117 research outputs found

    Integrable viscous conservation laws

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    We propose an extension of the Dubrovin-Zhang perturbative approach to the study of normal forms for non-Hamiltonian integrable scalar conservation laws. The explicit computation of the first few corrections leads to the conjecture that such normal forms are parameterized by one single functional parameter, named viscous central invariant. A constant valued viscous central invariant corresponds to the well-known Burgers hierarchy. The case of a linear viscous central invariant provides a viscous analog of the Camassa-Holm equation, that formerly appeared as a reduction of a two-component Hamiltonian integrable systems. We write explicitly the negative and positive hierarchy associated with this equation and prove the integrability showing that they can be mapped respectively into the heat hierarchy and its negative counterpart, named the Klein-Gordon hierarchy. A local well-posedness theorem for periodic initial data is also proven. We show how transport equations can be used to effectively construct asymptotic solutions via an extension of the quasi-Miura map that preserves the initial datum. The method is alternative to the method of the string equation for Hamiltonian conservation laws and naturally extends to the viscous case. Using these tools we derive the viscous analog of the Painlevé I2 equation that describes the universal behaviour of the solution at the critical point of gradient catastrophe

    Hydrodynamics of cold atomic gases in the limit of weak nonlinearity, dispersion and dissipation

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    Dynamics of interacting cold atomic gases have recently become a focus of both experimental and theoretical studies. Often cold atom systems show hydrodynamic behavior and support the propagation of nonlinear dispersive waves. Although this propagation depends on many details of the system, a great insight can be obtained in the rather universal limit of weak nonlinearity, dispersion and dissipation (WNDD). In this limit, using a reductive perturbation method we map some of the hydrodynamic models relevant to cold atoms to well known chiral one-dimensional equations such as KdV, Burgers, KdV-Burgers, and Benjamin-Ono equations. These equations have been thoroughly studied in literature. The mapping gives us a simple way to make estimates for original hydrodynamic equations and to study the interplay between nonlinearity, dissipation and dispersion which are the hallmarks of nonlinear hydrodynamics.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    On Dispersive and Classical Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Gas Dynamics

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    A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a quantum fluid that gives rise to interesting shock wave nonlinear dynamics. Experiments depict a BEC that exhibits behavior similar to that of a shock wave in a compressible gas, eg. traveling fronts with steep gradients. However, the governing Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation that describes the mean field of a BEC admits no dissipation hence classical dissipative shock solutions do not explain the phenomena. Instead, wave dynamics with small dispersion is considered and it is shown that this provides a mechanism for the generation of a dispersive shock wave (DSW). Computations with the GP equation are compared to experiment with excellent agreement. A comparison between a canonical 1D dissipative and dispersive shock problem shows significant differences in shock structure and shock front speed. Numerical results associated with the three dimensional experiment show that three and two dimensional approximations are in excellent agreement and one dimensional approximations are in good qualitative agreement. Using one dimensional DSW theory it is argued that the experimentally observed blast waves may be viewed as dispersive shock waves.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, submitted to Phys Rev

    Self-Supervised Learning with Lie Symmetries for Partial Differential Equations

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    Machine learning for differential equations paves the way for computationally efficient alternatives to numerical solvers, with potentially broad impacts in science and engineering. Though current algorithms typically require simulated training data tailored to a given setting, one may instead wish to learn useful information from heterogeneous sources, or from real dynamical systems observations that are messy or incomplete. In this work, we learn general-purpose representations of PDEs from heterogeneous data by implementing joint embedding methods for self-supervised learning (SSL), a framework for unsupervised representation learning that has had notable success in computer vision. Our representation outperforms baseline approaches to invariant tasks, such as regressing the coefficients of a PDE, while also improving the time-stepping performance of neural solvers. We hope that our proposed methodology will prove useful in the eventual development of general-purpose foundation models for PDEs
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