5 research outputs found

    Hacia el diseño de aplicaciones web reusables

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    Este artículo presenta una propuesta de un proceso de refactorización de software que permite aumentar el grado de reusabilidad de una aplicación Web. El proceso incluye el uso de patrones de diseño JEE, el uso de métodos de evaluación cuantitativa de refactorizaciones de software y de métricas de reuso. Se muestra como caso de estudio una propuesta de módulo de gestión de proyectos para NDT

    Reusable framework for web application development

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    Web application (WA) is among the mainstream enterprise-level software solutions. One of the reasons for this trend was due to the presence of Web application framework (WAF) that in many ways has helped web developer to implement WA as an enterprise system. However, there are complexity issues faced by the developers when using existing WAFs as reported by the developers themselves. This study is proposed to find a solution to this particular issue by investigating generic issues that arise when developers utilize Web as a platform to deliver enterprise-level application. The investigation involves the identification of problems and challenges imposed by the architecture and technology of the Web itself, study of software engineering (SE) knowledge adaptation for WA development, determination of factors that contribute to the complexity of WAF implementation, and study of existing solutions for WA development proposed by previous works. To better understand the real issues faced by the developers, handson experiment was conducted through development testing performed on selected WAFs. A new highly reusable WAF is proposed, which is derived from the experience of developing several WAs case studies guided by the theoretical and technical knowledge previously established in the study. The proposed WAF was quantitatively and statistically evaluated in terms of its reusability and usability to gain insight into the complexity of the development approach proposed by the WAF. Reuse analysis results demonstrated that the proposed WAF has exceeded the minimum target of 75% reuse at both the component and system levels while the usability study results showed that almost all (15 out of 16) of the questionnaire items used to measure users’ attitudes towards the WAF were rated at least moderately by the respondents

    Exploring Students’ Cosmopolitan Perspectives in an Undergraduate, Intermediate Spanish-Language Class

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    The purpose of this study was to explore how SPAN 121 might be designed to foster and support students’ development of cosmopolitan perspectives. Specifically, it explored how English-speaking students might demonstrate cosmopolitan perspectives in response to activities engaging them in Spanish with global Spanish speakers as part of their undergraduate, intermediate Spanish-language class. Theories of cosmopolitanism value responsible, global citizens engaged in open and respectful dialogue across geographic boundaries to learn about themselves and the world and may guide undergraduate college students in intercultural interactions. Through teacher action research utilizing qualitative case study, this study explored which activities might foster demonstrations of cosmopolitan perspectives in additional-language students while also accomplishing curricular goals in intermediate-level additional-language classes. Through data analysis, this study was not able to determine whether activities in SPAN 121 developed students’ cosmopolitan perspectives—specifically dispositions of global identity, global competence, openness, and responsibility to others. However, it determined that participants’ personal values and experiences appeared to affect which focal dispositions they demonstrated and in response to which SPAN 121 activities. Although participants took the same course, their personal experiences and values significantly affected how they each engaged with and demonstrated markers of focal dispositions and cosmopolitan perspectives. Based on these findings, I am able to suggest implications for educators and researchers of cosmopolitan stances

    Métriques d'intégration pour le choix d'architectures dans la conception des systèmes mécatroniques

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    The integration of mechatronic systems is the main source of their design complexity. Three key types of integration are at stake: multi-domain integration which is intended to synergistically integrate mechanics, electronics, information technology and automation; multi-level integration taking into account the interfaces between the different system abstraction levels, and finally physical integration that aims at embedding a large number of components in an increasingly limited volume. The purpose of our approach is to propose a means of assessing this integration degree in mechatronic systems design, as early as possible in the design cycle. The predesign phase indeed generates numerous architectures that will be shared, analyzed, debated and revised before being assessed in order to select the most relevant one according to the specifications to be met. Designers then require means and effective tools to compare alternative architectures, to justify and trace their design choices and thus facilitate decision-making trade-offs. Based on Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), the metrics we developed aim at evaluating and quantitatively comparing the integration degree of mechatronic architectures, in order to provide systems architects an efficient support to opt for the concept to be selected. The objectives addressed by these metrics are multi-level, multi-domain and physical integrations, as well as the innovation degree and finally the design project implementation of mechatronic systems. These metrics have been implemented in SysML and experimented with a CAD tool (CATIA) on different architectures of two mechatronic systems: a wheel hub motor and a hybrid powertrain. Finally, a method to generate customized metrics has been established to meet industrial needs, by taking into account specificities relating to the culture, organization, strategy of each company and their designers’ knowledge and feedbacks.L’intégration des systèmes mécatroniques est la source première de leur complexité de conception. Trois principaux types d’intégration sont en cause : l’intégration multi-domaine qui vise à intégrer en synergie la mécanique, l’électronique, l’informatique et l’automatique ; l’intégration multi-niveau prenant en compte les interfaces entre les différents niveaux d’abstraction du système et l’intégration physique dont l’objectif est d’agencer un maximum de composants dans un volume de plus en plus limité. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un moyen d’évaluer cette intégration dans la conception des systèmes mécatroniques, le plus tôt possible dans le cycle de conception. En effet, la phase de préconception génère de nombreuses architectures qui vont être échangées, analysées, discutées et modifiées, avant d’être évaluées en vue de sélectionner les plus pertinentes au regard du cahier des charges à respecter. Dès lors, les concepteurs ont besoin de moyens et d’outils performants pour comparer les différentes architectures candidates, justifier et tracer leurs choix de conception et ainsi réduire la durée de la phase de décisions. S’appuyant sur les modèles générés par le processus d’ingénierie système basée sur les modèles (MBSE), les métriques que nous avons développées visent à évaluer et comparer quantitativement le degré d’intégration des architectures mécatroniques pour faciliter le choix du concept à retenir. Les objectifs adressés par ces métriques sont l’intégration multi-niveau, multi-domaine et physique, ainsi que le degré d’innovation et la mise-en-œuvre d’un projet de conception des systèmes mécatroniques. Ces métriques ont été implémentées en SysML et expérimentées dans un logiciel de CAO (CATIA) pour le choix d’architectures de deux systèmes mécatroniques, à savoir : le moteur-roue et le moteur hybride. Finalement, une méthode de génération de métriques personnalisées a été établie pour répondre au besoin industriel de prendre en compte les spécificités relatives à la culture, l’organisation, la stratégie de chaque entreprise et à l’expérience de leurs concepteurs