4 research outputs found

    FPGAS and Database Engines Integration

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    This work focuses on the integration of an FPGA with a database engine. The purpose is to design and implement hardware-accelerated algorithms that are useful for the real-time work demands of modern databases in the world of data science and “Big Data” analysis. The work proposes an integration architecture of a commercial FPGA and an open source database. As an example of application, it is proposed the encryption and decryption of data using these services implemented in an FPGA. The algorithm used is the well-known 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The hardware-accelerated algorithm is used within the MySQL open-source database engine by using a UDF function in the API provided by the engine to test the algorithms implemented in hardware for processing large amounts of data. The FPGA is a commercial version of the manufacturer Xilinx.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Grid móvil para procesar imágenes médicas

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    El procesamiento de imágenes médicas ayuda a los profesionales de la medicina a tomar decisiones de diagnóstico y tratamiento de pacientes. Algunos de estos algoritmos requieren gran cantidad de recursos, por esto se pueden apoyar en la computación distribuida y la abundancia de dispositivos móviles ociosos. En un trabajo anterior, se seleccionó Boinc como Grid Móvil, no obstante, se requería modificar los algoritmos a ejecutar en dispositivos móviles para integrarlos a esta infraestructura. En el presente proyecto se abordó dicho problema junto con la compilación cruzada de la librería ITK para la arquitectura ARM y la división de imágenes para su procesamiento paralelo.Medical image processing helps health professionals make decisions to diagnose and treat patients. Some of these algorithms require large amounts of resources, this is why they can be supported by distributed computing and an abundant number of idle mobile devices. In a previous project, Boinc was selected as the infrastructure for the Mobile Grid, however, it was required to modify the algorithms that would be executed in the devices, in order to integrate them with the system. This project addressed this problem along with the cross compilation of ITK library for the ARM architecture and the division of images to be processed in parallel.Ingeniero (a) de SistemasPregrad