6 research outputs found

    A program logic for higher-order procedural variables and non-local jumps

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    Relying on the formulae-as-types paradigm for classical logic, we define a program logic for an imperative language with higher-order procedural variables and non-local jumps. Then, we show how to derive a sound program logic for this programming language. As a by-product, we obtain a non-dependent type system which is more permissive than what is usually found in statically typed imperative languages. As a generic example, we encode imperative versions of delimited continuations operators shift and reset

    LoopW Technical Reference v0.3

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    This document describes the implementation in SML of the LoopW language, an imperative language with higher-order procedural variables and non-local jumps equiped with a program logic. It includes the user manual along with some implementation notes and many examples of certified imperative programs. As a concluding example, we show the certification of an imperative program encoding shift/reset using callcc/throw and a global meta-continuation

    The lambda-mu-T-calculus

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    Calculi with control operators have been studied as extensions of simple type theory. Real programming languages contain datatypes, so to really understand control operators, one should also include these in the calculus. As a first step in that direction, we introduce lambda-mu-T, a combination of Parigot's lambda-mu-calculus and G\"odel's T, to extend a calculus with control operators with a datatype of natural numbers with a primitive recursor. We consider the problem of confluence on raw terms, and that of strong normalization for the well-typed terms. Observing some problems with extending the proofs of Baba at al. and Parigot's original confluence proof, we provide new, and improved, proofs of confluence (by complete developments) and strong normalization (by reducibility and a postponement argument) for our system. We conclude with some remarks about extensions, choices, and prospects for an improved presentation