525 research outputs found

    Ribbon Turbulence

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    We investigate the non-linear equilibration of a two-layer quasi-geostrophic flow in a channel forced by an imposed unstable zonal mean flow, paying particular attention to the role of bottom friction. In the limit of low bottom friction, classical theory of geostrophic turbulence predicts an inverse cascade of kinetic energy in the horizontal with condensation at the domain scale and barotropization on the vertical. By contrast, in the limit of large bottom friction, the flow is dominated by ribbons of high kinetic energy in the upper layer. These ribbons correspond to meandering jets separating regions of homogenized potential vorticity. We interpret these result by taking advantage of the peculiar conservation laws satisfied by this system: the dynamics can be recast in such a way that the imposed mean flow appears as an initial source of potential vorticity levels in the upper layer. The initial baroclinic instability leads to a turbulent flow that stirs this potential vorticity field while conserving the global distribution of potential vorticity levels. Statistical mechanical theory of the 1-1/2 layer quasi-geostrophic model predict the formation of two regions of homogenized potential vorticity separated by a minimal interface. We show that the dynamics of the ribbons results from a competition between a tendency to reach this equilibrium state, and baroclinic instability that induces meanders of the interface. These meanders intermittently break and induce potential vorticity mixing, but the interface remains sharp throughout the flow evolution. We show that for some parameter regimes, the ribbons act as a mixing barrier which prevent relaxation toward equilibrium, favouring the emergence of multiple zonal jets

    The effects of Ekman pumping on quasi-geostrophic Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    Numerical simulations of 3D, rapidly rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection are performed using an asymptotic quasi-geostrophic model that incorporates the effects of no-slip boundaries through (i) parameterized Ekman pumping boundary conditions, and (ii) a thermal wind boundary layer that regularizes the enhanced thermal fluctuations induced by pumping. The fidelity of the model, obtained by an asymptotic reduction of the Navier-Stokes equations that implicitly enforces a pointwise geostrophic balance, is explored for the first time by comparisons of simulations against the findings of direct numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. Results from these methods have established Ekman pumping as the mechanism responsible for significantly enhancing the vertical heat transport. This asymptotic model demonstrates excellent agreement over a range of thermal forcing for Pr ~1 when compared with results from experiments and DNS at maximal values of their attainable rotation rates, as measured by the Ekman number (E ~ 10^{-7}); good qualitative agreement is achieved for Pr > 1. Similar to studies with stress-free boundaries, four spatially distinct flow morphologies exists. Despite the presence of frictional drag at the upper and/or lower boundaries, a strong non-local inverse cascade of barotropic (i.e., depth-independent) kinetic energy persists in the final regime of geostrophic turbulence and is dominant at large scales. For mixed no-slip/stress-free and no-slip/no-slip boundaries, Ekman friction is found to attenuate the efficiency of the upscale energy transport and, unlike the case of stress-free boundaries, rapidly saturates the barotropic kinetic energy. For no-slip/no-slip boundaries, Ekman friction is strong enough to prevent the development of a coherent dipole vortex condensate. Instead vortex pairs are found to be intermittent, varying in both time and strength.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Deep ocean influence on upper ocean baroclinic instability saturation

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    In this paper we extend earlier results regarding the effects of the lower layer of the ocean (below the thermocline) on the baroclinic instability within the upper layer (above the thermocline). We confront quasigeostrophic baroclinic instability properties of a 2.5-layer model with those of a 3-layer model with a very thick deep layer, which has been shown to predict spectral instability for basic state parameters for which the 2.5-layer model predicts nonlinear stability. We compute and compare maximum normal-mode perturbation growth rates, as well as rigorous upper bounds on the nonlinear growth of perturbations to unstable basic states, paying particular attention to the region of basic state parameters where the stability properties of the 2.5- and 3-layer model differ substantially. We found that normal-mode perturbation growth rates in the 3-layer model tend to maximize in this region. We also found that the size of state space available for eddy-amplitude growth tends to minimize in this same region. Moreover, we found that for a large spread of parameter values in this region the latter size reduces to only a small fraction of the total enstrophy of the system, thereby allowing us to make assessments of the significance of the instabilities.Comment: To appear \emph{in} O. U. Velasco-Fuentes et al. (eds.), \textit{Nonlinear Processes in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics}, Kluwer Academi

    A simplified model of the Martian atmosphere - Part 1: a diagnostic analysis

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    In this paper we derive a reduced-order approximation to the vertical and horizontal structure of a simplified model of the baroclinically unstable Martian atmosphere. The original model uses the full hydrostatic primitive equations on a sphere, but has only highly simplified schemes to represent the detailed physics of the Martian atmosphere, e.g. forcing towards a plausible zonal mean temperature state using Newtonian cooling. Three different norms are used to monitor energy conversion processes in the model and are then compared. When four vertical modes (the barotropic and first three baroclinic modes) are retained in the reduced-order approximation, the correlation norm captures approximately 90% of the variance, while the kinetic energy and total energy norms capture approximately 83% and 78% of the kinetic and total energy respectively. We show that the leading order Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) modes represent the dominant travelling waves in the baroclinically-unstable, winter hemisphere. In part 2 of our study we will develop a hierarchy of truncated POD-Galerkin expansions of the model equations using up to four vertical modes