12 research outputs found

    A reference architecture for flexibly integrating machine vision within manufacturing

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    A reference architecture provides an overall framework that may embrace models, methodologies and mechanisms which can support the lifecycle of their target domain. The work described in this thesis makes a contribution to establishing such a generally applicable reference architecture for supporting the lifecycIe of a new generation of integrated machine vision systems. Contemporary machine vision systems consist of a complex combination of mechanical engineering, the hardware and software of an electronic processor, plus optical, sensory and lighting components. "This thesis is concerned with the structure of the software which characterises the system application. The machine vision systems which are currently used within manufacturing industry are difficult to integrate within the information systems required within modem manufacturing enterprises. They are inflexible in all but the execution of a range of similar operations, and their design and implementation is often such that they are difficult to update in the face of the required change inherent within modem manufacturing. The proposed reference architecture provides an overall framework within which a number of supporting models, design methodologies, and implementation mechanisms can combine to provide support for the rapid creation and maintenance of highly structured machine vision applications. These applications comprise modules which can be considered as building blocks of CIM systems. Their integrated interoperation can be enabled by the emerging infrastructural tools which will be required to underpin the next generation of flexibly integrated manufacturing systems. The work described in this thesis concludes that the issues of machine vision applications and the issues of integration of these applications within manufacturing systems are entirely separate. This separation is reflected in the structure of the thesis. PART B details vision application issues while PAIIT C deals with integration. The criteria for next generation integrated machine vision systems, derived in PART A of the thesis, are extensive. In order to address these criteria and propose a complete architecture, a "thin slice" is taken through the areas of vision application, and integration at the lifecycle stages of design, implementation, runtime and maintenance. The thesis describes the reference architecture, demonstrates its use though a proof of concept implementation and evaluates the support offered by the architecture for easing the problems of software change

    Advancement in robot programming with specific reference to graphical methods

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    This research study is concerned with the derivation of advanced robot programming methods. The methods include the use of proprietary simulation modelling and design software tools for the off-line programming of industrial robots. The study has involved the generation of integration software to facilitate the co-operative operation of these software tools. The three major researcli'themes7of "ease of usage", calibration and the integration of product design data have been followed to advance robot programming. The "ease of usage" is concerned with enhancements in the man-machine interface for robo t simulation systems in terms of computer assisted solid modelling and computer assisted task generation. Robot simulation models represent an idealised situation, and any off-line robot programs generated from'them may contain'discrepancies which could seriously effect thq programs' performance; Calibration techniques have therefore been investigated as 'a method of overcoming discrepancies between the simulation model and the real world. At the present time, most computer aided design systems operate as isolated islands of computer technology, whereas their product databases should be used to support decision making processes and ultimately facilitate the generation of machine programs. Thus the integration of product design data has been studied as an important step towards truly computer integrated manufacturing. The functionality of the three areas of study have been generalised and form the basis for recommended enhancements to future robot programming systems

    Optimization of robotic assembly of printed circuit board by using evolutionary algorithm

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    This research work describes the development and evaluation of a custom application exploring the use of Artificial Immune System algorithms (AIS) to solve a component placement sequencing problem for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. In the assembly of PCB’s, the component placement process is often the bottleneck and the equipment to complete component placement is often the largest capital investment

    A Company-led Methodology for the Specification of Product Design Capabilities in Small and Medium Sized Electronics Companies

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    It is the aim of the research reported in this thesis to improve the product design effectiveness of small and medium sized electronics companies in the United Kingdom. It does so by presenting a methodology for use by such firms which will enable them to specify product design capabilities which are resilient to changes in their respective business environments. The research has not, however, concerned itself with the details of particular electronics component technologies or with the advantages of various CAD or CAE products, although these are both important aspects of any design capability. Nor is it concerned with the implementation of the product design capability. The methodology, which represents a significant improvement on current practice, is a structured, company-driven approach which draws extensively upon the lessons of international design best practice. It uses well-proven tools and techniques to guide firms through the entire process of creating such capabilities - from the development of an appropriate Mission Statement to the identification of cost effective and appropriate design system solutions which can readily be translated into action plans for improvement. The work emphasises the importance of adopting a holistic, systems approach which acknowledges the interrelationship between the management of the design process, as well as its operational and supporting activities. The research has been structured around the experiences of companies which have implemented electronics design systems and which "own" the problem in question. Hence, a research strategy was adopted which was based upon a case study approach and upon the development of close collaborative links with two leading design automation tool vendor companies. Case study interviews were undertaken in 18 U.K. and European electronics companies and in 11 U.S., Japanese and Korean electronics firms. The work proceeded in two distinct phases. Firstly, the author participated with other researchers to jointly develop a functional specification of an electronics designers' toolset to support the process of product design in an integrated manufacturing environment. The first phase provided the context for Phase 2, the development of the AGILITY methodology for specifying product design capabilities which represents the author's individual contribution. The contribution to knowledge made by the research lies in the creation of a process methodology which, for the first time, will help U.K. electronics companies to define for themselves product design capabilities which are robust and which support their wider business objectives. No such methodology is currently available in a form which is both accessible and affordable to smaller firms. Furthermore, the author has uncovered no evidence of the existence of such a methodology even for use by large electronics firms. Validation of the methodology is subject to an ongoing process of feedback.Racal Redac Lt

    A Specification For A Next Generation Cad Toolkit For Electronics Product Design

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    Electronic engineering product design is a complex process which has enjoyed an increasing provision of computer based tools since the early 1980's. Over this period computer aided design tool development has progressed at such a pace that new features and functions have tended to be market driven. As such CAD tools have not been developed through the recommended practise of defining a functional specification prior to any software code generation. This thesis defines a new functional specification for next generation CAD tools to support the electronics product design process. It is synthesized from a review of the use of computers in the electronics product design process, from a case study of Best Practices prevalent in a wide range of electronics companies and from a new model of the design process. The model and the best practices have given rise to a new concept for company engineering documentation, the Product Book which provides a logical framework for constraining CAD tools and their users (designers) as means of controlling costs in the design process. This specification differs from current perceptions of computer functionality in the CAD tool industry by addressing human needs together with company needs of computer supported design, rather than just providing more technological support for the designer in isolation.Racal Reda

    Coordination of production and sales

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