1,551 research outputs found

    Coevolutionary algorithms for the optimization of strategies for red teaming applications

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    Red teaming (RT) is a process that assists an organization in finding vulnerabilities in a system whereby the organization itself takes on the role of an “attacker” to test the system. It is used in various domains including military operations. Traditionally, it is a manual process with some obvious weaknesses: it is expensive, time-consuming, and limited from the perspective of humans “thinking inside the box”. Automated RT is an approach that has the potential to overcome these weaknesses. In this approach both the red team (enemy forces) and blue team (friendly forces) are modelled as intelligent agents in a multi-agent system and the idea is to run many computer simulations, pitting the plan of the red team against the plan of blue team. This research project investigated techniques that can support automated red teaming by conducting a systematic study involving a genetic algorithm (GA), a basic coevolutionary algorithm and three variants of the coevolutionary algorithm. An initial pilot study involving the GA showed some limitations, as GAs only support the optimization of a single population at a time against a fixed strategy. However, in red teaming it is not sufficient to consider just one, or even a few, opponent‟s strategies as, in reality, each team needs to adjust their strategy to account for different strategies that competing teams may utilize at different points. Coevolutionary algorithms (CEAs) were identified as suitable algorithms which were capable of optimizing two teams simultaneously for red teaming. The subsequent investigation of CEAs examined their performance in addressing the characteristics of red teaming problems, such as intransitivity relationships and multimodality, before employing them to optimize two red teaming scenarios. A number of measures were used to evaluate the performance of CEAs and in terms of multimodality, this study introduced a novel n-peak problem and a new performance measure based on the Circular Earth Movers‟ Distance. Results from the investigations involving an intransitive number problem, multimodal problem and two red teaming scenarios showed that in terms of the performance measures used, there is not a single algorithm that consistently outperforms the others across the four test problems. Applications of CEAs on the red teaming scenarios showed that all four variants produced interesting evolved strategies at the end of the optimization process, as well as providing evidence of the potential of CEAs in their future application in red teaming. The developed techniques can potentially be used for red teaming in military operations or analysis for protection of critical infrastructure. The benefits include the modelling of more realistic interactions between the teams, the ability to anticipate and to counteract potentially new types of attacks as well as providing a cost effective solution

    Adaptive plasticity in the mouse mandible

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    BACKGROUND: Plasticity, i.e. non-heritable morphological variation, enables organisms to modify the shape of their skeletal tissues in response to varying environmental stimuli. Plastic variation may also allow individuals to survive in the face of new environmental conditions, enabling the evolution of heritable adaptive traits. However, it is uncertain whether such a plastic response of morphology constitutes an evolutionary adaption itself. Here we investigate whether shape differences due to plastic bone remodelling have functionally advantageous biomechanical consequences in mouse mandibles. Shape characteristics of mandibles from two groups of inbred laboratory mice fed either rodent pellets or ground pellets mixed with jelly were assessed using geometric morphometrics and mechanical advantage measurements of jaw adductor musculature. RESULTS: Mandibles raised on diets with differing food consistency showed significant differences in shape, which in turn altered their biomechanical profile. Mice raised on a soft food diet show a reduction in mechanical advantage relative to mice of the same inbred strain raised on a typical hard food diet. Further, the soft food eaters showed lower levels of integration between jaw regions, particularly between the molar and angular region relative to hard food eaters. CONCLUSIONS: Bone remodelling in mouse mandibles allows for significant shifts in biomechanical ability. Food consistency significantly influences this process in an adaptive direction, as mice raised on hard food develop jaws better suited to handle hard foods. This remodelling also affects the organisation of the mandible, as mice raised on soft food appear to be released from developmental constraints showing less overall integration than those raised on hard foods, but with a shift of integration towards the most solicited regions of the mandible facing such a food, namely the incisors. Our results illustrate how environmentally driven plasticity can lead to adaptive functional changes that increase biomechanical efficiency of food processing in the face of an increased solicitation. In contrast, decreased demand in terms of food processing seems to release developmental interactions between jaw parts involved in mastication, and may generate new patterns of co-variation, possibly opening new directions to subsequent selection. Overall, our results emphasize that mandible shape and integration evolved as parts of a complex system including mechanical loading food resource utilization and possibly foraging behaviour

    Geographical divergence of behavioural traits in the invasive cane toad (Rhinella Marina)

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    Understanding which traits drive the success of invasive species is vital to mitigate their impacts. Ongoing invasions provide an opportunity to examine how different selection pressures across the invasion range lead to divergence in traits. Invasion-front cane toads in Australia exhibit rapid evolution of morphological and physiological dispersal-related traits. Behavioural traits may evolve in similar ways. High exploration, risk-taking, attraction to novelty (neophilia) and sociality may drive invasion success as these traits may enhance dispersal and adaptation to novel environments. My PhD tested this prediction using laboratory trials to examine divergence in behaviour in long-colonised versus invasion-front populations across the toads’ invaded range. I tested exploration, risk-taking, neophilia and sociality in wild-caught toads from the range-edge and range-core of their tropical Australian invasion. I ran the same trials using common-garden raised toads to tease apart genetic from environmental effects on behavioural divergence. I also investigated climate effects on behavioural divergence; conducting trials using invasive cane toads from wet and dry climates in Hawai’i. I found strong divergence in behaviours that enhance dispersal and adaptation to novel environments across the cane toads’ invasion range. Invasion-front toads were more exploratory, risk-taking, neophilic and social than were conspecifics from long-colonised populations from Australia and Hawai’i. Common-garden raised toads exhibited the same pattern of divergence seen in wild-caught Australian toads, suggesting a heritable component. My research reveals that differential selection on behavioural responses to novel environments in long-colonised versus invasion-front populations has led to a distinctive highly exploratory, risk-taking, neophilic and social phenotype at the invasion-front

    "Going back to our roots": second generation biocomputing

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    Researchers in the field of biocomputing have, for many years, successfully "harvested and exploited" the natural world for inspiration in developing systems that are robust, adaptable and capable of generating novel and even "creative" solutions to human-defined problems. However, in this position paper we argue that the time has now come for a reassessment of how we exploit biology to generate new computational systems. Previous solutions (the "first generation" of biocomputing techniques), whilst reasonably effective, are crude analogues of actual biological systems. We believe that a new, inherently inter-disciplinary approach is needed for the development of the emerging "second generation" of bio-inspired methods. This new modus operandi will require much closer interaction between the engineering and life sciences communities, as well as a bidirectional flow of concepts, applications and expertise. We support our argument by examining, in this new light, three existing areas of biocomputing (genetic programming, artificial immune systems and evolvable hardware), as well as an emerging area (natural genetic engineering) which may provide useful pointers as to the way forward.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Unconventional Computin

    Introduced Mammalian Predators Induce Behavioural Changes in Parental Care in an Endemic New Zealand Bird

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    The introduction of predatory mammals to oceanic islands has led to the extinction of many endemic birds. Although introduced predators should favour changes that reduce predation risk in surviving bird species, the ability of island birds to respond to such novel changes remains unstudied. We tested whether novel predation risk imposed by introduced mammalian predators has altered the parental behaviour of the endemic New Zealand bellbird (Anthornis melanura). We examined parental behaviour of bellbirds at three woodland sites in New Zealand that differed in predation risk: 1) a mainland site with exotic predators present (high predation risk), 2) a mainland site with exotic predators experimentally removed (low risk recently) and, 3) an off-shore island where exotic predators were never introduced (low risk always). We also compared parental behaviour of bellbirds with two closely related Tasmanian honeyeaters (Phylidonyris spp.) that evolved with native nest predators (high risk always). Increased nest predation risk has been postulated to favour reduced parental activity, and we tested whether island bellbirds responded to variation in predation risk. We found that females spent more time on the nest per incubating bout with increased risk of predation, a strategy that minimised activity at the nest during incubation. Parental activity during the nestling period, measured as number of feeding visits/hr, also decreased with increasing nest predation risk across sites, and was lowest among the honeyeaters in Tasmania that evolved with native predators. These results demonstrate that some island birds are able to respond to increased risk of predation by novel predators in ways that appear adaptive. We suggest that conservation efforts may be more effective if they take advantage of the ability of island birds to respond to novel predators, especially when the elimination of exotic predators is not possible

    Dispersal and life-history traits in a spider with rapid range expansion

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    Background Dispersal and reproduction are key life-history traits that jointly determine species' potential to expand their distribution, for instance in light of ongoing climate change. These life-history traits are known to be under selection by changing local environmental conditions, but they may also evolve by spatial sorting. While local natural selection and spatial sorting are mainly studied in model organisms, we do not know the degree to which these processes are relevant in the wild, despite their importance to a comprehensive understanding of species' resistance and tolerance to climate change. Methods The wasp spider Argiope bruennichi has undergone a natural range expansion - from the Mediterranean to Northern Europe during the recent decades. Using reciprocal common garden experiments in the laboratory, we studied differences in crucial traits between replicated core (Southern France) and edge (Baltic States) populations. We tested theoretical predictions of enhanced dispersal (ballooning behaviour) and reproductive performance (fecundity and winter survival) at the expansion front due to spatial sorting and local environmental conditions. Results Dispersal rates were not consistently higher at the northern expansion front, but were impacted by the overwintering climatic conditions experienced, such that dispersal was higher when spiderlings had experienced winter conditions as occur in their region. Hatching success and winter survival were lower at the range border. In agreement with theoretical predictions, spiders from the northern leading edge invested more in reproduction for their given body size. Conclusions We found no evidence for spatial sorting leading to higher dispersal in northern range edge populations of A. bruennichi. However, reproductive investment and overwintering survival between core and edge populations differed. These life-history traits that directly affect species' expansion rates seem to have diverged during the recent range expansion of A. bruennichi. We discuss the observed changes with respect to the species' natural history and the ecological drivers associated with range expansion to northern latitudes

    Associations and basis of personality, life-history and social interactions

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