5 research outputs found

    Balanço de energia com base no modelo S-SEBI sobre gramíneas em Barrax, Espanha e no bioma Pampa do sul do Brasil

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    No Brasil, existem seis biomas, sendo eles Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal e Pampa. Cada bioma possui características únicas e importantes para a manutenção dos seus processos ecossistêmicos. Neste sentido, no bioma Pampa há uma dinâmica socioambiental que influencia a vegetação, o manejo agrícola e o modo de vida da população local. Este bioma é único no mundo porque traz na vegetação rasteira sua fonte de biomassa e energia como em nenhum outro ecossistema, seus campos nativos são os responsáveis pela conservação e preservação dos recursos hídricos, da fauna silvestre e da biodiversidade. A supressão da vegetação nativa deste bioma para a monocultura de grãos compromete a manutenção da biodiversidade e gera impactos nos recursos naturais, alterando as suas condições ambientais, a disponibilidade de água e a temperatura de superfície. Além disso, as mudanças climáticas têm modificado os componentes do Balanço de Energia (BE). Em relação ao balanço energético este bioma tem, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a mesma importância climática que as florestas em regiões tropicais, já que cobre 63% do Estado e possui influência nas dinâmicas atmosféricas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as particularidades ambientais do BE e do cálculo de evapotranspiração (ET) no bioma Pampa. A ET é a responsável pelas interações da biosfera- atmosfera-hidrosfera. Estas interações se dão por utilizar energia eletromagnética para a formação de vapor d’água a partir da transpiração vegetal e da evaporação da água. O uso do Sensoriamento Remoto tem sido eficaz nas estimativas de fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente por diferentes métodos, porém a aplicação de forma operacional, a heterogeneidade da superfície e a influência da temperatura de superfície (Ts) são desafios deste trabalho. O modelo S-SEBI para recuperação de dados de ET foi avaliado no bioma Pampa e em Barrax, um sítio de validação localizado no mediterrâneo espanhol. O modelo demonstrou ser eficaz em vegetação campestre, além de ser menos dependente da Ts em relação a outros modelos reportados na literatura. Os resultados deste trabalho visam contribuir para a geração de melhor qualidade de dados de ET em futuras análises de mudanças de uso do solo, mudanças climáticas e gestão dos recursos hídricos para todo o bioma Pampa.In Brazil, there are six biomes, namely the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal, and Pampa. Each biome has unique and important characteristics for the maintenance of the ecosystemic processes of each environment. In this sense, in the Pampa biome there is a socio-environmental dynamic that influences the vegetation, agricultural management, and the way of life of the local population. This biome is unique in the world because it brings in its undergrowth vegetation its source of biomass and energy like no other ecosystem; its native grasslands are responsible for the conservation and preservation of water resources, wildlife, and biodiversity. The suppression of the native vegetation of this biome for the monoculture of grains compromises the maintenance of biodiversity and generates impacts on natural resources, altering the environmental conditions of the ecosystem, water availability, and surface temperature. In addition, climate change has modified the components of the Energy Balance (EB). In relation to the energy balance, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, this biome has the same climatic importance as the forests in tropical regions, since it covers 63% of the state and influences the atmospheric dynamics. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the environmental particularities of BE and the calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) in the Pampa biome. ET is responsible for biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions. These interactions occur by using electromagnetic energy for the formation of water vapor from plant transpiration and water evaporation. The use of Remote Sensing has been effective in estimating sensible heat flux and latent heat flux by different methods, but the application in an operational way, the heterogeneity of the surface and the influence of the surface temperature (Ts) are challenges of this work. The S-SEBI model for ET data retrieval was evaluated in the Pampa biome and in Barrax, a validation site located in the Spanish Mediterranean. The model proved to be effective in grassland vegetation, and is less dependent on Ts compared to other models reported in the literature. The results of this work aim to contribute to the generation of better quality ET data in future analyses of land use change, climate change, and water resource management for the entire Pampa biome

    Object Counting with Deep Learning

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    This thesis explores various empirical aspects of deep learning or convolutional network based models for efficient object counting. First, we train moderately large convolutional networks on comparatively smaller datasets containing few hundred samples from scratch with conventional image processing based data augmentation. Then, we extend this approach for unconstrained, outdoor images using more advanced architectural concepts. Additionally, we propose an efficient, randomized data augmentation strategy based on sub-regional pixel distribution for low-resolution images. Next, the effectiveness of depth-to-space shuffling of feature elements for efficient segmentation is investigated for simpler problems like binary segmentation -- often required in the counting framework. This depth-to-space operation violates the basic assumption of encoder-decoder type of segmentation architectures. Consequently, it helps to train the encoder model as a sparsely connected graph. Nonetheless, we have found comparable accuracy to that of the standard encoder-decoder architectures with our depth-to-space models. After that, the subtleties regarding the lack of localization information in the conventional scalar count loss for one-look models are illustrated. At this point, without using additional annotations, a possible solution is proposed based on the regulation of a network-generated heatmap in the form of a weak, subsidiary loss. The models trained with this auxiliary loss alongside the conventional loss perform much better compared to their baseline counterparts, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Lastly, the intricacies of tiled prediction for high-resolution images are studied in detail, and a simple and effective trick of eliminating the normalization factor in an existing computational block is demonstrated. All of the approaches employed here are thoroughly benchmarked across multiple heterogeneous datasets for object counting against previous, state-of-the-art approaches

    A radiative transfer model-based method for the estimation of grassland aboveground biomass

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    This paper presents a novel method to derive grassland aboveground biomass (AGB) based on the PROSAILH (PROSPECT + SAILH) radiative transfer model (RTM). Two variables, leaf area index (LAI, m2m−2, defined as a one-side leaf area per unit of horizontal ground area) and dry matter content (DMC, gcm−2, defined as the dry matter per leaf area), were retrieved using PROSAILH and reflectance data from Landsat 8 OLI product. The result of LAI × DMC was regarded as the estimated grassland AGB according to their definitions. The well-known ill-posed inversion problem when inverting PROSAILH was alleviated using ecological criteria to constrain the simulation scenario and therefore the number of simulated spectra. A case study of the presented method was applied to a plateau grassland in China to estimate its AGB. The results were compared to those obtained using an exponential regression, a partial least squares regression (PLSR) and an artificial neural networks (ANN). The RTM-based method offered higher accuracy (R2 = 0.64 and RMSE = 42.67 gm−2)than the exponential regression (R2 = 0.48 and RMSE = 41.65 gm−2) and the ANN (R2 = 0.43 and RMSE = 46.26 gm−2). However, the proposed method offered similar performance than PLSR as presented better determination coefficient than PLSR (R2 = 0.55) but higher RMSE (RMSE = 37.79 gm−2). Although it is still necessary to test these methodologies in other areas, the RTMbased method offers greater robustness and reproducibility to estimate grassland AGB at large scale without the need to collect field measurements and therefore is considered the most promising methodology.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract No. 41471293 & 41671361),the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities (Contract No. ZYGX2012Z005) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (Contract 2013AA12A302

    National farm scale estimates of grass yield from satellite remote sensing

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    Globally, grasslands are an important source of food for livestock and provide additional ecosystem services such as greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation through carbon sequestration, habitats for biodiversity, and recreational amenities. Grass is the cheapest source of fodder providing Irish farmers with an economic benefit against international competitors. Hence, to maintain profitability, farmers have to maximize the proportion of grazed grass in cow’s diet or save it as silage. The overall objective of the current research project was to build a machine-learning model to estimate grass growth nationally using earth observation imagery from the Sentinel 2 satellite constellation and ancillary meteorological data, which are known to influence grass growth. Firstly, the impact of meteorological data and Growing Degree Days (GDD) was assessed for Teagasc Moorepark experimental farm (Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland). GDD was modified to include Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD), which included the impact of summer drought conditions in 2018. Results demonstrated the importance of GDD for grass growth estimation using ordinary linear regression (OLS). The potential evapotranspiration (PE) 0.65 (r=0.65) and evaporation (r=0.65) were equally significant variables in 2017, while in 2018 the solar radiation had the highest correlation (r=0.43), followed by potential evapotranspiration and evaporation with r of 0.42. The standard and modified GDD were equally significant variables with r of 0.65 in 2017, but both had a reduced correlation in 2018 with modified GDD (0.38, p<0.01) performing slightly better than the standard GDD (0.26, p<0.01) calculation. These models only explained 53% (RMSE of 18.90 kg DM ha-1day-1) and 36% (RMSE of 27.02 kg DM ha-1day-1) of variability in grass growth for 2017 and 2018, respectively. Considering the importance of meteorological data, an empirical grass model called the Brereton model, previously used for Irish grass growing conditions were tested. Since this model lacks a spatial element, we compared the Brereton model with the previously used machine-learning model ANFIS and Random Forest (RF) with the combination of satellite data and meteorological data for eight Teagasc farms. Overall, the machine-learning algorithms (R2= 0.32 to 0.73 and RMSE=14.65 to 24.76 kg DM ha-1day-1 for the test data) performed better than the Brereton model (range of R2=0.03 to 0.33 and RMSE=41.68 to 82.29 kg DM ha-1day-1). The RF model (with all the variables except rainfall) had the highest accuracy for predicting grass growth rate, with (R2= 0.55, RMSE = 14.65 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 214.79 kg DM ha-1day-1 versus ANFIS with R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 15.95 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 254.40 kg DM ha-1day-1). When developing a national model, meteorological data were missing (except precipitation). A different approach was followed, whereby the grass growing season was subdivided (January-June Agmodel 1 and July–December Agmodel 2). Phenologically, the peak grass growth in Ireland typically occurs in May, with a slow decline in subsequent months. Spring is the most important season for grassland management, where growing conditions can impact the grass supply for the whole year. The national models were developed using Sentinel 2 band metrics, spectral indices (NDVI and NDRE), and rainfall for 179 farms. Data from 2017-2019 was divided into training and testing data (70:30 split), with 2020 data used for independent validation of the final trained model. Test accuracy was higher for Agmodel 1 (R2 = 0.74, RMSE= 15.52 kg DM ha-1day-1) versus Agmodel 2 (R2 = 0.58, RMSE= 13.74 kg DM ha-1day-1). This trained model was used on validation data from 2020, and the results were similar with better performance for Agmodel1 (R2 =0.70) versus Agmodel2 (R2=0.36). The improved spatial resolution of Sentinel 2 and the availability of red-edge bands showed improved results compared with previous work based on coarse resolution satellite imagery