132 research outputs found

    A recommended workflow methodology in the creation of an educational and training application incorporating a digital reconstruction of the cerebral ventricular system and cerebrospinal fluid circulation to aid anatomical understanding

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    BACKGROUND: The use of computer-aided learning in education can be advantageous, especially when interactive three-dimensional (3D) models are used to aid learning of complex 3D structures. The anatomy of the ventricular system of the brain is difficult to fully understand as it is seldom seen in 3D, as is the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This article outlines a workflow for the creation of an interactive training tool for the cerebral ventricular system, an educationally challenging area of anatomy. This outline is based on the use of widely available computer software packages. METHODS: Using MR images of the cerebral ventricular system and several widely available commercial and free software packages, the techniques of 3D modelling, texturing, sculpting, image editing and animations were combined to create a workflow in the creation of an interactive educational and training tool. This was focussed on cerebral ventricular system anatomy, and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. RESULTS: We have successfully created a robust methodology by using key software packages in the creation of an interactive education and training tool. This has resulted in an application being developed which details the anatomy of the ventricular system, and flow of cerebrospinal fluid using an anatomically accurate 3D model. In addition to this, our established workflow pattern presented here also shows how tutorials, animations and self-assessment tools can also be embedded into the training application. CONCLUSIONS: Through our creation of an established workflow in the generation of educational and training material for demonstrating cerebral ventricular anatomy and flow of cerebrospinal fluid, it has enormous potential to be adopted into student training in this field. With the digital age advancing rapidly, this has the potential to be used as an innovative tool alongside other methodologies for the training of future healthcare practitioners and scientists. This workflow could be used in the creation of other tools, which could be developed for use not only on desktop and laptop computers but also smartphones, tablets and fully immersive stereoscopic environments. It also could form the basis on which to build surgical simulations enhanced with haptic interaction

    Do digital technologies enhance anatomical education?

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    Anatomy has been taught by traditional methods for centuries. However, there has been an explosion of a variety of digital training resources for anatomical education. There is also a requirement from regulatory bodies to embrace digital technologies in teaching, yet no formal analysis has been undertaken as to the effectiveness of these products and tools. A comprehensive electronic database search was performed to identify the use, and effectiveness or otherwise, of digital technologies in anatomy, medicine, surgery, dentistry and the allied health professions. The data was pooled, analysed and we identified 164 articles. We identified two groups – those that did, and those that did not, have empirical data for analysis of the effectiveness of digital technologies in anatomical education. We identified three categories within this –pro, neutral and against the use of digital technologies. For the pro category, there were 35 (21.3%) empirically tested articles, and 91 (55.5%) non-empirically tested articles identified. In the neutral category, there were 19 (11.6%) empirically tested articles, and 16 (9.8%) non-empirically tested articles. Only 3 articles were against the use of digital technologies, and were in the empirically tested category. The majority of literature related to digital technologies in anatomical education is supportive of its use. However, most of the literature is not supported with empirical data related to the use of digital technologies in anatomy specific education within the health and related disciplines. Further studies need to be conducted as to the effectiveness of technology in medical/healthcare related education

    Do digital technologies enhance anatomical education?

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    Anatomy has been taught by traditional methods for centuries. However, there has been an explosion of a variety of digital training resources for anatomical education. There is also a requirement from regulatory bodies to embrace digital technologies in teaching, yet no formal analysis has been undertaken as to the effectiveness of these products and tools. A comprehensive electronic database search was performed to identify the use, and effectiveness or otherwise, of digital technologies in anatomy, medicine, surgery, dentistry and the allied health professions. The data was pooled, analysed and we identified 164 articles. We identified two groups – those that did, and those that did not, have empirical data for analysis of the effectiveness of digital technologies in anatomical education. We identified three categories within this –pro, neutral and against the use of digital technologies. For the pro category, there were 35 (21.3%) empirically tested articles, and 91 (55.5%) non-empirically tested articles identified. In the neutral category, there were 19 (11.6%) empirically tested articles, and 16 (9.8%) non-empirically tested articles. Only 3 articles were against the use of digital technologies, and were in the empirically tested category. The majority of literature related to digital technologies in anatomical education is supportive of its use. However, most of the literature is not supported with empirical data related to the use of digital technologies in anatomy specific education within the health and related disciplines. Further studies need to be conducted as to the effectiveness of technology in medical/healthcare related education


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    The problems dealing with the use of physical models in medical education are investigated. There is presented the approach for software development with possibility of interactive design of anatomic structures. The used software is oriented to the licensed availability and deployment in medical universities.В работе исследованы проблемы, связанные с использованием физических моделей в медицинском образовании, и представлен подход к разработке программного обеспечения с возможностью интерактивного моделирования анатомических структур. Используемое программное обеспечение ориентировано на лицензионную доступность и широкое применение в медицинских вузах.У роботі досліджено проблеми, пов'язані з використанням фізичних моделей у медичній освіті, представлено підхід до розроблення програмного забезпечення з можливістю інтерактивного моделювання анатомічних структур. Використовуване програмне забезпечення орієнтовано на ліцензійну доступність і широке використання в медичних ВНЗах

    Basic Science to Clinical Research: Segmentation of Ultrasound and Modelling in Clinical Informatics

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    The world of basic science is a world of minutia; it boils down to improving even a fraction of a percent over the baseline standard. It is a domain of peer reviewed fractions of seconds and the world of squeezing every last ounce of efficiency from a processor, a storage medium, or an algorithm. The field of health data is based on extracting knowledge from segments of data that may improve some clinical process or practice guideline to improve the time and quality of care. Clinical informatics and knowledge translation provide this information in order to reveal insights to the world of improving patient treatments, regimens, and overall outcomes. In my world of minutia, or basic science, the movement of blood served an integral role. The novel detection of sound reverberations map out the landscape for my research. I have applied my algorithms to the various anatomical structures of the heart and artery system. This serves as a basis for segmentation, active contouring, and shape priors. The algorithms presented, leverage novel applications in segmentation by using anatomical features of the heart for shape priors and the integration of optical flow models to improve tracking. The presented techniques show improvements over traditional methods in the estimation of left ventricular size and function, along with plaque estimation in the carotid artery. In my clinical world of data understanding, I have endeavoured to decipher trends in Alzheimer’s disease, Sepsis of hospital patients, and the burden of Melanoma using mathematical modelling methods. The use of decision trees, Markov models, and various clustering techniques provide insights into data sets that are otherwise hidden. Finally, I demonstrate how efficient data capture from providers can achieve rapid results and actionable information on patient medical records. This culminated in generating studies on the burden of illness and their associated costs. A selection of published works from my research in the world of basic sciences to clinical informatics has been included in this thesis to detail my transition. This is my journey from one contented realm to a turbulent one

    Microscope Embedded Neurosurgical Training and Intraoperative System

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    In the recent years, neurosurgery has been strongly influenced by new technologies. Computer Aided Surgery (CAS) offers several benefits for patients\u27 safety but fine techniques targeted to obtain minimally invasive and traumatic treatments are required, since intra-operative false movements can be devastating, resulting in patients deaths. The precision of the surgical gesture is related both to accuracy of the available technological instruments and surgeon\u27s experience. In this frame, medical training is particularly important. From a technological point of view, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) for surgeon training and Augmented Reality (AR) for intra-operative treatments offer the best results. In addition, traditional techniques for training in surgery include the use of animals, phantoms and cadavers. The main limitation of these approaches is that live tissue has different properties from dead tissue and that animal anatomy is significantly different from the human. From the medical point of view, Low-Grade Gliomas (LGGs) are intrinsic brain tumours that typically occur in younger adults. The objective of related treatment is to remove as much of the tumour as possible while minimizing damage to the healthy brain. Pathological tissue may closely resemble normal brain parenchyma when looked at through the neurosurgical microscope. The tactile appreciation of the different consistency of the tumour compared to normal brain requires considerable experience on the part of the neurosurgeon and it is a vital point. The first part of this PhD thesis presents a system for realistic simulation (visual and haptic) of the spatula palpation of the LGG. This is the first prototype of a training system using VR, haptics and a real microscope for neurosurgery. This architecture can be also adapted for intra-operative purposes. In this instance, a surgeon needs the basic setup for the Image Guided Therapy (IGT) interventions: microscope, monitors and navigated surgical instruments. The same virtual environment can be AR rendered onto the microscope optics. The objective is to enhance the surgeon\u27s ability for a better intra-operative orientation by giving him a three-dimensional view and other information necessary for a safe navigation inside the patient. The last considerations have served as motivation for the second part of this work which has been devoted to improving a prototype of an AR stereoscopic microscope for neurosurgical interventions, developed in our institute in a previous work. A completely new software has been developed in order to reuse the microscope hardware, enhancing both rendering performances and usability. Since both AR and VR share the same platform, the system can be referred to as Mixed Reality System for neurosurgery. All the components are open source or at least based on a GPL license

    New Insight into Cerebrovascular Diseases

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    “Brain circulation is a true road map that consists of large extended navigation territories and a number of unimagined and undiscovered routes.” Dr. Patricia Bozzetto Ambrosi This book combines an update on the review of cerebrovascular diseases in the form of textbook chapters, which has been carefully reviewed by Dr. Patricia Bozzetto Ambrosi, Drs. Rufai Ahmad and Auwal Abdullahi and Dr. Amit Agrawal, high-performance academic editors with extensive experience in neurodisciplines, including neurology, neurosurgery, neuroscience, and neuroradiology, covering the best standards of neurological practice involving basic and clinical aspects of cerebrovascular diseases. Each topic was carefully revised and prepared using smooth, structured vocabulary, plus superb graphics and scientific illustrations. In emphasizing the most common aspects of cerebrovascular diseases: stroke burden, pathophysiology, hemodynamics, diagnosis, management, repair, and healing, the book is comprehensive but concise and should become the standard reference guide for this neurological approach