6 research outputs found

    Gamification Framework With Reference to Business Perspective

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    Purpose:  The purpose of this manuscript is to develop and present a gamification framework with eight gamifying mechanics for the business environment and  delineate how these mechanisms are  different in-game and business/workplace considering gamification as an application of games in non-gaming contexts.   Theoretical framework:  The gamification mechanics has eight framework elements –meaning, accomplishment, ownership, scarcity, employment, social influence, unpredictability, and avoidance. Each framework element has 4 sub-elements. Every framework element has described in detail where do they appear in the game vs where do they appear in the business/workplace and their relevance.   Design/methodology/approach: The eight-element gamification mechanics framework developed considering the business in e-commerce industry. Each and framework element was dissected and developed considering in business/workplace environment in parallel with the gaming environment under non-gaming contexts.   Findings:  The study resulted in the development gamification mechanics framework for a business environment which can be applied in any business environment and workplace.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The developed gamification mechanics framework can be used in any business environment/workplace for performance improvement and enhancing employee engagement. We have provided a detailed description of each gamification mechanics framework element, however. The sub-elements may vary from organization to organization and business to business. Before applying this framework the organization should review the framework along with the organization business goals and decide the course of action.   Originality/value: The study offers the business and other organization to implement the gamification framework with eight elements for organizational growth, employee engagemen

    Playful activism : memetic performances of palestinian resistance in TikTok #Challenges

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    Palestinians have long been using social media as a tool for activism. Each platform provides unique socio-technological affordances that shape users' communicative practices as networked publics. Focusing on the video-sharing platform TikTok, which has taken a "serious turn" in recent years, this article examines how Palestinian users performed playful acts of resistance during the escalation of violence between Palestinians and Israelis in May 2021. Applying a multimodal analysis to 500 TikTok videos posted during the conflict under #gazaunderattack, we identify three memetic templates (#challenge)-(1) lip-syncing, (2) duets, and (3) point-of-view-that unfold the ways TikTok's design and its play-based affordances ignite affective streams of audiovisual content that render playful activism in times of conflict. Driven by TikTok's culture of imitation and competition, playful activism enables the participation of ordinary users in political emerging events with the help of looping meme videos composed of collaborative, dialogic, and communal socio-technical functions. Playful activism transforms users' ritualized performances into powerful political instruments on TikTok and makes democratic participation more relatable, tangible, and accessible to various audiences

    A playful affordances model for gameful learning

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    Ahora o nunca: un estudio empírico de la gamificación en la educación superior en línea sobre la motivación de los estudiantes de ELE

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    La ludificació representa una eina amb un gran potencial dins del context educatiu per aprofundir en aspectes que tenen a veure amb la motivació, la implicació, l'esforç i la col·laboració. Aquesta metodologia innovadora és motivadora i activa en l'alumne un vincle amb els continguts que promourà, principalment, la millora en l'adquisició de coneixements i habilitats. Tanmateix, calen més estudis empírics per identificar els factors clau que afecten l'efectivitat de la ludificació amb la finalitat d'augmentar la motivació dels estudiants dins l'àmbit de l'educació superior en línia. En conseqüència, aquest projecte sorgeix de la importància de continuar l'estudi del potencial de la ludificació per sistematitzar-ne l'aplicació i, així, oferir als estudiants un aprenentatge de més qualitat i més significatiu. Per tant, el propòsit d'aquesta investigació és determinar els factors clau que impulsen l'efectivitat de la ludificació i proposar un model d'aplicació en l'educació superior en línia. Les dades recopilades s'han analitzat aplicant una metodologia mixta en què s'utilitza una anàlisi estadística quantitativa i una anàlisi qualitativa per validar el sistema ludificat i demostrar-ne la validesa. L'avaluació en profunditat del sistema ha demostrat que el model proposat és estadísticament significatiu i té un impacte positiu en l'efectivitat de l'aplicació de la ludificació en un context educatiu superior en línia.Gamification represents a tool with great potential in education. It allows for going into greater depth in aspects linked to motivation, engagement, effort and collaboration. This innovative methodology is motivating. It leads to students engaging with content that fosters, above all, improvements in the acquisition of knowledge and skills. However, more empirical studies are required to identify the key factors that affect the effectiveness of gamification, with the aim of increasing levels of motivation among students in online higher education. As a result, this project responds to the important need to continue studying the potential to systematize the use of gamification and, thus, offer students higher quality and more meaningful learning. The aim of this study, then, is to determine the key factors that boost the effectiveness of gamification and propose a model for developing its use in online higher education. The data collected have been analyzed using a mixed method approach, involving both a quantitative statistical analysis and a qualitative analysis, to validate the gamified system and demonstrate its effectiveness. In-depth evaluation of the system has shown that the model proposed is statistically significant and has a positive impact on the effectiveness of gamification in an online higher education setting.La ludificación representa una herramienta con un gran potencial dentro del contexto educativo para profundizar en aspectos que tienen que ver con la motivación, la implicación, el esfuerzo y la colaboración. Esta metodología innovadora es motivadora y activa en el alumno un vínculo con los contenidos que promoverá, principalmente, la mejora en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios empíricos para identificar los factores clave que afectan la efectividad de la ludificación para aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes en la educación superior en línea. En consecuencia, este proyecto surge de la importancia de continuar con el estudio del potencial de la ludificación con el fin de sistematizar su aplicación y brindar, así, a los estudiantes un aprendizaje de mayor calidad y más significativo. Por tanto, el propósito de esta investigación es determinar los factores clave que impulsan la efectividad de la ludificación y proponer un modelo para su aplicación en la educación superior en línea. Los datos recogidos han sido analizados aplicando una metodología mixta en la que se utiliza un análisis estadístico cuantitativo y un análisis cualitativo para validar el sistema ludificado y demostrar su validez. La evaluación en profundidad del sistema ha demostrado que el modelo propuesto es estadísticamente significativo y tiene un impacto positivo en la efectividad de la aplicación de la ludificación en un contexto educativo superior en línea.E-learnin

    Facilitating intrinsic motivation in tertiary education through gameful design

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    Modern education systems tend to focus on the use of external pressures to motivate students to learn. Intrinsic motivation - motivation to do something because it is enjoyable in and of itself – by contrast, is more valuable in these environments as it has multiple benefits, such as better conceptual understanding and more sustained learning behaviour. The primary way to facilitate intrinsic motivation is to meet the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness. Games are inherently effective at satisfying these needs and have in recent years begun to be used in non-game contexts, like education, in order to attempt to improve motivation. This is commonly known as gamification, although gameful design is the more beneficial counterpart thereof since it is directly based on a deep understanding of what makes games good motivators. This study addresses the question of how gameful design can be used to facilitate intrinsic motivation in a tertiary education setting. This is done through an examination of existing literature in order to inform the design of a gameful intervention, which is the focus of this research. This intervention includes a new website, additional exercises on course content as well as changes to lectures. The intervention (in the form of a pilot study and a final implementation) is used in a first year undergraduate module in the Multimedia degree at the University of Pretoria. When the intervention has been used by the students for a full semester, data are collected in the form of questionnaires, focus groups, Google Analytics, website database logs and observation. The results indicate that the gameful intervention meets the three basic psychological needs of those students who interacted with it. As a result of this, students are more intrinsically motivated to interact with the intervention and therefore spend more time engaging with the course content. This study contributes a list of guidelines for educators wishing to use gameful design in their own modules. It also provides the details of the design of the intervention in order to aid the understanding of how gameful design can be used to facilitate intrinsic motivation. This approach to “gamifying” education is rare in the existing literature and can therefore be considered a valuable contribution.Dissertation (MIS)--University of Pretoria, 2018.Information ScienceMISUnrestricte