Supplier selection problem is a multi-objective problem in which different criteria should be taken into consideration. This article presents a new approach to supplier pre-qualification, supplier selection and evaluation. In the first stage of the model, multi-expression programming (MEP) techniques are used for a supplier pre-qualification. Techniques implemented in MEP allow construction of experiential models using the knowledge contained in the experimental information. Evaluation of the qualified suppliers is done in the second stage using fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). In this way, it is possible to retain expert knowledge of the subject phenomenon in a model with the possibility of selecting different operators which lead to the possibility of the faster selection of parameters and making more reliable decisions. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed approach

    Fuzzy Modeling Approach to On-Hand Stock Levels Estimation in (R, S) Inventory Systems with Lost Sales

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    [EN] Purpose: One challenge in inventory control models is to know the stock available at the beginning of the cycle to satisfy future demands, i.e. to know the on-hand stock levels at order delivery. For inventory managers, this knowledge is necessary to both determine service levels and establish the control parameters of the inventory policy. However, the calculation of on-hand stock levels when unfilled demand is lost is mathematically complex since on-hand stock cannot be negative by definition. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach to estimate on-hand stock levels when the inventory is periodically reviewed and unfilled demand is lost, through the use of fuzzy techniques. Design/methodology/approach: This paper applies fuzzy set techniques for the calculation of the on-hand stock levels at order delivery in the lost sales context, based on the uncertainty that real demand introduces. To this end, we propose a new approach based on modeling the on-hand stock as an imprecise Markov chain using possibility functions, which reduces significantly the computational effort required to obtain the on-hand stock levels. Findings: To illustrate the performance of the proposed method, two experiments are carried out. The first experiment shows that the proposed fuzzy method correctly calculates on-hand stock levels with insignificant deviation with respect the exact vector. Additionally, the results illustrate that the fuzzy method simplifies the calculation and highly reduces the computational efforts. The second experiment shows the performance of the fuzzy method when it is used to estimate service levels by means of the fill rate. The results show that the proposed method accurately estimates the fill rate with average deviations lower than 0.00015. Practical implications: Knowing the on-hand stock vector is important for inventory managers to establish the control parameters of the system, i.e. to determine the minimum base stock level, S, that guarantees the achievement of a target service level. The difficulty of this estimation is that to obtain the on-hand stock vector in a lost sales context requires a huge computational effort and it is difficult to implement in companies' information systems. However, the proposed fuzzy method leads to a very accurate calculation of the on-hand stock vector significantly reducing the computational costs, which makes this method easily implementable in practical environments. Originality/value: Fuzzy set techniques have been widely used in inventory models to introduce the uncertainty of demand, costs or shortage. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper which deals directly with fuzzy estimation of on-hand levels.This work was supported by Generalitat Valenciana under the project with reference GV/2017/032.Guijarro, E.; Babiloni, E.; Canós-Darós, MJ.; Canós-Darós, L.; Estelles Miguel, S. (2020). Fuzzy Modeling Approach to On-Hand Stock Levels Estimation in (R, S) Inventory Systems with Lost Sales. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. 13(2):464-474. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3071S46447413

    Item-level RFID for enhancement of customer shopping experience in apparel retail

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    In the customer-oriented apparel retail industry, providing satisfactory shopping experience for customers is a vital differentiator. However, traditional stores generally cannot fully satisfy customer needs because of difficulties in locating target products, out-of-stocks, a lack of professional assistance for product selection, and long waiting for payments. Therefore, this paper proposes an item-level RFID-enabled retail store management system for relatively high-end apparel products to provide customers with more leisure, interaction for product information, and automatic apparel collocation to promote sales during shopping. In this system, RFID hardware devices are installed to capture customer shopping behaviour and preferences, which would be especially useful for business decision-making and proactive individual marketing to enhance retail business. Intelligent fuzzy screening algorithms are then developed to promote apparel collocation based on the customer preferences, the design features of products, and the sales history accumulated in the database. It is expected that the proposed system, when fully implemented, can help promote retail business by enriching customers with intelligent and personalized services, and thus enhance the overall shopping experience. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.postprin

    Master production schedule using robust optimization approaches in an automobile second-tier supplier

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    [EN] This paper considers a real-world automobile second-tier supplier that manufactures decorative surface finishings of injected parts provided by several suppliers, and which devises its master production schedule by a manual spreadsheet-based procedure. The imprecise production time in this manufacturer's production process is incorporated into a deterministic mathematical programming model to address this problem by two robust optimization approaches. The proposed model and the corresponding robust solution methodology improve production plans by optimizing the production, inventory and backlogging costs, and demonstrate the their feasibility for a realistic master production schedule problem that outperforms the heuristic decision-making procedure currently being applied in the firm under study.Funding was provided by Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (Grant Agreement No. 636909) in the frame of the "Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks" (C2NET) project.Martín, AG.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; Mula, J. (2020). Master production schedule using robust optimization approaches in an automobile second-tier supplier. Central European Journal of Operations Research. 28(1):143-166. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10100-019-00607-2S143166281Alem DJ, Morabito R (2012) Production planning in furniture settings via robust optimization. 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    Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Assess Student Happiness

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    The purpose of this study is to develop an analytical assessment approach to identify the main factors that affect graduate students\u27 happiness level. The two methods, multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural networks (ANN), were employed for analytical modelling. A sample of 118 students at a small non-profit private university constituted the survey pool. Various factors including education, school facilities, health, social activities, and family were taken into consideration as a result of literature review in happiness assessment. A total of 32 inputs and one output variables were identified during survey design phase. The following survey conduction, data collection, cleaning, and preparation; MLR and ANNs were built. ANN models provided better classification performance with over 0.7 R-square and a smaller standard error of estimate compared to MLR. Major policy areas to improve student happiness levels were identified as career services, financial aid, parking and dining services

    Applying machine learning to the dynamic selection of replenishment policies in fast-changing supply chain environments

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    Firms currently operate in highly competitive scenarios, where the environmental conditions evolve over time. Many factors intervene simultaneously and their hard-to-interpret interactions throughout the supply chain greatly complicate decision-making. The complexity clearly manifests itself in the field of inventory management, in which determining the optimal replenishment rule often becomes an intractable problem. This paper applies machine learning to help managers understand these complex scenarios and better manage the inventory flow. Building on a dynamic framework, we employ an inductive learning algorithm for setting the most appropriate replenishment policy over time by reacting to the environmental changes. This approach proves to be effective in a three-echelon supply chain where the scenario is defined by seven variables (cost structure, demand variability, three lead times, and two partners’ inventory policy). Considering four alternatives, the algorithm determines the best replenishment rule around 88% of the time. This leads to a noticeable reduction of operating costs against static alternatives. Interestingly, we observe that the nodes are much more sensitive to inventory decisions in the lower echelons than in the upper echelons of the supply chain

    A Supplier Selection Model for Social Responsible Supply Chain

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    Due to the importance of supplier selection issue in supply chain management (SCM) and ,also,  the increasing tendency of organizations to their social responsibilities, In this paper, we survey the supplier selection issue as a multi objective problem while considering the factor of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a mathematical parameter. The purpose of this paper is to design a model so that suppliers are selected and quota is allocated to them while raising their social responsibility to the maximum expected extent. Supplier selection objectives such as cost minimization, quality maximization and on-time delivery maximization have already been surveyed. In this paper, we add objectives such as CSR maximization, maximization of advantages of domestic supplier selection and minimization of sum total distance to suppliers, to the prior objective functions while considering the quality and on time delivery constraints. Observance of CSR is lineally related to quality and on-time delivery and will lead to their increase. The model is presented in linear and integer programming in two states, single product and multi product, then it is solved by Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) methods (Utility Function, STEM and Goal Programming) and answers are obtained and compared.</p