25 research outputs found

    DRASIC: Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression

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    We propose a new architecture for distributed image compression from a group of distributed data sources. The work is motivated by practical needs of data-driven codec design, low power consumption, robustness, and data privacy. The proposed architecture, which we refer to as Distributed Recurrent Autoencoder for Scalable Image Compression (DRASIC), is able to train distributed encoders and one joint decoder on correlated data sources. Its compression capability is much better than the method of training codecs separately. Meanwhile, the performance of our distributed system with 10 distributed sources is only within 2 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) of the performance of a single codec trained with all data sources. We experiment distributed sources with different correlations and show how our data-driven methodology well matches the Slepian-Wolf Theorem in Distributed Source Coding (DSC). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first data-driven DSC framework for general distributed code design with deep learning

    Operational Rate-Distortion Performance of Single-source and Distributed Compressed Sensing

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    We consider correlated and distributed sources without cooperation at the encoder. For these sources, we derive the best achievable performance in the rate-distortion sense of any distributed compressed sensing scheme, under the constraint of high--rate quantization. Moreover, under this model we derive a closed--form expression of the rate gain achieved by taking into account the correlation of the sources at the receiver and a closed--form expression of the average performance of the oracle receiver for independent and joint reconstruction. Finally, we show experimentally that the exploitation of the correlation between the sources performs close to optimal and that the only penalty is due to the missing knowledge of the sparsity support as in (non distributed) compressed sensing. Even if the derivation is performed in the large system regime, where signal and system parameters tend to infinity, numerical results show that the equations match simulations for parameter values of practical interest.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Source and Physical-Layer Network Coding for Correlated Two-Way Relaying

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    In this paper, we study a half-duplex two-way relay channel (TWRC) with correlated sources exchanging bidirectional information. In the case, when both sources have the knowledge of correlation statistics, a source compression with physical-layer network coding (SCPNC) scheme is proposed to perform the distributed compression at each source node. When only the relay has the knowledge of correlation statistics, we propose a relay compression with physical-layer network coding (RCPNC) scheme to compress the bidirectional messages at the relay. The closed-form block error rate (BLER) expressions of both schemes are derived and verified through simulations. It is shown that the proposed schemes achieve considerable improvements in both error performance and throughput compared with the conventional non-compression scheme in correlated two-way relay networks (CTWRNs).Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. IET Communications, 201

    The Likelihood Encoder for Lossy Compression

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    A likelihood encoder is studied in the context of lossy source compression. The analysis of the likelihood encoder is based on the soft-covering lemma. It is demonstrated that the use of a likelihood encoder together with the soft-covering lemma yields simple achievability proofs for classical source coding problems. The cases of the point-to-point rate-distortion function, the rate-distortion function with side information at the decoder (i.e. the Wyner-Ziv problem), and the multi-terminal source coding inner bound (i.e. the Berger-Tung problem) are examined in this paper. Furthermore, a non-asymptotic analysis is used for the point-to-point case to examine the upper bound on the excess distortion provided by this method. The likelihood encoder is also related to a recent alternative technique using properties of random binning