62 research outputs found

    A Gathering and Shooting Progressive Refinement Radiosity Method

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    This paper presents a gathering and shooting progressive refinement radiosity method. Our method integrates the iterative process of light energy gathering used in the standard full matrix method and the iterative process of light energy shooting used in the conventional progressive refinement method. As usual, in each iteration, the algorithm first selects the patch which holds the maximum unprocessed light energy in the environment as the shooting patch. But before the shooting process is activated, a light energy gathering process takes place. In this gathering process, the amount of the unprocessed light energy which is supposed to be shot to the current shooting patch from the rest of the environment in later iterations is pre-accumulated. In general, this extra amount of gathered light energy is far from trivial since it comes from every patch in the environment from which the current shooting patch can be seen. However, with the reciprocity relationship for form-factors, still only one hemi-cube of the form-factors is needed in each iteration step. Based on a concise record of the history of the unprocessed light energy distribution in the environment, a new progressive refinement algorithm with revised gathering and shooting procedures is then proposed. With little additional computation and memory usage compared to the conventional progressive refinement radiosity method, a solid convergence speedup is achieved. This gathering and shooting approach extends the capability of the radiosity method in accurate and efficient simulation of the global illuminations of complex environments

    Outdoor Scene Synthesis in the Infrared Range for Remote Sensing Applications

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    International audienceThis paper deals with a method of representation of landscape for the simulation of the behavior of an outdoor scene in the thermal infrared range, from 3 to 14 μm. The scene and objects are modeled in 3-D at very high spatial resolution of half a meter or so. The mesh is adapted to reproduce all the physical phenomena and their variations, according to their relative importance. The classical facet is no longer appropriate. A new quantity is introduced: the element. The element is defined as a part of an object. It is homogeneous with respect to material constitution and energy flux balance at a given instant. The mesh representing the scene is made of the union of the elements for the period of simulation of the temperature. All computations of fluxes and temperature are made on this mesh. Sufficient accuracy can be achieved by considering the most important physical phenomena to generate the elements. Shadow effect is the most important one. Influences of other phenomena are modeled by the mean of texture synthesis. In this paper, the method to define and generate elements is exposed, and an example is given, showing the efficiency of such a method to predict surface temperature, and afterward the irradiance of the scene

    Combining Higher-Order Wavelets and Discontinuity Meshing: a Compact Representation for Radiosity

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThe radiosity method is used for global illumination simulation in diffuse scenes, or as an intermediate step in other methods. Radiosity computations using Higher-Order wavelets achieve a compact representation of the illumination on many parts of the scene, but are more expensive near discontinuities, such as shadow boundaries. Other methods use a mesh, based on the set of discontinuities of the illumination function. The complexity of this set of discontinuities has so far proven prohibitive for large scenes, mostly because of the difficulty to robustly manage a geometrically complex set of triangles. In this paper, we present a method for computing radiosity that uses higher-order wavelet functions as a basis, and introduces discontinuities only when they simplify the resulting mesh. The result is displayed directly, without post-processing

    Efficient global illumination calculation for inverse lighting problems

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    La luz es un elemento clave en la manera en que percibimos y experimentamos nuestro entorno. Como tal, es un objeto mas a modelar en el proceso de diseño, de forma similar a como ocurre con las formas y los materiales. Las intenciones de iluminacion (LI) son los objetivos y restricciones que el diseñador pretende alcanzar en el proceso del diseño de iluminaci´on: ¿qué superficies se deben iluminar con luz natural y cuales con luz artificial?, ¿qué zonas deben estar en sombra?, ¿cuales son las intensidades maximas y mínimas permitidas? Satisfacer las LI consiste en encontrar la ubicacion, forma e intensidad adecuada de las fuentes luminosas. Este tipo de problemas se define como un problema inverso de iluminacion (ILP) que se resuelve con tecnicas de optimizacion. En el contexto anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis consiste en proponer metodos eficientes para resolver ILP. Este objetivo es motivado por la brecha percibida entre los problemas habituales de diseño de iluminacion y las herramientas computacionales existentes para su resolucion. Las herramientas desarrolladas por la industria se especializan en evaluar configuraciones de iluminacion previamente diseñadas, y las desarrolladas por la academia resuelven problemas relativamente sencillos a costos elevados. Las propuestas cubren distintos aspectos del proceso de optimizacion, que van desde la formulacion del problema a su resolucion. Estan desarrolladas para el caso en que las superficies poseen reflexion e iluminacion difusas y se basan en el calculo de una aproximacion de rango bajo de la matriz de radiosidad. Algunos resultados obtenidos son: el calculo acelerado de la radiosidad de la escena en una unidad de procesamiento gr´afico (GPU); el uso de la heuristica \201Cvariable neighborhood search\201D (VNS) para la resolucion de ILP; el planteo de una estructura multinivel para tratar ILP de forma escalonada; y el uso de tecnicas para optimizar la configuracion de filtros de luz. Otros resultados obtenidos se basan en la formulacion de las LI en funcion de la media y desviacion estandar de las radiosidades halladas. Se propone un metodo para generar LI que contengan esos parametros estadisticos, y otro metodo para acelerar su evaluacion. Con estos resultados se logran tiempos de respuesta interactivos. Por último, las tecnicas anteriores adolecen de una etapa de pre-cómputo relativamente costosa, por tanto se propone acelerar el calculo de la inversa de la matriz de radiosidad a partir de una muestra de factores de forma. Los métodos aquí presentados fueron publicados en seis articulos, tres de ellos en congresos internacionales y tres en revistas arbitradas.Light is a key element that influences the way we perceive and experience our environment. As such, light is an object to be modeled in the design process, as happens with the forms and materials. The lighting intentions (LI) are the objectives and constraints that designers want to achieve in the process of lighting design: which surfaces should be illuminated with natural and which with artificial light?, which surfaces should be in shadow?, which are the maximum and minimum intensities allowed? The fulfillment of the LI consists in finding the location, shape and intensity appropriate for the light sources. This problem is defined as an inverse lighting problem (ILP), solved by optimization techniques. In the above context, the aim of this thesis is the proposal of efficient methods to solve ILP. This objective is motivated by the perceived gap between the usual problems of lighting design, and the computational tools developed for its resolution. The tools developed by the industry specialize in evaluating previously designed lighting configurations, and those developed by the academia solve relatively simple problems at a high computational cost. The proposals cover several aspects of the optimization process, ranging from the formulation of the problem to its resolution. They are developed for the case in which the surfaces have Lambertian reflection and illumination, and are based on the calculation of a low rank approximation to the radiosity matrix. Some results are: rapid calculation of radiosity of the scene in a graphics processing unit (GPU), the use of heuristics “variable neighborhood search” (VNS) for solving ILP, the proposition of a multilevel structure to solve ILP in a stepwise approach, and the use of these techniques to optimize the configuration of light filters. Other results are based on the formulation of LI that use the mean and standard deviation of the radiosity values found. A method is proposed for generating LI containing these parameters, and another method is developed to speed up their evaluations. With these results we achieve interactive response times. Finally, the above techniques suffer from a costly pre-computing stage and therefore, a method is proposed to accelerate the calculation of the radiosity inverse matrix based on a sample of the form factors. The methods presented here were published in six articles, three of them at international conferences and three in peer reviewed journals

    A conceptual framework for multi-modal interactive virtual workspaces

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    Construction projects involve a large number of both direct stakeholders (clients, professional teams, contractors, etc.) and indirect stakeholders (local authorities, residents, workers, etc.). Current methods of communicating building design information can lead to several types of difficulties (e.g. incomplete understanding of the planned construction, functional inefficiencies, inaccurate initial work or clashes between components, etc.). Integrated software solutions based on VR technologies can bring significant value improvement and cost reduction to the Construction Industry. The aim of this paper is to present research being carried out in the frame of the DIVERCITY project (Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - IST project n°13365), funded under the European IST programme (Information Society Technologies). DIVERCITY's goal is to develop a Virtual Workspace that addresses three key building construction phases: (1) Client briefing (with detailed interaction between clients and architects); (2) Design Review (which requires detailed input from multidisciplinary teams - architects, engineers, facility managers, etc.); (3) Construction (aiming to fabricate or refurbish the building).Using a distributed architecture, the DIVERCITY system aims to support and enhance concurrent engineering practices for these three phases allowing teams based in different geographic locations to collaboratively design, test and validate shared virtual projects. The global DIVERCITY project will be presented in terms of objectives and the software architecture will be detailed.149-162Pubblicat

    Using Graphics Hardware to Speed-up Visibility Queries

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    International audienceWe present a visibility method that takes advantage of the graphics hardware to give fast answers to visibility queries. Our visibility method is designed to solve two types of visibility queries: point-based visibility queries, where several visibility queries share the same origin, and plane- based visibility queries, where several visibility queries have their origins on the same plane. Both occur frequently in global illumination algorithms. Combining the speed given by graphics hardware with a software heuristic to avoid reliability problems, our visibility method is signicantly faster than ray-casting, and still gives the same results

    Nouvelle représentation directionnelle pour l'éclairage global

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous introduisons une nouvelle représentation de la fonction d'éclairage première étape pour en obtenir une reconstruction volumique et multirésolution. Notre représentation se veut robuste aux variations locales de la géométrie et de ses propriétés matérielles afin de permettre le plongement d'un objet dans une solution d'éclairage. Nous montrons comment notre représentation peut être utilisée comme structure de cache pour l'éclairage indirect diffus dans le cadre de l'algorithme du tracé de rayon

    Simplifying the Representation of Radiance from Multiple Emitters

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    International audienceIn recent work radiance function properties and discontinuity meshing have been used to construct high quality interpolants representing radiance. Such approaches do not consider the combined effect of multiple sources and thus perform unnecessary discontinuity meshing calculations and often construct interpolants with too fine subdivision. In this research we present an extended structured sampling algorithm that treats scenes with shadows and multiple sources. We then introduce an algorithm which simplifies the mesh based on the interaction of multiple sources. For unoccluded regions an a posteriori simplification technique is used. For regions in shadow, we first compute the maximal umbral/penumbral and penumbral/light boundaries. This construction facilitates the determination of whether full discontinuity meshing is required or whether it can be avoided due to the illumination from another source. An estimate of the error caused by potential simplification is used for this decision. Thus full discontinuitymesh calculation is only incurred in regions where it is necessary resulting in a more compact representation of radiance