14,493 research outputs found

    Ancient and historical systems

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    Definition of a near real time microbiological monitor for space vehicles

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    Efforts to identify the ideal candidate to serve as the biological monitor on the space station Freedom are discussed. The literature review, the evaluation scheme, descriptions of candidate monitors, experimental studies, test beds, and culture techniques are discussed. Particular attention is given to descriptions of five candidate monitors or monitoring techniques: laser light scattering, primary fluorescence, secondary fluorescence, the volatile product detector, and the surface acoustic wave detector

    Bridges Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection Synthesis of Knowledge and Technology

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    INE/AUTC 10.0

    HBIM application in historic timber structures: A systematic review

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    Despite the recent significant increase on the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the cultural heritage field, its application on heritage timber structures aiming at their conservation and assessment has not yet been fully established. Comparing with other construction materials, timber presents singular features that must be addressed in order to carry out a proper condition assessment. For this reason, this review summarizes existing works on historical timber structures using Historical BIM (HBIM), focusing not only on various geometric surveying and 3D modelling methods, but also on nongeometric information included in the model which are especially related with conservation, testing, and monitoring. In addition, this work illustrates the effectiveness increase given by a structural analysis, as to assess structural heath, after being implemented within a HBIM-based framework. To that aim, a global framework is proposed where the development and implementation level of different analysis stages are described.This work has been supported by Xunta de Galicia through grant GRC-ED431C 2020/01. This work was partly financed by FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 769255. The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

    Instrument design and optimization of interferometric reflectance imaging sensors for in vitro diagnostics

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn the field of drug discovery and disease diagnostics, protein microarrays have generated much enthusiasm for their high-throughput monitoring of biomarkers; however, this technology has yet to translate from research laboratories to commercialization. The hindrance is the considerable uncertainty and skepticism regarding data obtained. The disparity in results from different laboratories performing identical tests is attributed to a lack of assay quality control. Unlike DNA microarrays, protein microarrays have a higher level of bioreceptor immobilization variability and non-specific binding because of the more complex molecular structure and broader physiochemical properties. Traditional assay detection modalities, such as fluorescence microscopy and surface plasmon resonance, are unable to overcome both of these sources of variation. This dissertation describes the hardware and software design and biological validation of three complementary platforms that overcome bioreceptor variability and non-specific binding for diagnostics. In order to quantify the bioreceptor quality, a label-free, nondestructive, low cost, and high-throughput interferometric sensor has been developed as a quality control tool. The quality control tool was combined with a wide-field fluorescence imaging system to improve fluorescence experimental repeatability. Lastly, a novel high-throughput and label-free platform for quality control and specific protein microarray detection is described. This platform overcomes the additional complexities and time required with labeled assays by discriminating between specific and nonspecific detection by including sizing of individual binding events. Protein microarrays may one day emerge as routine clinical laboratory tests; however, it is important that the proper quality control procedures are in place to minimize erroneous results. These platforms provide reliable and repeatable protein microarray measurements for new advancements in disease diagnostics with the potential for drug discovery

    Imaging of Structural Timber Based on in Situ Radar and Ultrasonic Wave Measurements: A Review of the State-Of-The-Art

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    With the rapidly growing interest in using structural timber, a need exists to inspect and assess these structures using non-destructive testing (NDT). This review article summarizes NDT methods for wood inspection. After an overview of the most important NDT methods currently used, a detailed review of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Ultrasonic Testing (UST) is presented. These two techniques can be applied in situ and produce useful visual representations for quantitative assessments and damage detection. With its commercial availability and portability, GPR can help rapidly identify critical features such as moisture, voids, and metal connectors in wood structures. UST, which effectively detects deep cracks, delaminations, and variations in ultrasonic wave velocity related to moisture content, complements GPR’s capabilities. The non-destructive nature of both techniques preserves the structural integrity of timber, enabling thorough assessments without compromising integrity and durability. Techniques such as the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) and Total Focusing Method (TFM) allow for reconstructing images that an inspector can readily interpret for quantitative assessment. The development of new sensors, instruments, and analysis techniques has continued to improve the application of GPR and UST on wood. However, due to the hon-homogeneous anisotropic properties of this complex material, challenges remain to quantify defects and characterize inclusions reliably and accurately. By integrating advanced imaging algorithms that consider the material’s complex properties, combining measurements with simulations, and employing machine learning techniques, the implementation and application of GPR and UST imaging and damage detection for wood structures can be further advanced

    Quality assessment of bonded primary CFRP structures by means of laser proof testing

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    The use of adhesive bonding as an assembly technology is still limited because of the absence of NDT method to assess the quality of the adhesion. This work evaluates the state-of-the-art of potential NDT technologies and focuses on laser proof test techniques. The theory of this approach aiming at debonding weak adhesive bond and leaving strong adhesive bond unaffected is introduced. A preparation technique and a characterization strategy for bonded CFRP specimens with defined adhesion levels is presented. Two laser proof test setups are then investigated experimentally. A first test focuses on the determination of threshold energy for debonding of the different adhesive bond states. Further tests (repetition of laser shocks, different laser energy levels, mechanical test after laser shock) are performed to evaluate the effects on the CFRP structures. The main objective is the evaluation of the NDT character of laser proof test. With both laser setups, a debonding intensity threshold was achieved, but not without affecting the CFRP substrates. Ultrasonic inspections and mechanical tests conducted before and after laser shocks are compared to analyze the role of each laser setting in the observations. This study shows the feasibility of the concept with a high potential of improvements for the laser technologies and for approaches towards the industrialization
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