2,306 research outputs found

    Integrating Constraint-led and Step-Game approaches to develop sport performance: a season-long action-research study of a youth volleyball team.

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    A presente dissertação procura examinar a influência da combinação de uma abordagem ecológica (i.e., abordagem guiada por constrangimentos) com uma abordagem construtivista (i.e., abordagem progressiva ao jogo), através de um desenho de investigação-ação no qual o investigador assumiu o duplo papel de treinador-investigador, no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva de jovens jogadoras de voleibol ao longo de uma época competitiva. O carácter cíclico e interventivo da investigação-ação possibilitou a monitorização sistemática e contextualizada de variáveis de processo (i.e., conhecimento tático) e de produto (i.e., tendências de sincronização coletivas em ambiente competitivo), facilitando, portanto, a inter-relação entre a informação proveniente do treino e da competição. Ademais, dada a natureza interpretativa deste projeto de investigação, foi possível compreender o impacto que o uso de diferentes estratégicas pedagógicas característica de ambas as abordagens (p.e., aumento complexidade tática via manipulação de constrangimentos, questionamento) tiveram no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva das jogadoras, em cada momento da época. A evolução do processo ensino-aprendizagem foi captada através de um diário reflexivo, notas de campo, reuniões de grupo focal, e documentação dos planos de treinos e de jogos. As coordenadas posicionais das jogadoras foram obtidas através do software TACTO, e utilizadas para aferir acerca do desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas pelo cálculo do método de fase-cluster. O uso combinado das duas abordagens, revelou-se benéfico para a evolução do conhecimento tático, bem como para o desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas em competição. Em particular, o aumento da complexidade tática: (i) induziu um progressivo aumento do conhecimento tático (i.e., consciência tática, atenção focal, e pensamento estratégico); (ii) atuou como ruído, promovendo diminuição da sincronia da equipa a curto-prazo, mas um reaumento a longo-prazo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PEDAGOGIA DO DESPORTO, ANÁLISE DA PERFORMANCE, INVESTIGAÇÃO-AÇÃO, ABORDAGEM CENTRADA NO AMBIENTE E NO JOGADOR, VOLEIBOL.The aim of the present thesis was to examine the influence of combining an ecological approach (i.e., constraints-led approach) with an constructivist approach (i.e., step-game approach), using an insider action-research design where the researcher assumed the dual role of coach-researcher, on the development of sport performance in youth female volleyball players over a competitive season. The cyclical and interventive nature of the action-research design allowed for the systematic and contextualised monitoring of process variables (i.e., tactical knowledge) and product variables (i.e., collective synchronisation tendencies within competitive environment), thus facilitating the interplay between information from training and competition. Moreover, because of the interpretative nature of this research project, it was possible to comprehend the impact of using different pedagogical strategies with characteristics of both approaches (e.g., increasing tactical complexity via constraints manipulation, questioning) on the development of players' sport performance at each moment of the season. The evolution of the coaching-learning process was captured using a reflexive diary, field notes, focus group interviews, and by documenting training and game plans. The players' positional coordinates were collected using TACTO software and used to measure the development of collective synchronisation tendencies via the cluster-phase method calculation. The combined use of both approaches had benefits for evolving tactical knowledge, and for the development of collective synchronisation tendencies in competition. In particular, the increasing of tactical complexity: (i) induced a progressive enhancement of tactical knowledge (i.e., tactical awareness, attentional focus, and strategical thinking); and (ii) acted as noise, causing a decrease in team synchrony in the short-term, but a re-achievement in the long-term

    Synergetic value-driven innovation in business model of organic agriculture in China: a case study of IGARDEN

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    The innovation of business model is an important way for enterprises to gain competitive advantages and achieve sustainable development. With the rapid development of organic agriculture, an increasing number of scholars started to pay more attention to the research on the business model innovation of organic agriculture in recent years. However, most of the studies took the western developed countries as research objects, while research on cases of China’s local entrepreneurs are not often to be found. In order to develop Chinese organic agriculture’s business model innovation theory and to guide the practice, this thesis selects IGARDEN as the research object, and with a value-created perspective we explore the innovation process, path and essential characteristics of its business model by a case study method. Through the case study of IGARDEN, the result shows that: (1) The business model of IGARDEN follows the evolution from product-based to platform-based; (2) IGARDEN’s business model innovation follows the logic of value creation, and the core of value creation is the expression of product value, the increase of platform value and the accumulation of sustainable value; (3) The emergence of synergistic value expands the border of value creation activities, promoting the innovation process of business model. Driven by Synergetic Value, the value creation carrier of IGARDEN has thus facilitated the emergence of new business models; (4) The process of business model innovation in IGARDEN is essentially an iterative process based on value creation, value synergy and value upgrading. The research result has contributed to the potential enrichment of theories related to business model innovation through a specific scope of the business model innovation within the organic agriculture industry of China, and it can be a guide of forming business model innovation strategy for entrepreneurs facing similar business environment as described in the case.A inovação do modelo de negócios é um método importante para as empresas obterem vantagens competitivas e alcançarem o desenvolvimento sustentável. Com o rápido desenvolvimento da agricultura orgânica, um número crescente de estudiosos começou a prestar mais atenção à pesquisa sobre o modelo de negócios da agricultura orgânica nos últimos anos. No entanto, a maioria dos estudos levaram esses países ocidentais desenvolvidos como objetos de pesquisa, enquanto a pesquisa sobre casos de empreendedores locais chineses não costuma ser encontrada. Para desenvolver a teoria da inovação do modelo de negócio da agricultura orgânica chinesa e orientar a prática, esta tese seleciona o IGARDEN como objeto de pesquisa e, com uma perspectiva de valor, exploramos o processo, caminho de inovação e as características essenciais de seu modelo de negócio. Através do estudo de caso do IGARDEN, o resultado mostra que: (1) O modelo de negócio do IGARDEN segue a evolução de baseada em produto para baseada em plataforma; (2) A inovação do modelo de negócios do IGARDEN segue a lógica da criação de valor, e o núcleo da criação de valor é a expressão do valor do produto, o aumento do valor da plataforma e o acúmulo de valor sustentável; (3) O surgimento de valor sinérgico expande a fronteira das atividades de criação de valor, promovendo o processo de inovação do modelo de negócio. Impulsionado pelo Valor Sinérgico, o portador de criação de valor do IGARDEN facilitou o surgimento de novos modelos de negócios; (4) O processo de inovação do modelo de negócios no IGARDEN é essencialmente um processo iterativo baseado na criação de valor, na sinergia de valor e na atualização de valor. O resultado da pesquisa contribuiu para o potencial enriquecimento de teorias relacionadas à inovação do modelo de negócios através de um escopo específico da inovação do modelo de negócios dentro da agricultura orgânica da China, e pode ser um guia de formação de estratégia de inovação de modelo de negócios para empreendedores que enfrentam negócios semelhantes ambiente descrito neste caso

    Sostenibilidad inteligente: una nueva perspectiva en el debate del turismo sostenible

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    This work tries to contribute to closing the existing gap in the relationship between sustainability and smartness, patent both in the field of research and in the management of cities and tourist destinations. The points in common between the concepts of sustainability and smartness applied to the management of tourist destinations are analyzed, as well as the critical factors that hinder its practical application, as a starting point to move towards a synergistic model for sustainable tourism destinations, called Smart Sustainability. This proposal is based on a true governance of the destination and is aimed at taking advantage of the opportunities offered by information and communication technologies (ICTs) for a more efficient and sustainable management.Este trabajo trata de contribuir a cerrar la brecha existente en la relación entre sostenibilidad e inteligencia, patente tanto en el ámbito de la investigación como en el de la gestión de ciudades y destinos turísticos. Se analizan los puntos en común entre los conceptos de sostenibilidad e inteligencia aplicados a la gestión de los destinos turísticos, así como los factores críticos que dificultan su aplicación práctica, como punto de partida para avanzar hacia un modelo sinérgico para los destinos turísticos sostenibles e inteligentes, denominado "Smart Sustainability". Esta propuesta está basada en una verdadera gobernanza del destino y está orientada a aprovechar las oportunidades que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (ICTs) para una gestión más eficiente y sostenible

    The Translocal Event and the Polyrhythmic Diagram

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    This thesis identifies and analyses the key creative protocols in translocal performance practice, and ends with suggestions for new forms of transversal live and mediated performance practice, informed by theory. It argues that ontologies of emergence in dynamic systems nourish contemporary practice in the digital arts. Feedback in self-organised, recursive systems and organisms elicit change, and change transforms. The arguments trace concepts from chaos and complexity theory to virtual multiplicity, relationality, intuition and individuation (in the work of Bergson, Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon, Massumi, and other process theorists). It then examines the intersection of methodologies in philosophy, science and art and the radical contingencies implicit in the technicity of real-time, collaborative composition. Simultaneous forces or tendencies such as perception/memory, content/ expression and instinct/intellect produce composites (experience, meaning, and intuition- respectively) that affect the sensation of interplay. The translocal event is itself a diagram - an interstice between the forces of the local and the global, between the tendencies of the individual and the collective. The translocal is a point of reference for exploring the distribution of affect, parameters of control and emergent aesthetics. Translocal interplay, enabled by digital technologies and network protocols, is ontogenetic and autopoietic; diagrammatic and synaesthetic; intuitive and transductive. KeyWorx is a software application developed for realtime, distributed, multimodal media processing. As a technological tool created by artists, KeyWorx supports this intuitive type of creative experience: a real-time, translocal “jamming” that transduces the lived experience of a “biogram,” a synaesthetic hinge-dimension. The emerging aesthetics are processual – intuitive, diagrammatic and transversal

    Towards the Twin Transformation:A View on Designing Circular and Digital Organisations

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    How to?! Practical knowledge for transformative science - facilitation guidelines for two applications of the Human Scale Development Approach

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    Multiple methods for transdisciplinary and transformative sciences have been presented and discussed in the literature on sustainability. Wider knowledge however, on how to implement global environmental change is still sough for. We suggest that understanding the practical knowledge with the Aristotelian concept of stechne and phronesis provides important contributions for change. With the present paper we will show the detailed facilitation outlines within the application of the Human Scale Development Approach (HSDA) that was introduced in the early 1980´s. Although the approach has been applied and adapted during the last three decades a particularized description of the facilitation process it requires is lacking. The same gap of information resides with regard in many other methods in transdisciplinary and transformative sustainability sciences. As a contribution of “how-to” practical knowledge within transformative science can beappliedwe present two detailed facilitation processes of adaptations of the original HSDA. With these contributions we would like to encourage other scholars and practitioners to test and validate the presented applications and further develop them in their own settings as well as for their own purposes

    On natural selection and Hume's second problem

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    David Hume's famous riddle of induction implies a second problem related to the question of whether the laws and principles of nature might change in the course of time. Claims have been made that modern developments in physics and astrophysics corroborate the translational invariance of the laws of physics in time. However, the appearance of a new general principle of nature, which might not be derivable from the known laws of physics, or that might actually be a non-physical one (this means completely independent of physical science) supports the notion that the course of nature can change in time. Here it is argued that natural selection satisfies the criteria that identify a general principle of nature which so far, appears to be non-derivable from the known laws of physics and therefore, it is likely that it arose in the course of time, thus leaving open again the quest for a true solution to Hume's second problem

    What factors influence the uptake of GPP (Green Public Procurement) practices? New evidence from an Italian survey

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    Green Public Procurement (GPP) is becoming a cornerstone of environmental policies both at European Union and Member State level. Drawing upon a database of public authorities located in three Italian Regions, this paper assesses the determinants and drawbacks of green procurement adoption. In particular, using an econometrical approach we tested the following propositions: i) the existing awareness on GPP practices, tools and regulations does support public authorities to develop GPP strategies; (ii) the support of external experts in purchasing function does support public authorities to develop GPP practices; (iii) the small dimension of public authority is an obstacle to adopting GPP practices; (iv) ISO 14001 certified public authorities are more likely to develop GPP practices. The econometric analysis shows that the dimension of public authorities and the level of awareness of the existing tools for supporting GPP have a positive and significant effect on the probability that they adopt GPP practices.green public procurement, local authorities, ISO 14001, environment.

    Teaching Business Models via Blended-Learning

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    The paper at hand describes the application of an online venture creation platform, the Smart Business Modeler, for teaching business model development. The tool has been applied as a part of an experiment with a blended learning approach in an educational setting. The paper presents the results of the experiment