750 research outputs found

    A Decoding Approach to Fault Tolerant Control of Linear Systems with Quantized Disturbance Input

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    The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative method to solve a Fault Tolerant Control problem. The model is a linear system affected by a disturbance term: this represents a large class of technological faulty processes. The goal is to make the system able to tolerate the undesired perturbation, i.e., to remove or at least reduce its negative effects; such a task is performed in three steps: the detection of the fault, its identification and the consequent process recovery. When the disturbance function is known to be \emph{quantized} over a finite number of levels, the detection can be successfully executed by a recursive \emph{decoding} algorithm, arising from Information and Coding Theory and suitably adapted to the control framework. This technique is analyzed and tested in a flight control issue; both theoretical considerations and simulations are reported

    Underdetermined-order recursive least-squares adaptive filtering: The concept and algorithms

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    A necessary and sufficient condition for input identifiability for linear time-invariant systems

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    AbstractA necessary and sufficient condition for input identifiability for linear autonomous systems is given. The result is based on a finite iterative process and its proof relies on elementary arguments involving matrices, finite dimensional linear spaces, Gronwall’s lemma, and linear differential systems. Our condition is equivalent to the classical condition involving the geometrical concept of controlled invariant [V. Basile, G. Marro, Controlled and Conditioned Invariants in Linear System Theory, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992, p. 237] and the dimension reduction algorithm that we propose seems to be useful in designing deconvolution methods

    Multiple model adaptive control of functional electrical stimulation

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    This paper establishes the feasibility of multiple-model switched adaptive control to regulate functional electrical stimulation for upper limb stroke rehabilitation. An estimation-based multiple-model switched adaptive control (EMMSAC) framework for nonlinear time-invariant systems is described, and extensions are presented to enable application to time-varying Hammerstein structures that can accurately represent the stimulated arm. A principled design procedure is then developed to construct both a suitable set of candidate models from experimental data and a corresponding set of tracking controllers. The procedure is applied to a sample of able-bodied young participants to produce a general EMMSAC controller. This is then applied to a different sample of the population during an isometric nonvoluntary trajectory tracking task. The results show that it is possible to eliminate model identification while employing closed-loop controllers that maintain high performance in the presence of rapidly changing system dynamics. This paper hence addresses critical limitations to effective stroke rehabilitation in a clinical setting

    Image analysis, modeling, enhancement, restoration, feature extraction and their applications in nondestructive evaluation and radio astronomy

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    The principal topic of this dissertation is the development and application of signal and image processing to Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) and radio astronomy;The dissertation consists of nine papers published or submitted for publication. Each of them has a specific and unique topic related to signal processing or image processing in NDE or radio astronomy. Those topics are listed in the following. (1) Time series analysis and modeling of Very Large Array (VLA) phase data. (2) Image analysis, feature extraction and various applied enhancement methods for industrial NDE X-ray radiographic images. (3) Enhancing NDE radiographic X-ray images by adaptive regional Kalman filtering. (4) Robotic image segmentation, modeling, and restoration with a rule based expert system. (5) Industrial NDE radiographic X-ray image modeling and Kalman filtering considering signal-dependent colored noise. (6) Computational study of Kalman filtering VLA phase data and its computational performance on a supercomputer. (7) A practical and fast maximum entropy deconvolution method for deblurring industrial NDE X-ray and infrared images. (8) Local feature enhancement of synthetic radio images by adaptive Kalman filtering. (9) A new technique for correcting phase data of a synthetic-aperture antenna array

    Deconvolution of Quantized-Input Linear Systems: An Information-Theoretic Approach

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    The deconvolution problem has been drawing the attention of mathematicians, physicists and engineers since the early sixties. Ubiquitous in the applications, it consists in recovering the unknown input of a convolution system from noisy measurements of the output. It is a typical instance of inverse, ill-posed problem: the existence and uniqueness of the solution are not assured and even small perturbations in the data may cause large deviations in the solution. In the last fifty years, a large amount of estimation techniques have been proposed by different research communities to tackle deconvolution, each technique being related to a peculiar engineering application or mathematical set. In many occurrences, the unknown input presents some known features, which can be exploited to develop ad hoc algorithms. For example, prior information about regularity and smoothness of the input function are often considered, as well as the knowledge of a probabilistic distribution on the input source: the estimation techniques arising in different scenarios are strongly diverse. Less effort has been dedicated to the case where the input is known to be affected by discontinuities and switches, which is becoming an important issue in modern technologies. In fact, quantized signals, that is, piecewise constant functions that can assume only a finite number of values, are nowadays widespread in the applications, given the ongoing process of digitization concerning most of information and communication systems. Moreover, hybrid systems are often encountered, which are characterized by the introduction of quantized signals into physical, analog communication channels. Motivated by such consideration, this dissertation is devoted to the study of the deconvolution of continuous systems with quantized input; in particular, our attention will be focused on linear systems. Given the discrete nature of the input, we will show that the whole problem can be interpreted as a paradigmatic digital transmission problem and we will undertake an Information-theoretic approach to tackle it. The aim of this dissertation is to develop suitable deconvolution algorithms for quantized-input linear systems, which will be derived from known decoding procedures, and to test them in different scenarios. Much consideration will be given to the theoretical analysis of these algorithms, whose performance will be rigorously described in mathematical terms

    Restoration of Atmospheric Turbulence Degraded Video using Kurtosis Minimization and Motion Compensation

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    In this thesis work, the background of atmospheric turbulence degradation in imaging was reviewed and two aspects are highlighted: blurring and geometric distortion. The turbulence burring parameter is determined by the atmospheric turbulence condition that is often unknown; therefore, a blur identification technique was developed that is based on a higher order statistics (HOS). It was observed that the kurtosis generally increases as an image becomes blurred (smoothed). Such an observation was interpreted in the frequency domain in terms of phase correlation. Kurtosis minimization based blur identification is built upon this observation. It was shown that kurtosis minimization is effective in identifying the blurring parameter directly from the degraded image. Kurtosis minimization is a general method for blur identification. It has been tested on a variety of blurs such as Gaussian blur, out of focus blur as well as motion blur. To compensate for the geometric distortion, earlier work on the turbulent motion compensation was extended to deal with situations in which there is camera/object motion. Trajectory smoothing is used to suppress the turbulent motion while preserving the real motion. Though the scintillation effect of atmospheric turbulence is not considered separately, it can be handled the same way as multiple frame denoising while motion trajectories are built.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mersereau, Russell; Committee Co-Chair: Smith, Mark; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Wang, May; Committee Member: Tannenbaum, Allen; Committee Member: Williams, Dougla

    Image enhancement techniques applied to solar feature detection

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    This dissertation presents the development of automatic image enhancement techniques for solar feature detection. The new method allows for detection and tracking of the evolution of filaments in solar images. Series of H-alpha full-disk images are taken in regular time intervals to observe the changes of the solar disk features. In each picture, the solar chromosphere filaments are identified for further evolution examination. The initial preprocessing step involves local thresholding to convert grayscale images into black-and-white pictures with chromosphere granularity enhanced. An alternative preprocessing method, based on image normalization and global thresholding is presented. The next step employs morphological closing operations with multi-directional linear structuring elements to extract elongated shapes in the image. After logical union of directional filtering results, the remaining noise is removed from the final outcome using morphological dilation and erosion with a circular structuring element. Experimental results show that the developed techniques can achieve excellent results in detecting large filaments and good detection rates for small filaments. The final chapter discusses proposed directions of the future research and applications to other areas of solar image processing, in particular to detection of solar flares, plages and sunspots