115 research outputs found

    How to Be Persuasive in Literary Theory: The Case of Wolfgang Iser (Essay review of Iser\u27s The Act of Reading)

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    Conceiving Comparative Policy Analysis : Implementing Air Quality Improvement Programs

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    The comparative analysis of air quality control policies provides an interesting field for studies of comparative policy analysis including program formulation and implementation processes. In European countries, the problem is comparable, whereas implementation structures, programs and policy impacts vary to a considerable extent. Analysis testing possibilities and constraints of air control policies under varying conditions are likely to contribute to a further development of a theory of policy analysis. This paper presents the analytical framework applied in a continuing empirical study explaining program formulation and implementation processes with respect to the different actors involved. Concrete emitter behavior can be explained by interaction processes at the very local level, by program elements of national legislation, and by structural constraints under which such programs are produced

    Using effective student-centred activities to meet current challenges at Austrian schools

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    One way of facing the manifold current challenges in the Austrian school system lies in employing project- oriented ways of teaching and learning. One the one hand, these have to be understood as being very complex; on the other hand, the use of the term ‘project’ can be regarded as overused, i.e., inflationary: Many methods are inadequately referred to as projects, thus names are played with. The following paper systematically shows up the opportunities this teaching and learning method boasts, it outlines how the enhancement of competences and learning processes can be initiated, and also discusses the problems and limitations that may arise.Una forma de hacer frente a los cambios del sistema escolar austriaco consiste en emplear actividades de proyectos en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Por una parte tiene que ser visto como algo muy complejo y, por otra, la utilizaciĂłn del tĂ©rmino projecto puede ser considerada como excesiva y abusivamente usada: muchos metodos se denominan inadecuadamente como proyectos y simplemente untilizan el nombre. El artĂ­culo muestra de manera sistemĂĄtica las oportunidades de este mĂ©todo de enseñanza y aprendizaje, destaca como puede hincarse el potenciamento de las competencias y procesos de aprendizaje, y analiza los problemas y limitaciones que pueden aparecer

    Filling the Silence --An Iserian Reading of Ilse Aichinger\u27s Work

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    The works of the Austrian writer Ilse Aichinger are often considered impenetrable and incomprehensible. Aichinger’s doubt about conventional language serves as the basis for her use of highly pictorial and complex linguistic constructions. Although many literary scholars have alluded to the impenetrability of Aichinger’s works, few attempts have been made to investigate the meaning of her texts. In his theory of aesthetic response, Wolfgang Iser explains that literary works contain vacancies in the system of the text that need to be filled by the reader’s imagination. They serve as an impetus for the reader, during the process of reading, to draw together apparently unrelated or conflicting textual aspects. Thus, the reader creates the meaning through interaction with the text. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the applicability of Iser’s theory to Aichinger’s works to determine whether they leave space for the reader to create meaning. I will analyze selected texts in an attempt to dissolve their impenetrability and show how the meaning comes to life through an Iserian reading


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    Designing a qualitative study

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    Conventional and new growth phenomena during metal deposition on transition metal dichalcogenides

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    The present work goes far beyond the already known aspects of alkali metal adsorption on transition metal dichalcogenides and will consider it in a new and further manner. Until now, the investigations of this topic were restricted to only few metals like, e.g. alkali metals, which cannot be handled on a technological scale. In this thesis, technologically relevant adsorbate metals like chromium, silver or copper were chosen and the adsorbate structures were investigated by different experiments (SEM, EDX, AFM). One basic requirement for a systematic investigation is the conservation of constant preparation conditions. Therefore, a completely new preparation chamber had to be constructed. The successful operation of the chamber enables the variation of the deposition parameters (deposition amount, substrate temperature) systematically and offers the possibility to investigate the influence of the deposition parameters on the growth parameters and on the occuring structures. On the crystal surfaces a large unknown variety of structures can be observed, depending highly on the adsorbate/substrate system, amount of deposited metal and substrate temperature. This large variety was discussed in the context of existing theoretical models of growth phenomena and the dominating growth parameters. In addition to the interaction of adsorbate/substrate and the resulting destruction of the crystal surface, the diffusion length of the adsorbate atoms is identified as one dominating parameter for the structure formation. A new method for measuring this quantity demonstrates the distinct deviation from general growth concepts

    A Qualitative Investigation of Polish Consumers’ Retail Experiences during the Transitional Period: 1989-2001

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    The general objective of this dissertation is to investigate the most current phenomenon in the Polish retail environment and the recent Polish consumers’ retail experience. Specifically, by examining information search behavior, shopping behavior, and post-purchase behavior, themes emerged in terms of how the changes in the retail environment influenced the patronage and consumption behavior of Polish consumers. An exploratory research approach is used to conduct this research due to the lack of existing knowledge on Polish consumers and the ever-changing nature of the market environment in Poland. Moreover, qualitative research method with naturalistic inquiry was used to present the Polish consumers’ point of view on their retail experiences. The data are analyzed in two simultaneous stages: 1) an open coding analysis, and 2) a thematic analysis. The findings indicate that Polish consumers shopping behavior as well as consumption behavior have been influenced by the dramatic changes in the retail environment, retail experiences in the past, and the time perception. The data appear to provide empirical evidence that the changes in time perception appear to have an impact on Polish consumers’ consumption behavior. The findings also present that Polish consumers may have adapted the retail environment under free market economy but their attitudes and behaviors remain to be heavily influenced by their retail experiences under the planned economy. This research presents a contribution to the body of knowledge by taking a significant step and addressing several untapped issues. This research provides a theoretical foundation for better understanding of Polish consumers’ attitudes and behaviors, which is beyond the descriptive information presented by the previous studies. For practitioners, this research highlights the need for better understanding of consumers in countries undergoing political and economic transition in order to achieve the promising performance by formulating and implementing the sufficient retail strategies. Replication of the study on consumers in the other parts of Poland would further strengthen the conclusions. Future research should also explore the alternative research methods due to the nature of the unknown group of consumers. Following research topics are also suggested for the further investigation: 1) effectiveness of retailer’s advertising/promotion campaigns in Polish market; 2) Polish consumer’s in-store shopping behavior; 3) search behavior; 4) influence of time perception on purchase behavior; and 5) conceptualization of Polish consumer satisfaction response to retail experience
