124 research outputs found

    Improving the QoS of IEEE 802.11e networks through imprecise computation

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    IEEE 802.11e HCCA reference scheduler is based on fixed value parameters that do not adapt to traffic changes, thus quality of service (QoS) for multimedia applications is a challenge, especially in the case of variable bit rate (VBR) streams, that requires dynamic resource assignment. This paper is focused on immediate dynamic TXOP HCCA (IDTH) scheduling algorithm and its new evolution immediate dynamic TXOP HCCA plus (IDTH+). Their reclaiming mechanisms, refined by the monitoring of transmission duration, aim at overcoming the limits of fixed preallocation of resources by varying the stations transmission time and avoiding waste of resources. Simulations and theoretical analysis based on the imprecise computation model show that the integration of IDTH and IDTH+ can achieve improved network performance in terms of transmission queues length, mean access delay and packets drop rate, and to efficiently manage bursty traffic. Moreover, the performance improvements of IDTH+ with respect to IDTH are highlighted

    Elastic QoS Scheduling with Step-by-Step Propagation in IEEE 802.11e Networks with Multimedia Traffic

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    The spreading diffusion of wireless devices and the crowded coexistence of multimedia applications greedy of bandwidth and with strict requirements stress the service provisioning offered by wireless technologies. WiFi is a reference for wireless connectivity and it requires a continuous evolution of its mechanism in order to follow increasingly demanding service needs. In particular, despite the evolution of physical layer, some critical contexts, such as industrial networks, telemedicine, telerehabilitation, and virtual training, require further refined improvements in order to ensure the respect of strict real-time service requirements. In this paper an in-depth analysis of Dynamic TXOP HCCA (DTH) MAC enhanced centralized scheduler is illustrated and it is further refined introducing a new improvement, DTH with threshold. DTH and DTH with threshold can be integrated with preexisting centralized schedulers in order to improve their performances, without any overprovisioning that can negatively impact on the admission control feasibility test. Indeed, without modifying the centralized scheduler policy, they combine together the concepts of reclaiming transmission time and statistical estimation of the traffic profile in order to provide, at each polling, an instantaneous transmission time tailored to the variable traffic requirements, increasing, when necessary, the service data rate. These mechanisms can coexist with advanced physical layer-based solutions, providing the required service differentiation. Experimental results and theoretical analysis, based on elastic scheduler theory, show that they are effective especially in the case of Variable Bit Rate traffic streams in terms of transmission queues length, packets loss, delay, and throughput

    Frame-based modeling of H.264 constrained videoconference traffic over an IP commercial platform

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    Methods of Congestion Control for Adaptive Continuous Media

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    Since the first exchange of data between machines in different locations in early 1960s, computer networks have grown exponentially with millions of people now using the Internet. With this, there has also been a rapid increase in different kinds of services offered over the World Wide Web from simple e-mails to streaming video. It is generally accepted that the commonly used protocol suite TCP/IP alone is not adequate for a number of modern applications with high bandwidth and minimal delay requirements. Many technologies are emerging such as IPv6, Diffserv, Intserv etc, which aim to replace the onesize-fits-all approach of the current lPv4. There is a consensus that the networks will have to be capable of multi-service and will have to isolate different classes of traffic through bandwidth partitioning such that, for example, low priority best-effort traffic does not cause delay for high priority video traffic. However, this research identifies that even within a class there may be delays or losses due to congestion and the problem will require different solutions in different classes. The focus of this research is on the requirements of the adaptive continuous media class. These are traffic flows that require a good Quality of Service but are also able to adapt to the network conditions by accepting some degradation in quality. It is potentially the most flexible traffic class and therefore, one of the most useful types for an increasing number of applications. This thesis discusses the QoS requirements of adaptive continuous media and identifies an ideal feedback based control system that would be suitable for this class. A number of current methods of congestion control have been investigated and two methods that have been shown to be successful with data traffic have been evaluated to ascertain if they could be adapted for adaptive continuous media. A novel method of control based on percentile monitoring of the queue occupancy is then proposed and developed. Simulation results demonstrate that the percentile monitoring based method is more appropriate to this type of flow. The problem of congestion control at aggregating nodes of the network hierarchy, where thousands of adaptive flows may be aggregated to a single flow, is then considered. A unique method of pricing mean and variance is developed such that each individual flow is charged fairly for its contribution to the congestion

    Transmission of variable bit rate video over an Orwell ring

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    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is fast emerging as the preferred information transfer technique for future Broadband Integrated Services Digital Networks (BISON), offering the advantages of both the simplicity of time division circuit switched techniques and the flexibility of packet switched techniques. ATM networks with their inherent rate flexibility offer new opportunities for the efficient transmission of real time Variable Bit Rate (VBR) services over such networks. Since most services are VBR in nature when efficiently coded, this could in turn lead to a more efficient utilisation of network resources through statistical multiplexing. Video communication is typical of such a service and could benefit significantly if supported with VBR video over ATM networks. [Continues.

    The application of forward error correction techniques in wireless ATM

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    Bibliography: pages 116-121.The possibility of providing wireless access to an ATM network promises nomadic users a communication tool of unparalleled power and flexibility. Unfortunately, the physical realization of a wireless A TM system is fraught with technical difficulties, not the least of which is the problem of supporting a traditional ATM protocol over a non-benign wireless link. The objective of this thesis, titled "The Application of Forward Error Correction Techniques in Wireless ATM' is to examine the feasibility of using forward error correction techniques to improve the perceived channel characteristics to the extent that the channel becomes transparent to the higher layers and allows the use of an unmodified A TM protocol over the channel. In the course of the investigation that this dissertation describes, three possible error control strategies were suggested for implementation in a generic wireless channel. These schemes used a combination of forward error correction coding schemes, automatic repeat request schemes and interleavers to combat the impact of bit errors on the performance of the link. The following error control strategies were considered : 1. A stand alone fixed rate Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder with automatic repeat request. 2. A concatenated Reed-Solomon, convolution encoder/decoder with automatic request and convolution interleaving for the convolution codec. 3. A dynamic rate encoder/decoder using either a concatenated Reed-Solomon, convolution scheme or a Reed-Solomon only scheme with variable length Reed-Solomon words

    Least Upper Delay Bound for VBR Flows in Networks-on- Chip with Virtual Channels

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    Real-time applications such as multimedia and gaming require stringent performance guarantees, usually enforced by a tight upper bound on the maximum end-to-end delay. For FIFO multiplexed on-chip packet switched networks we consider worst-case delay bounds for Variable Bit-Rate (VBR) flows with aggregate scheduling, which schedules multiple flows as an aggregate flow. VBR Flows are characterized by a maximum transfer size, peak rate, burstiness, and average sustainable rate. Based on network calculus, we present and prove theorems to derive per-flow end-to-end Equivalent Service Curves (ESC) which are in turn used for computing Least Upper Delay Bounds (LUDBs) of individual flows. In a realistic case study we find that the end-to-end delay bound is up to 46.9% more accurate than the case without considering the traffic peak behavior. Likewise, results also show similar improvements for synthetic traffic patterns. The proposed methodology is implemented in C++ and has low run-time complexity, enabling quick evaluation for large and complex SoCs

    Simulation and analytical performance studies of generic atm switch fabrics.

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    As technology improves exciting new services such as video phone become possible and economically viable but their deployment is hampered by the inability of the present networks to carry them. The long term vision is to have a single network able to carry all present and future services. Asynchronous Transfer Mode, ATM, is the versatile new packet -based switching and multiplexing technique proposed for the single network. Interest in ATM is currently high as both industrial and academic institutions strive to understand more about the technique. Using both simulation and analysis, this research has investigated how the performance of ATM switches is affected by architectural variations in the switch fabric design and how the stochastic nature of ATM affects the timing of constant bit rate services. As a result the research has contributed new ATM switch performance data, a general purpose ATM switch simulator and analytic models that further research may utilise and has uncovered a significant timing problem of the ATM technique. The thesis will also be of interest and assistance to anyone planning on using simulation as a research tool to model an ATM switch

    Modelling of self-similar teletraffic for simulation

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    Recent studies of real teletraffic data in modern computer networks have shown that teletraffic exhibits self-similar (or fractal) properties over a wide range of time scales. The properties of self-similar teletraffic are very different from the traditional models of teletraffic based on Poisson, Markov-modulated Poisson, and related processes. The use of traditional models in networks characterised by self-similar processes can lead to incorrect conclusions about the performance of analysed networks. These include serious over-estimations of the performance of computer networks, insufficient allocation of communication and data processing resources, and difficulties ensuring the quality of service expected by network users. Thus, full understanding of the self-similar nature in teletraffic is an important issue. Due to the growing complexity of modern telecommunication networks, simulation has become the only feasible paradigm for their performance evaluation. In this thesis, we make some contributions to discrete-event simulation of networks with strongly-dependent, self-similar teletraffic. First, we have evaluated the most commonly used methods for estimating the self-similarity parameter H using appropriately long sequences of data. After assessing properties of available H estimators, we identified the most efficient estimators for practical studies of self-similarity. Next, the generation of arbitrarily long sequences of pseudo-random numbers possessing specific stochastic properties was considered. Various generators of pseudo-random self-similar sequences have been proposed. They differ in computational complexity and accuracy of the self-similar sequences they generate. In this thesis, we propose two new generators of self-similar teletraffic: (i) a generator based on Fractional Gaussian Noise and Daubechies Wavelets (FGN-DW), that is one of the fastest and the most accurate generators so far proposed; and (ii) a generator based on the Successive Random Addition (SRA) algorithm. Our comparative study of sequential and fixed-length self-similar pseudo-random teletraffic generators showed that the FFT, FGN-DW and SRP-FGN generators are the most efficient, both in the sense of accuracy and speed. To conduct simulation studies of telecommunication networks, self-similar processes often need to be transformed into suitable self-similar processes with arbitrary marginal distributions. Thus, the next problem addressed was how well the self-similarity and autocorrelation function of an original self-similar process are preserved when the self-similar sequences are converted into suitable self-similar processes with arbitrary marginal distributions. We also show how pseudo-random self-similar sequences can be applied to produce a model of teletraffic associated with the transmission of VBR JPEG /MPEG video. A combined gamma/Pareto model based on the application of the FGN-DW generator was used to synthesise VBR JPEG /MPEG video traffic. Finally, effects of self-similarity on the behaviour of queueing systems have been investigated. Using M/M/1/∞ as a reference queueing system with no long-range dependence, we have investigated how self-similarity and long-range dependence in arrival processes affect the length of sequential simulations being executed for obtaining steady-state results with the required level of statistical error. Our results show that the finite buffer overflow probability of a queueing system with self-similar input is much greater than the equivalent queueing system with Poisson or a short-range dependent input process, and that the overflow probability increases as the self-similarity parameter approaches one