12,051 research outputs found

    Content-aware power saving multimedia adaptation for mobile learning

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    Due to the tremendous enhancements in the capabilities of mobile devices in recent years and accessibility to higher bandwidth mobile internet, the use of online multimedia learning resources on mobile devices is increasingly becoming popular. Improvements in battery capacity have not matched the same advancements compared to other features of mobile devices. Limited Battery power is introducing a significant challenge in making better use of online educational multimedia resources. Online Multimedia Resources drains more battery power as a result of higher amount of wireless data transfer and therefore limiting learning opportunities on the move. Many power saving multimedia adaptation techniques have been suggested. Majority of these techniques achieve battery efficiency while reducing multimedia quality. So far, however, to the best of our knowledge no previous effort has considered the factor of learning efficacy in multimedia adaptation process. Existing adaptation techniques are susceptible to information loss as a result of quality of reduction. Such loss affects the learning content efficacy and jeopardizes the learning process. In this paper, we recommend a novel power save educational multimedia adaptation approach that considers the learning aspect of multimedia in the adaptation process. Our technique enables learning for extended duration by battery power saving without putting the learning process at risk. Efficacy of entire learning resources is managed by not allowing any part of the learning multimedia to be delivered in a quality that will negatively affect the learning outcome. We also present a framework that guides the implementation of our approach followed by description of our prototype application that uses educational multimedia metadata implemented in semantic web technologies

    Personalised trails and learner profiling within e-learning environments

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    This deliverable focuses on personalisation and personalised trails. We begin by introducing and defining the concepts of personalisation and personalised trails. Personalisation requires that a user profile be stored, and so we assess currently available standard profile schemas and discuss the requirements for a profile to support personalised learning. We then review techniques for providing personalisation and some systems that implement these techniques, and discuss some of the issues around evaluating personalisation systems. We look especially at the use of learning and cognitive styles to support personalised learning, and also consider personalisation in the field of mobile learning, which has a slightly different take on the subject, and in commercially available systems, where personalisation support is found to currently be only at quite a low level. We conclude with a summary of the lessons to be learned from our review of personalisation and personalised trails

    Integrating serious games in adaptive hypermedia applications for personalised learning experiences

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    Game-based approaches to learning are increasingly recognized for their potential to stimulate intrinsic motivation amongst learners. While a range of examples of effective serious games exist, creating high-fidelity content with which to populate games is resource-intensive task. To reduce this resource requirement, research is increasingly exploring means to reuse and repurpose existing games. Education has proven a popular application area for Adaptive Hypermedia (AH), as adaptation can offer enriched learning experiences. Whilst content has mainly been in the form of rich text, various efforts have been made to integrate serious games into AH. However, there is little in the way of effective integrated authoring and user modeling support. This paper explores avenues for effectively integrating serious games into AH. In particular, we consider authoring and user modeling aspects in addition to integration into run-time adaptation engines, thereby enabling authors to create AH that includes an adaptive game, thus going beyond mere selection of a suitable game and towards an approach with the capability to adapt and respond to the needs of learners and educators

    ALBERT-Based Personalized Educational Recommender System: Enhancing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Online Learning

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    Online learners must navigate vast educational resources to find materials that meet their needs. This study introduces an ALBERT-based personalized educational recommender system to improve student learning. ALBERT (A Lite BERT), an optimized variant of the BERT algorithm, captures contextualized word representations and understands the semantic meaning of learning resources, student profiles, and interactions. This study evaluates the ALBERT-based recommender system’s personalized learning recommendations. To assess learning outcomes, a diverse group of students from different educational domains is evaluated. Before and after the recommender system, academic performance, knowledge retention, and engagement are assessed. User satisfaction surveys assess recommendation quality, relevance, and user experience. The recommender system uses ALBERT’s model optimization to improve recommendation accuracy, learner engagement, and personalized learning. The evaluation shows the ALBERT-based personalized recommender system improves online learning outcomes. System-generated recommendations boost student engagement, knowledge retention, and academic performance. User satisfaction surveys show that the ALBERT-based system meets learners’ needs by providing relevant and high-quality recommendations. This research shows how advanced deep learning algorithms like ALBERT can improve personalized online learning. ALBERT’s optimized training and inference speeds up the recommender system’s scalability. This empowers learners to access tailored and high-quality educational resources, maximizing their learning outcomes and potential in online learning

    Personalized Training in Romanian SME’s ERP Implementation Projects

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    Many practitioners and IS researchers have stated that the overwhelming majority of Enter-prise Resource Planning (ERP) systems implementations exceed their training budget and their time allocations. In consequence many Romanian SMEs that implement an ERP system are looking to new approaches of knowledge transfer and performance support that are better aligned with business goals, deliver measurable results and are cost effective. Thus, we have begun to analyze the training methods used in ERP implementation in order to provide a so-lution that could help us maximize the efficiency of an ERP training program. We proposed a framework of an ERPTraining module that can be integrated with a Romanian ERP system and which provides a training management that is more personalized, effective and less ex-pensive.ERP Systems, Training Methods, Blended Learning

    A review of the Development Trend of Personalized learning Technologies and its Applications

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    Personalized learning tailors material and strategy to student requirements, interests, and goals in e-learning. These developments help educational institutions and other organizations to keep up with the fast pace of information technology, communications, and computing power. Studies show that self-adaptive learning and relevant learning information improve study efficiency. Compared to traditional teaching methods, the practice of online education is well in its infancy. On the other hand, the pedagogy and evaluation of students in online courses have a large gap that has to be filled, necessitating significant improvements in e-learning. We call this approach to education "personalized learning," which is a central focus of today's leading online education platforms. Several studies have been conducted on e-learning and personalized learning, but few investigated the development trend of personalized learning technologies and applications. Therefore this study examines the literature to close the gap and promote the development trend for personalized learning technologies and applications in higher education from 2010 to 2021 by analyzing related journal articles. The pivotal studies used inclusion criteria after a search generated 372 complete research articles and reduced them to 146 publications based on their proposed learning domains and research themes. Through carefully reviewing current trends and successes in numerous aspects of personalized learning, this discussion analyzes prospective future research directions in the field of personalized learning

    Adaptable Web content for e-learning communities

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    In this paper we explore an easy-to-use methodology aimed to optimise the design, construction and maintenance processes of Web-based educational material, which leverages on adaptive features to foster re-use and sharing between educational communities. Our approach is easier than those proposed by other organizations in the sense that it borrows the principal idea of describing learning material through meta-information (about properties and structures of the educational contents and the existing relationships between them), but discards the inherent complexity typical of their richer categorization schemas that may overwhelm the authors\u27 task. This simplification will favour, in our opinion, a more light-weight and more rapid production and delivery of educational content