5,636 research outputs found

    Switch-based Active Deep Dyna-Q: Efficient Adaptive Planning for Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning

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    Training task-completion dialogue agents with reinforcement learning usually requires a large number of real user experiences. The Dyna-Q algorithm extends Q-learning by integrating a world model, and thus can effectively boost training efficiency using simulated experiences generated by the world model. The effectiveness of Dyna-Q, however, depends on the quality of the world model - or implicitly, the pre-specified ratio of real vs. simulated experiences used for Q-learning. To this end, we extend the recently proposed Deep Dyna-Q (DDQ) framework by integrating a switcher that automatically determines whether to use a real or simulated experience for Q-learning. Furthermore, we explore the use of active learning for improving sample efficiency, by encouraging the world model to generate simulated experiences in the state-action space where the agent has not (fully) explored. Our results show that by combining switcher and active learning, the new framework named as Switch-based Active Deep Dyna-Q (Switch-DDQ), leads to significant improvement over DDQ and Q-learning baselines in both simulation and human evaluations.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, AAAI 201

    Agents for educational games and simulations

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    This book consists mainly of revised papers that were presented at the Agents for Educational Games and Simulation (AEGS) workshop held on May 2, 2011, as part of the Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized topical sections on middleware applications, dialogues and learning, adaption and convergence, and agent applications

    Survey on Evaluation Methods for Dialogue Systems

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    In this paper we survey the methods and concepts developed for the evaluation of dialogue systems. Evaluation is a crucial part during the development process. Often, dialogue systems are evaluated by means of human evaluations and questionnaires. However, this tends to be very cost and time intensive. Thus, much work has been put into finding methods, which allow to reduce the involvement of human labour. In this survey, we present the main concepts and methods. For this, we differentiate between the various classes of dialogue systems (task-oriented dialogue systems, conversational dialogue systems, and question-answering dialogue systems). We cover each class by introducing the main technologies developed for the dialogue systems and then by presenting the evaluation methods regarding this class

    Conversational Agent: Developing a Model for Intelligent Agents with Transient Emotional States

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    The inclusion of human characteristics (i.e., emotions, personality) within an intelligent agent can often increase the effectiveness of information delivery and retrieval. Chat-bots offer a plethora of benefits within an eclectic range of disciplines (e.g., education, medicine, clinical and mental health). Hence, chatbots offer an effective way to observe, assess, and evaluate human communication patterns. Current research aims to develop a computational model for conversational agents with an emotional component to be applied to the army leadership training program that will allow for the examination of interpersonal skills in future research. Overall, the current research explores the application of the deep learning algorithm to the development of a generalized framework that will be based upon modeling empathetic conversation between an intelligent conversational agent (chatbot) and a human user in order to allow for higher level observation of interpersonal communication skills. Preliminary results demonstrate the promising potential of the seq2seq technique (e.g., through the use of Dialog Flow Chatbot platform) when applied to emotion-oriented conversational tasks. Both the classification and generative conversational modeling tasks demonstrate the promising potential of the current research for representing human to agent dialogue. However, this implementation may be extended by utilizing, a larger more high-quality dataset

    Conversational Browsing

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    How can we better understand the mechanisms behind multi-turn information seeking dialogues? How can we use these insights to design a dialogue system that does not require explicit query formulation upfront as in question answering? To answer these questions, we collected observations of human participants performing a similar task to obtain inspiration for the system design. Then, we studied the structure of conversations that occurred in these settings and used the resulting insights to develop a grounded theory, design and evaluate a first system prototype. Evaluation results show that our approach is effective and can complement query-based information retrieval approaches. We contribute new insights about information-seeking behavior by analyzing and providing automated support for a type of information-seeking strategy that is effective when the clarity of the information need and familiarity with the collection content are low
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