51 research outputs found

    TVWS policies to enable efficient spectrum sharing

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    The transition from analogue to the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTV) in Europe is planned to be completed by the end of the year 2012. The DTV spectrum allocation is such that there are a number of TV channels which cannot be used for additional high power broadcast transmitters due to mutual interference and hence are left unused within a given geographical location, i.e. the TV channels are geographically interleaved. The use of geographically interleaved spectrum provides for the so-called TV white spaces (TVWS) an opportunity for deploying new wireless services. The main objective of this paper is to present the spectrum policies that are suitable for TVWS at European level, identified within the COGEU project. The COGEU project aims the efficient exploitation of the geographical interleaved spectrum (TVWS). COGEU is an ICT collaborative project supported by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. Nine partners from seven EU countries representing academia, research institutes and industry are involved in the project. The COGEU project is a composite of technical, business, and regulatory/policy domains, with the objective of taking advantage of the TV digital switchover by developing cognitive radio systems that leverage the favorable propagation characteristics of the UHF broadcast spectrum through the introduction and promotion of real-time secondary spectrum trading and the creation of new spectrum commons regimes. COGEU will also define new methodologies for compliance testing and certification of TVWS equipment to ensure non-interference coexistence with the DVB-T European standard. The innovation brought by COGEU is the combination of cognitive access to TV white spaces with secondary spectrum trading mechanisms.telecommunications,spectrum management,secondary spectrum market,regulation,TV white spaces,cognitive radio

    Malawi's TV white space regulations : a review and comparison with FCC and Ofcom regulations

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    Regulators are in the process of framing regulations to allow secondary use of vacant TV channels while protecting TV broadcast services from harmful interference. While the US and UK regulators have already passed such regulations in 2008 and 2015 respectively, other countries are still in drafting stages and the underlying circumstances in these countries could be different from those of the US and UK. Malawi released its final draft regulations in 2016. While the US and UK legislate for dynamic spectrum access and licence-exemption for secondary users, Malawi’s draft regulations require such users to apply for a licence for assigned TV white space spectrum. This paper provides an analytical review of Malawi’s regulations and a comparison with FCC and Ofcom regulations, which new regulations can build on. This analysis will also inform future work on network management tools that can enable practical deployment and coexistence of large-scale TV white space networks in a dynamic spectrum access environment in Africa

    Secondary user pricing strategies in a cognitive radio environment

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    There has been a growing demand for spectrum availability due to inefficient management of the radio frequency spectrum and underutilization of all spectrum bands. Spectrum has been managed with the same approach for over the last decade and only recently due to the phenomenal growth in mobile and broadband communications has attention been given to it. Intelligent communication systems such as cognitive radio have been identified in assisting the need for the limited resource, wireless spectrum. If spectrum trading becomes commercially successful, it can provide great economic and social benefits for the service provider, primary and secondary users. In order to maintain viability of spectrum trading, a pricing strategy is necessary for secondary users, it is also imperative to find a game theory model that minimally impacts the primary users in terms of their service, however it should aid in decreasing the cost to the primary users. Game theory along with economic theory is used to analyse the relationships/cooperation between the users and service provider. This work contributes to the field of dynamic spectrum access and aims to compare pricing strategies of secondary users in terms of the revenue earned by the primary service providers as well as investigate the impact of regulations on said pricing strategies. The pricing strategies modelled and simulated in MATLAB include the market-equilibrium pricing strategy and the competitive pricing strategy. These two strategies are chosen as they are the most relevant in South Africa. The two pricing strategies are compared in terms of advantages and disadvantages as well the revenue earned by each of the primary services. The framework for testing is provided along with the test cases. The influence of telecommunication regulations and policy on the frameworks and results are discussed in detail as well as the impact of the telecommunication regulation and policy in South Africa

    Using hypergraph theory to model coexistence management and coordinated spectrum allocation for heterogeneous wireless networks operating in shared spectrum

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    Electromagnetic waves in the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum are used to convey wireless transmissions from one radio antenna to another. Spectrum utilisation factor, which refers to how readily a given spectrum can be reused across space and time while maintaining an acceptable level of transmission errors, is used to measure how efficiently a unit of frequency spectrum can be allocated to a specified number of users. The demand for wireless applications is increasing exponentially, hence there is a need for efficient management of the RF spectrum. However, spectrum usage studies have shown that the spectrum is under-utilised in space and time. A regulatory shift from static spectrum assignment to DSA is one way of addressing this. Licence exemption policy has also been advanced in Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems to spur wireless innovation and universal access to the internet. Furthermore, there is a shift from homogeneous to heterogeneous radio access and usage of the same spectrum band. These three shifts from traditional spectrum management have led to the challenge of coexistence among heterogeneous wireless networks which access the spectrum using DSA techniques. Cognitive radios have the ability for spectrum agility based on spectrum conditions. However, in the presence of multiple heterogeneous networks and without spectrum coordination, there is a challenge related to switching between available channels to minimise interference and maximise spectrum allocation. This thesis therefore focuses on the design of a framework for coexistence management and spectrum coordination, with the objective of maximising spectrum utilisation across geographical space and across time. The amount of geographical coverage in which a frequency can be used is optimised through frequency reuse while ensuring that harmful interference is minimised. The time during which spectrum is occupied is increased through time-sharing of the same spectrum by two or more networks, while ensuring that spectrum is shared by networks that can coexist in the same spectrum and that the total channel load is not excessive to prevent spectrum starvation. Conventionally, a graph is used to model relationships between entities such as interference relationships among networks. However, the concept of an edge in a graph is not sufficient to model relationships that involve more than two entities, such as more than two networks that are able to share the same channel in the time domain, because an edge can only connect two entities. On the other hand, a hypergraph is a generalisation of an undirected graph in which a hyperedge can connect more than two entities. Therefore, this thesis investigates the use of hypergraph theory to model the RF environment and the spectrum allocation scheme. The hypergraph model was applied to an algorithm for spectrum sharing among 100 heterogeneous wireless networks, whose geo-locations were randomly and independently generated in a 50 km by 50 km area. Simulation results for spectrum utilisation performance have shown that the hypergraph-based model allocated channels, on average, to 8% more networks than the graph-based model. The results also show that, for the same RF environment, the hypergraph model requires up to 36% fewer channels to achieve, on average, 100% operational networks, than the graph model. The rate of growth of the running time of the hypergraph-based algorithm with respect to the input size is equal to the square of the input size, like the graph-based algorithm. Thus, the model achieved better performance at no additional time complexity.Electromagnetic waves in the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum are used to convey wireless transmissions from one radio antenna to another. Spectrum utilisation factor, which refers to how readily a given spectrum can be reused across space and time while maintaining an acceptable level of transmission errors, is used to measure how efficiently a unit of frequency spectrum can be allocated to a specified number of users. The demand for wireless applications is increasing exponentially, hence there is a need for efficient management of the RF spectrum. However, spectrum usage studies have shown that the spectrum is under-utilised in space and time. A regulatory shift from static spectrum assignment to DSA is one way of addressing this. Licence exemption policy has also been advanced in Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) systems to spur wireless innovation and universal access to the internet. Furthermore, there is a shift from homogeneous to heterogeneous radio access and usage of the same spectrum band. These three shifts from traditional spectrum management have led to the challenge of coexistence among heterogeneous wireless networks which access the spectrum using DSA techniques. Cognitive radios have the ability for spectrum agility based on spectrum conditions. However, in the presence of multiple heterogeneous networks and without spectrum coordination, there is a challenge related to switching between available channels to minimise interference and maximise spectrum allocation. This thesis therefore focuses on the design of a framework for coexistence management and spectrum coordination, with the objective of maximising spectrum utilisation across geographical space and across time. The amount of geographical coverage in which a frequency can be used is optimised through frequency reuse while ensuring that harmful interference is minimised. The time during which spectrum is occupied is increased through time-sharing of the same spectrum by two or more networks, while ensuring that spectrum is shared by networks that can coexist in the same spectrum and that the total channel load is not excessive to prevent spectrum starvation. Conventionally, a graph is used to model relationships between entities such as interference relationships among networks. However, the concept of an edge in a graph is not sufficient to model relationships that involve more than two entities, such as more than two networks that are able to share the same channel in the time domain, because an edge can only connect two entities. On the other hand, a hypergraph is a generalisation of an undirected graph in which a hyperedge can connect more than two entities. Therefore, this thesis investigates the use of hypergraph theory to model the RF environment and the spectrum allocation scheme. The hypergraph model was applied to an algorithm for spectrum sharing among 100 heterogeneous wireless networks, whose geo-locations were randomly and independently generated in a 50 km by 50 km area. Simulation results for spectrum utilisation performance have shown that the hypergraph-based model allocated channels, on average, to 8% more networks than the graph-based model. The results also show that, for the same RF environment, the hypergraph model requires up to 36% fewer channels to achieve, on average, 100% operational networks, than the graph model. The rate of growth of the running time of the hypergraph-based algorithm with respect to the input size is equal to the square of the input size, like the graph-based algorithm. Thus, the model achieved better performance at no additional time complexity

    Design and optimisation of a low cost Cognitive Mesh Network

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have been touted as the most promising wireless technology in providing high-bandwidth Internet access to rural, remote and under-served areas, with relatively lower investment cost as compared to traditional access networks. WMNs structurally comprise of mesh routers and mesh clients. Furthermore, WMNs have an envisaged ability to provide a heterogeneous network system that integrates wireless technologies such as IEEE 802.22 WRAN, IEEE 802.16 WiMAX, IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth etc. The recent proliferation of new devices on the market such as smart phones and, tablets, and the growing number of resource hungry applications has placed a serious strain on spectrum availability which gives rise to the spectrum scarcity problem. The spectrum scarcity problem essentially results in increased spectrum prices that hamper the growth and efficient performance of WMNs as well as subsequent transformation of WMN into the envisaged next generation networks. Recent developments in TV white space communications technology and the emergence of Cognitive radio devices that facilitate Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) have provided an opportunity to mitigate the spectrum scarcity problem. To solve the scarcity problem, this thesis reconsiders the classical Network Engineering (NE) and Traffic Engineering (TE) problems to objectively design a low cost Cognitive Mesh network that promotes efficient resources utilization and thereby achieve better Quality of Service (QoS) levels

    TV White Spaces: A Pragmatic Approach

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    190 pages The editors and publisher have taken due care in preparation of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information contained herein. Links to websites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites on the part of ICTP. No intellectual property rights are transferred to ICTP via this book, and the authors/readers will be free to use the given material for educational purposes.  e ICTP will not transfer rights to other organizations, nor will it be used for any commercial purposes. ICTP is not to endorse or sponsor any particular commercial product, service or activity mentioned in this book. This book is released under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Š.ĂŸ International license. For more details regarding your rights to use and redistribute this work, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    From Sensing to Predictions and Database Technique: A Review of TV White Space Information Acquisition in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Strategies to acquire white space information is the single most significant functionality in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) and as such, it has gone some evolution to enhance information accuracy. The evolution trends are spectrum sensing, prediction algorithm and recently, geo-location database technique. Previously, spectrum sensing was the main technique for detecting the presence/absence of a primary user (PU) signal in a given radio frequency (RF) spectrum. However, this expectation could not materialized as a result of numerous technical challenges ranging from hardware imperfections to RF signal impairments. To convey the evolutionary trends in the development of white space information, we present a survey of the contemporary advancements in PU detection with emphasis on the practical deployment of CRNs i.e. Television white space (TVWS) networks. It is found that geo-location database is the most reliable technique to acquire TVWS information although, it is financially driven. Finally, using financially driven database model, this study compared the data-rate and spectral efficiency of FCC and Ofcom TV channelization. It was discovered that Ofcom TV channelization outperforms FCC TV channelization as a result of having higher spectrum bandwidth. We proposed the adoption of an all-inclusive TVWS information acquisition model as the future research direction for TVWS information acquisition techniques

    Spectrum Utilisation and Management in Cognitive Radio Networks

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