14 research outputs found

    Dynamics of collaborative work in global software development environment.

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    This study aims to explore the dynamics of collaborative work in global software development projects. The study explored the nature of collaboration, the patterns of collaborative behaviors in different tasks in computer science, and the impact of the tasks to the collaboration among students. Four different collaborative software development tasks were assigned to the globally distributes teams. The study used data from 230 students from five universities, namely Atilim University (Turkey), Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (Panama), University of North Texas (US), and Middlesex University (UK). The findings involve the recommendations for building effective collaborative working environments and guidelines for building collaborative virtual communities

    Dynamics of collaborative work in global software development environment.

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    This study aims to explore the dynamics of collaborative work in global software development projects. The study explored the nature of collaboration, the patterns of collaborative behaviors in different tasks in computer science, and the impact of the tasks to the collaboration among students. Four different collaborative software development tasks were assigned to the globally distributes teams. The study used data from 230 students from five universities, namely Atilim University (Turkey), Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (Panama), University of North Texas (US), and Middlesex University (UK). The findings involve the recommendations for building effective collaborative working environments and guidelines for building collaborative virtual communities

    A discussion on the Role of People in Global Software Development.

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    Literature is producing a considerable amount of papers which focus on the risks, challenges and solutions of global software development (GSD). However, the influence of human factors on the success of GSD projects requires further study. The aim of our paper is twofold. First, to identify the challenges related to the human factors in GSD and, second, to propose the solution(s), which could help in solving or reducing the overall impact of these challenges. The main conclusions of this research can be valuable to organizations that are willing to achieve the quality objectives regarding GSD projects

    A Reference Model for Smart Tailor Applications Development

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    Practitioners in the Malaysian fashion and garment industry, particularly, tailors and fashion designers are facing various challenges in satisfying the supply and demands of their garment products because of them are still providing their products and services through traditional ways.In order to sustain their businesses and remain competitive, they need to transform their current practice in fulfilling customers’ demands.In tackling this issue, this paper presents a reference model of Smart Tailor application for the garment industry practitioners.This is proposed to help reduce the time and increase the efficiency in the fulfilment of the clothing supply and demand.The study adopted the Inception and Elaboration phases of the Rational Unified Process (RUP) in developing the reference model. Starting with the Inception phase, the goal and business requirements were identified using the business model canvas approach, whilst the list of requirements was verified.In the Elaboration phase, the list of requirements was transformed into Smart Tailor design components using the Unified Modelling Language approach.Finally, the verified requirements and design components become a Reference Model of Smart Tailor for garment industry practitioners.The reference model may contribute to garment industry practitioners such as software developers, tailors, and fashion designers as well as to researchers and decision makers in the garment industry domain


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    Preliminary notes Literature is producing a considerable amount of papers which focus on the risks, challenges and solutions of global software development (GSD). However, the influence of human factors on the success of GSD projects requires further study. The aim of our paper is twofold. First, to identify the challenges related to the human factors in GSD and, second, to propose the solution(s), which could help in solving or reducing the overall impact of these challenges. The main conclusions of this research can be valuable to organizations that are willing to achieve the quality objectives regarding GSD projects. Keywords: global software development, people management, software industry, People CMM Rasprava o ulozi ljudi u globalnom razvoju softvera Prethodno priopćenje U literaturi se može naći priličan broj radova koji se bave rizicima, izazovima i rješenjima za globalni razvoj softvera (GSD). Međutim, utjecaj ljudskog faktora na uspjeh projekata o globalnom razvoju softvera zahtijeva dodatno istraživanje. Ovaj rad ima dvojak cilj. Prvo, identificirati izazove povezane s ljudskim faktorima u GSD i, drugo, predložiti rješenje (rješenja) koje bi moglo pomoći u rješavanju ili reduciranju cjelokupnog djelovanja tih izazova. Glavni zaključci ovog istraživanja mogli bi biti važni organizacijama koje žele postići kvalitetne rezultate projekata koji se bave globalnim razvojem softvera. Ključne riječi: globalni razvoj softvera, upravljanje ljudima, softverska industrija, People CMM (People Capability Maturity Model -Model osposobljavanja ljudi

    A discussion on the role of people in global software development

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    U literaturi se može naći priličan broj radova koji se bave rizicima, izazovima i rješenjima za globalni razvoj softvera (GSD). Međutim, utjecaj ljudskog faktora na uspjeh projekata o globalnom razvoju softvera zahtijeva dodatno istraživanje. Ovaj rad ima dvojak cilj. Prvo, identificirati izazove povezane s ljudskim faktorima u GSD i, drugo, predložiti rješenje (rješenja) koje bi moglo pomoći u rješavanju ili reduciranju cjelokupnog djelovanja tih izazova. Glavni zaključci ovog istraživanja mogli bi biti važni organizacijama koje žele postići kvalitetne rezultate projekata koji se bave globalnim razvojem softvera.Literature is producing a considerable amount of papers which focus on the risks, challenges and solutions of global software development (GSD). However, the influence of human factors on the success of GSD projects requires further study. The aim of our paper is twofold. First, to identify the challenges related to the human factors in GSD and, second, to propose the solution(s), which could help in solving or reducing the overall impact of these challenges. The main conclusions of this research can be valuable to organizations that are willing to achieve the quality objectives regarding GSD projects

    A Systematic Approach to Setting Up Distributed Global Collaborations for Software-based Products in the Automotive Domain

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    There is an increasing need for organizations to collaborate with internal and external partners on a global scale for creating software-based products and services. Many aspects and risks need to be addressed when setting up such global collaborations. Different types of collaborations such as engineering collaborations or innovation-focused collaborations need to be considered. Further aspects such as cultural and social aspects, coordination, infrastructure, organizational change process, and communication issues need to be examined. Although there are already experiences available with respect to setting up global collaborations, they are mainly focusing on certain specific areas. An overall holistic approach that guides companies in systematically setting up global collaborations for software-based products is widely missing. The goal of this thesis is to analyze existing literature and related information and to extract topics that need be taken into account while establishing global software development collaborations - to identify solutions, risks, success factors, strategies, good experiences as well as good examples. This information is structured in a way so that it can be used by companies as a well-grounded holistic approach to guide companies effectively in setting up long-term global collaborations in the domain 'software development'. The presented approach is based on scientific findings reported in literature, driven by industry needs, and confirmed by industry experts. The content of the thesis consists of two main parts: In the first part a literature study analyzes existing experience reports, case studies and other available literature in order to identify what aspects and practices need to be considered by organizations when setting up global collaborations in the domain software development. Secondly, based on the results from the literature review and consultation with the industrial partner Daimler AG, the identified aspects and practices are structured and prioritized in the form of activity roadmaps, which present a holistic guide for setting up global collaborations. The developed guidance worksheet, the so-called 'Global canvas', is meant to be a guide and reminder of all major activities that are necessary to perform when doing global collaborations for software-based products and services. The main contributions of this thesis are an analysis of the state of the practice in setting-up of global software development collaborations, identification of aspects and successful practices that need to be addressed by organizations when doing global collaborations for software-based products and services and the creation of a holistic approach that presents scientific findings to industry in an effective and credible way and guides companies in systematically setting up global collaborations