134 research outputs found

    Collaborating with Users in Proximity for Decentralized Mobile Recommender Systems

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    Typically, recommender systems from any domain, be it movies, music, restaurants, etc., are organized in a centralized fashion. The service provider holds all the data, biases in the recommender algorithms are not transparent to the user, and the service providers often create lock-in effects making it inconvenient for the user to switch providers. In this paper, we argue that the user's smartphone already holds a lot of the data that feeds into typical recommender systems for movies, music, or POIs. With the ubiquity of the smartphone and other users in proximity in public places or public transportation, data can be exchanged directly between users in a device-to-device manner. This way, each smartphone can build its own database and calculate its own recommendations. One of the benefits of such a system is that it is not restricted to recommendations for just one user - ad-hoc group recommendations are also possible. While the infrastructure for such a platform already exists - the smartphones already in the palms of the users - there are challenges both with respect to the mobile recommender system platform as well as to its recommender algorithms. In this paper, we present a mobile architecture for the described system - consisting of data collection, data exchange, and recommender system - and highlight its challenges and opportunities.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (IEEE UIC 2019

    Personalized Approaches to Supporting the Learning Needs of Lifelong Professional Learners

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    Advanced learning technology research has begun to take on a complex challenge: supporting lifelong learning. Professional learning is an essential subset of lifelong learning that is more tractable than the full lifelong learning challenge. Professionals do not always have access to professional teachers to provide input to the problems they encounter, so they rely on their peers in an online learning community (OLC) to help meet their learning needs. Supporting professional learners within an OLC is a difficult problem as the learning needs of each learner continuously evolve, often in different ways from other learners. Hence, there is a need to provide personalized support to learners adapted to their individual learning needs. This thesis explores personalized approaches for detecting the unperceived learning needs and meeting the expressed learning needs of learners in an OLC. The experimental test bed for this research is Stack Overflow (SO), an OLC used by software professionals. To date, seven experiments have been carried out mining SO peer-peer interaction data. Knowing that question-answerers play a huge role in meeting the learning needs of the question-askers, the first experiment aimed to detect the learning needs of the answerers. Results from experiment 1 show that reputable answerers themselves demonstrate unperceived learning needs as revealed by a decline in quality answers in SO. Of course, a decline in quality answers could impact the help-seeking experience of question-askers; hence experiment 2 sought to understand the effects of the help-seeking experience of question-askers on their enthusiasm to continuously participate within the OLC. As expected, negative help-seeking experiences of question-askers had a large impact on their propensity to seek further help within the OLC. To improve the help-seeking experience of question-askers, it is important to proactively detect the learning needs of the question-answerers before they provide poor quality answers. Thus, in experiment 3 the goal was to predict whether a question-answerer would give a poor answer to a question based on their past peer-peer interactions. Under various assumptions, accuracies ranging from 84.57% to 94.54% were achieved. Next, experiment 4 attempted to detect the unperceived learning needs of question-askers even before they are aware of such needs. Using information about a learner’s interactions over a 5-month period, a prediction was made as to what they would be asking about during the next month, achieving recall and precision values of 0.93 and 0.81. Knowing the learning needs of question-askers early creates an opportunity to predict prospective answerers who could provide timely and quality answers to their question. The goal of experiment 5 was thus to predict the actual answerers for questions based only on information known at the time the question was asked. The iv success rate was at best 63.15%, which would only be marginally useful to inform a real-life peer recommender system. Thus, experiment 6 explored new measures in predicting the answerers, boosting the success rate to 89.64%. Of course, a peer recommender system would be deemed to be especially useful if it can provide prompt interventions, especially to get answers to questions that would otherwise not be answered quickly. To this end, experiment 7 attempted to predict the question-askers whose questions would be answered late or even remain unanswered, and a success rate of 68.4% was achieved. Results from these experiments suggest that modelling the activities of learners in an OLC is key in providing support to them to meet their learning needs. Perhaps, the most important lesson learned in this research is that lightweight approaches can be developed to help meet the evolving learning needs of professionals, even as knowledge changes within a profession. Metrics based on the experiments above are exactly such lightweight methodologies and could be the basis for useful tools to support professional learners

    MobRec — Mobile Platform for Decentralized Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems recommend new movies, music, restaurants, etc. Typically, service providers organize such systems in a centralized way, holding all the data. Biases in the recommender systems are not transparent to the user and lock-in effects might make it inconvenient for the user to switch providers. In this paper, we present the concept, design, and implementation of MobRec, a mobile platform that decentralizes the data collection, data storage, and recommendation process. MobRec's architecture does not need any backend and solely consists of the users' smartphones, which already contain the users' preferences and ratings. Being in proximity in public places or public transportation, data is exchanged in a device-to-device manner, building local databases that can recommend new items. One of biggest challenges of such a system is the implementation of unobtrusive device-to-device data exchange on off-the-shelf Android devices and iPhones. MobRec facilitates such data exchange, building on Google Nearby Messages with Bluetooth Low Energy. We achieve the successful exchange of data within 3 to 4 minutes, making it suitable for the described scenario. We demonstrate the feasibility of decentralized recommender systems and provide blueprints for the development of seamless multi-platform device-to-device communication.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Three Essays on Friend Recommendation Systems for Online Social Networks

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    Social networking sites (SNSs) first appeared in the mid-90s. In recent years, however, Web 2.0 technologies have made modern SNSs increasingly popular and easier to use, and social networking has expanded explosively across the web. This brought a massive number of new users. Two of the most popular SNSs, Facebook and Twitter, have reached one billion users and exceeded half billion users, respectively. Too many new users may cause the cold start problem. Users sign up on a SNS and discover they do not have any friends. Normally, SNSs solve this problem by recommending potential friends. The current major methods for friend recommendations are profile matching and “friends-of-friends.” The profile matching method compares two users’ profiles. This is relatively inflexible because it ignores the changing nature of users. It also requires complete profiles. The friends-of-friends method can only find people who are likely to be previously known to each other and neglects many users who share the same interests. To the best of my knowledge, existing research has not proposed guidelines for building a better recommendation system based on context information (location information) and user-generated content (UGC). This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay focuses on location information and then develops a framework for using location to recommend friends--a framework that is not limited to making only known people recommendations but that also adds stranger recommendations. The second essay employs UGC by developing a text analytic framework that discovers users’ interests and personalities and uses this information to recommend friends. The third essay discusses friend recommendations in a certain type of online community – health and fitness social networking sites, physical activities and health status become more important factors in this case. Essay 1: Location-sensitive Friend Recommendations in Online Social Networks GPS-embedded smart devices and wearable devices such as smart phones, tablets, smart watches, etc., have significantly increased in recent years. Because of them, users can record their location at anytime and anyplace. SNSs such as Foursquare, Facebook, and Twitter all have developed their own location-based services to collect users’ location check-in data and provide location-sensitive services such as location-based promotions. None of these sites, however, have used location information to make friend recommendations. In this essay, we investigate a new model to make friend recommendations. This model includes location check-in data as predictors and calculates users’ check-in histories--users’ life patterns--to make friend recommendations. The results of our experiment show that this novel model provides better performance in making friend recommendations. Essay 2: Novel Friend Recommendations Based on User-generated Contents More and more users have joined and contributed to SNSs. Users share stories of their daily life (such as having delicious food, enjoying shopping, traveling, hanging out, etc.) and leave comments. This huge amount of UGC could provide rich data for building an accurate, adaptable, effective, and extensible user model that reflects users’ interests, their sentiments about different type of locations, and their personalities. From the computer-supported social matching process, these attributes could influence friend matches. Unfortunately, none of the previous studies in this area have focused on using these extracted meta-text features for friend recommendation systems. In this study, we develop a text analytic framework and apply it to UGCs on SNSs. By extracting interests and personality features from UGCs, we can make text-based friend recommendations. The results of our experiment show that text features could further improve recommendation performance. Essay 3: Friend Recommendations in Health/Fitness Social Networking Sites Thanks to the growing number of wearable devices, online health/fitness communities are becoming more and more popular. This type of social networking sites offers individuals the opportunity to monitor their diet process and motivating them to change their lifestyles. Users can improve their physical activity level and health status by receiving information, advice and supports from their friends in the social networks. Many studies have confirmed that social network structure and the degree of homophily in a network will affect how health behavior and innovations are spread. However, very few studies have focused on the opposite, the impact from users’ daily activities for building friendships in a health/fitness social networking site. In this study, we track and collect users’ daily activities from Record, a famous online fitness social networking sites. By building an analytic framework, we test and evaluate how people’s daily activities could help friend recommendations. The results of our experiment have shown that by using the helps from these information, friend recommendation systems become more accurate and more precise

    Mediating chance encounters through opportunistic social matching

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    Chance encounters, the unintended meeting between people unfamiliar with each other, serve as an important social lubricant helping people to create new social ties, such as making new friends or finding an activity, study or collaboration partner. Unfortunately, social barriers often prevent chance encounters in environments where people do not know each other and people have to rely on serendipity to meet or be introduced to interesting people around them. Little is known about the underlying dynamics of chance encounters and how systems could utilize contextual data to mediate chance encounters. This dissertation addresses this gap in research literature by exploring the design space of opportunistic social matching systems that aim to introduce relevant people to each other in the opportune moment and the opportune place in order to encourage face-to-face interaction. A theoretical framework of relational, social and personal context as predictors of encounter opportunities is proposed and validated through a mixed method approach using interviews, experience sampling and a field study of a design prototype. Key contributions of the field interview study (n=58) include novel context-aware social matching concepts such as: sociability of others as an indicator of opportune social context; activity involvement as an indicator of opportune personal context; and contextual rarity as an indicator of opportune relational context. The following study combining Experience Sampling Method (ESM) and participant interviews extends prior research on social matching by providing an empirical foundation for the design of opportunistic social matching systems. A generalized linear mixed model analysis (n=1781) shows that personal context (mood and busyness) together with the sociability of others nearby are the strongest predictors of people’s interest in a social match. Interview findings provide novel approaches on how to operationalize relational context based on social network rarity and discoverable rarity. Moreover, insights from this study highlight that additional meta-information about user interests is needed to operationalize relational context, such as users’ passion level for an interest and their skill levels for an activity. Based on these findings, the novel design concept of passive context-awareness for social matching is put forward. In the last study, Encount’r, an instantiation of an opportunistic social matching system, is designed and evaluated through a field study and participant interviews. A large-scale user profiling survey provides baseline rarity measures to operationalize relational context using rarity, passion levels, skills, needs, and offers. Findings show that attribute type, computed attribute rarity, self-reported passion levels for interest, and response time are associated with people’s interest in a match opportunity. Moreover, this study extends prior work by showing how the concept of passive context-awareness for opportunistic social matching is promising. Collectively, contributions of this work include a theoretical framework encompassing relational, social, and personal context; new innovative concepts to operationalize each of these aspects for opportunistic social matching; and field-tested design affordances for opportunistic social matching systems. This is important because opportunistic social matching systems can lead to new social ties and improved social capital

    Prédiction de la détérioration du comportement à l’aide de l’apprentissage automatique

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    Les plateformes de médias sociaux rassemblent des individus pour interagir de manière amicale et civilisée tout en ayant des convictions et des croyances diversifiées. Certaines personnes adoptent des comportements répréhensibles qui nuisent à la sérénité et affectent négativement l’équanimité des autres utilisateurs. Certains cas de mauvaise conduite peuvent initialement avoir de petits effets statistiques, mais leur accumulation persistante pourrait entraîner des conséquences majeures et dévastatrices. L’accumulation persistante des mauvais comportements peut être un prédicteur valide des facteurs de risque de détérioration du comportement. Le problème de la détérioration du comportement n’a pas été largement étudié dans le contexte des médias sociaux. La détection précoce de la détérioration du comportement peut être d’une importance cruciale pour éviter que le mauvais comportement des individus ne s’aggrave. Cette thèse aborde le problème de la détérioration du comportement dans le contexte des médias sociaux. Nous proposons de nouvelles méthodes basées sur l’apprentissage automatique qui (1) explorent les séquences comportementales et leurs motifs temporels pour faciliter la compréhension des comportements manifestés par les individus et (2) prédisent la détérioration du comportement à partir de combinaisons consécutives de motifs séquentiels correspondant à des comportements inappropriés. Nous menons des expériences approfondies à l’aide d’ensembles de données du monde réel et démontrons la capacité de nos modèles à prédire la détérioration du comportement avec un haut degré de précision, c’est-à-dire des scores F-1 supérieurs à 0,8. En outre, nous examinons la trajectoire de détérioration du comportement afin de découvrir les états émotionnels que les individus présentent progressivement et d’évaluer si ces états émotionnels conduisent à la détérioration du comportement au fil du temps. Nos résultats suggèrent que la colère pourrait être un état émotionnel potentiel qui pourrait contribuer substantiellement à la détérioration du comportement
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