70 research outputs found

    Performance analysis and optimization of DCT-based multicarrier system on frequency-selective fading channels

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    Regarded as one of the most promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system employs cosine basis as orthogonal functions for real-modulated symbols multiplexing, by which the minimum orthogonal frequency spacing can be reduced by half compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based one. With a time-reversed pre-filter employed at the front of the receiver, interference-free one-tap equalization is achievable for the DCT-based systems. However, due to the correlated pre-filtering operation in time domain, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is enhanced as a result at the output. This leads to reformulated detection criterion to compensate for such filtering effect, rendering minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) and maximum likelihood (ML) detections applicable to the DCT-based multicarrier system. In this paper, following on the pre-filtering based DCT-MCM model that build in the literature work, we extend the overall system by considering both transceiver perfections and imperfections, where frequency offset, time offset and insufficient guard sequence are included. In the presence of those imperfection errors, the DCT-MCM systems are analysed in terms of desired signal power, inter-carrier interference (ICI) and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Thereafter, new detection algorithms based on zero forcing (ZF) iterative results are proposed to mitigate the imperfection effect. Numerical results show that the theoretical analysis match the simulation results, and the proposed iterative detection algorithms are able to improve the overall system performance significantly

    Conditional maximum likelihood timing recovery

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    The conditional maximum likelihood (CML) principle, well known in the context of sensor array processing, is applied to the problem of timing recovery. A new self-noise free CML-based timing error detector is derived. Additionally, a new (conditional) Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) for timing estimation is obtained, which is more accurate than the extensively used modified CRB (MCRB).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Detection of Linear Modulations in the Presence of Strong Phase and Frequency Instabilities

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    Noncoherent sequence detection algorithms, recently proposed by the authors, have a performance which approaches that of coherent detectors and are robust to phase and frequency instabilities. These schemes exhibit a negligible performance loss in the presence of a frequency offset, provided this offset does not exceed an order of 1 % of the signaling frequency. For higher values, the performance rapidly degrades. In this paper, detection schemes are proposed, characterized by high robustness to frequency offsets and capable of tolerating offset values up to 10 % of the signaling frequency. More generally, these detection schemes are very robust to rapidly varying phase and frequency instabilities. The general case of coded linear modulations is addressed, with explicit reference to-ary phase shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation

    Analysis of frequency domain frame detection and synchronization in OQAM-OFDM systems

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    For future communication systems, filter bank multicarrier schemes offer the flexibility to increase spectrum utilization in heterogeneous wireless environments by good separation of signals in the frequency domain. To fully exploit this property for frame detection and synchronization, the advantage of the filter bank should be taken at the receiver side. In this work, the concept of frequency domain processing for frame detection and synchronization is analyzed and a suitable preamble design as well as corresponding estimation algorithms is discussed. The theoretical performance of the detection and estimation schemes is derived and compared with simulation-based assessments. The results show that, even though the frequency domain algorithms are sensitive to carrier frequency offsets, satisfactory frame detection and synchronization can be achieved in the frequency domain. In comparison to time domain synchronization methods, the computational complexity increases; however, enhanced robustness in shared spectrum access scenarios is gained in case the described frequency domain approach is utilized

    A frequency domain approach to synchronization of filterbank multicarrier systems in practice

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    High-performance signal acquisition algorithms for wireless communications receivers

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    Due to the uncertainties introduced by the propagation channel, and RF and mixed signal circuits imperfections, digital communication receivers require efficient and robust signal acquisition algorithms for timing and carrier recovery, and interfer- ence rejection. The main theme of this work is the development of efficient and robust signal synchronization and interference rejection schemes for narrowband, wideband and ultra wideband communications systems. A series of novel signal acquisition schemes together with their performance analysis and comparisons with existing state-of-the- art results are introduced. The design effort is first focused on narrowband systems, and then on wideband and ultra wideband systems. For single carrier modulated narrowband systems, it is found that conventional timing recovery schemes present low efficiency, e.g., certain feedback timing recov- ery schemes exhibit the so-called hang-up phenomenon, while another class of blind feedforward timing recovery schemes presents large self-noise. Based on a general re- search framework, we propose new anti-hangup algorithms and prefiltering techniques to speed up the feedback timing recovery and reduce the self-noise of feedforward tim- ing estimators, respectively. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique is well suited for wideband wireless systems. However, OFDM receivers require high performance car-rier and timing synchronization. A new coarse synchronization scheme is proposed for efficient carrier frequency offset and timing acquisition. Also, a novel highly accurate decision-directed algorithm is proposed to track and compensate the residual phase and timing errors after the coarse synchronization step. Both theoretical analysis and computer simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms greatly improve the performance of OFDM receivers. The results of an in-depth study show that a narrowband interference (NBI) could cause serious performance loss in multiband OFDMbased ultra-wideband (UWB) sys- tems. A novel NBI mitigation scheme, based on a digital NBI detector and adaptive analog notch filter bank, is proposed to reduce the effects of NBI in UWB systems. Simulation results show that the proposed NBI mitigation scheme improves signifi- cantly the performance of a standard UWB receiver (this improvement manifests as a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain of 9 dB)

    Parallel digital modem using multirate digital filter banks

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    A new class of architectures for an all-digital modem is presented in this report. This architecture, referred to as the parallel receiver (PRX), is based on employing multirate digital filter banks (DFB's) to demodulate, track, and detect the received symbol stream. The resulting architecture is derived, and specifications are outlined for designing the DFB for the PRX. The key feature of this approach is a lower processing rate then either the Nyquist rate or the symbol rate, without any degradation in the symbol error rate. Due to the freedom in choosing the processing rate, the designer is able to arbitrarily select and use digital components, independent of the speed of the integrated circuit technology. PRX architecture is particularly suited for high data rate applications, and due to the modular structure of the parallel signal path, expansion to even higher data rates is accommodated with each. Applications of the PRX would include gigabit satellite channels, multiple spacecraft, optical links, interactive cable-TV, telemedicine, code division multiple access (CDMA) communications, and others

    Physical layer network coding based communication systems in frequency selective channels

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    PhD ThesisThe demand for wireless communications is growing every day which requiresmore speed and bandwidth. In two way relay networks (TWRN), physical layer network coding (PLNC) was proposed to double the bandwidth. A TWRN is a system where two end users exchange data through a middle node called the relay. The two signals are allowed to be physically added before being broadcasted back to the end users. This system can work smoothly in flat fading channels, but can not be applied straightforward in frequency selective channels. In a multipath multi-tap FIR channel, the inter-symbol interference (ISI) spreads through several symbols. In this case, the symbols at the relay are not just an addition of the sent symbols but also some of the previous symbols from both sides. This not only causes a traditional PLNC to fail but also a simple one equalizer system will not solve the problem. Three main methods have been proposed by other researchers. The OFDM based PLNC is the simplest in terms of implementation and complexity but suffers from the disadvantages of the OFDMlike cyclic prefix overhead and frequency offset. The main disadvantage, however is the relatively low BER performance because it is restricted to linear equalizers in the PLNC system. Another approach is pre-filtering or pre-equalization. This method also has some disadvantages like complexity, sensitivity to channel variation and the need of a feedback channel for both end nodes. Finally, the maximum likelihood sequence detector was also proposed but is restricted to BPSK modulation and exponentially rising complexity are major drawbacks. The philosophy in this work is to avoid these disadvantages by using a time domain based system. The DFE is the equalizer of choice here because it provides a non-trivial BER performance improvement with very little increase in complexity. In this thesis, the problem of frequency selective channels in PLNC systems can be solved by properly adjusting the design of the system including the DFE. The other option is to redesign the equalizer to meet that goal. An AF DFE system is proposed in this work that provides very low complexity especially at the relay with little sensitivity to channel changes. A multi-antenna DNF DFE system is also proposed here with an improved performance. Finally, a new equalizer is designed for very low complexity and cost DNF approach with little sacrifice of BER performance. Matlab was used for the simulations with Monte Carlo method to verify the findings of this work through finding the BER performance of each system. This thesis opens the door for future improvement on the PLNC system. More research needs to be done like testing the proposed systems in real practical implementation and also the effect of adding channel coding to these systems.Iraqi Government, Ministry of Higher Educatio

    Non-local methods for InSAR parameters estimation

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    In the thesis work the nonlocal paradigm has been investigated in the framework of Multitemporal SAR Interferometry, e.g. Differential Interferometry, Tomography, etc., and single InSAR pair, e.g. DEM generation. In the former, Adaptive Multi-Looking methods have been developed for the generation of interferometric data-stacks. Following the nonlocal approach, the proposed methods rely only on similar pixels according to a suitable similarity measure that exploits the stack's temporal information. An hybrid approach that jointly uses the nonlocal paradigm and transform domain filtering has been investigated for InSAR pair phase estimation. On the track of the BM3D and SARBM3D algorithms, different approaches to the filtering in the transform domain are investigated. Furthermore, a novel approach to the similarity computation and filtering, based on a relative-topography content of the interferometric phase rather than its absolute value, is proposed
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