518 research outputs found

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Development of efficient open-source chemical graph generators

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    In chemistry, one of the crucial problems has been the structure identification of molecules, whose chemical composition is unknown. This research topic has impacts on various fields such as natural product and drug discovery studies. For the efficient and the fast identification process, computer assisted structure elucidation (CASE) toolkits has been developed. These tools utilise spectral data of unknown molecules as the input to determine their structure. The effectiveness of these software primarily depends on how well the structure generators perform. The basic input for these generators is the molecular formula of the unknown molecule to generate its unique list of isomers. In cheminformatics, there has been several software for the structure generation, especially, MOLGEN was considered as the de-facto gold standard in the field due to its speed and efficiency. However, it is a commercial tool and there was the need of an efficient open-source structure generators, in other words, chemical graph generators. To fulfil this need, the development of efficient open-source chemical graph generators was aimed for this PhD study, and the aim was succeeded by the development of two software, namely, MAYGEN and surge. First MAYGEN was developed as an alternative to MOLGEN. It was benchmarked against MOLGEN and was just around 3 times slower than MOLGEN. Following MAYGEN, another software, surge, was developed as an open-source chemical graph generator. It was benchmarked against MOLGEN for randomly chosen natural products' molecular formulae. Based on the results, surge is approximately 100 times faster than MOLGEN, which made it the state-of-art in the field

    Analyzing Learned Molecular Representations for Property Prediction

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    Advancements in neural machinery have led to a wide range of algorithmic solutions for molecular property prediction. Two classes of models in particular have yielded promising results: neural networks applied to computed molecular fingerprints or expert-crafted descriptors, and graph convolutional neural networks that construct a learned molecular representation by operating on the graph structure of the molecule. However, recent literature has yet to clearly determine which of these two methods is superior when generalizing to new chemical space. Furthermore, prior research has rarely examined these new models in industry research settings in comparison to existing employed models. In this paper, we benchmark models extensively on 19 public and 16 proprietary industrial datasets spanning a wide variety of chemical endpoints. In addition, we introduce a graph convolutional model that consistently matches or outperforms models using fixed molecular descriptors as well as previous graph neural architectures on both public and proprietary datasets. Our empirical findings indicate that while approaches based on these representations have yet to reach the level of experimental reproducibility, our proposed model nevertheless offers significant improvements over models currently used in industrial workflows

    Development and implementation of in silico molecule fragmentation algorithms for the cheminformatics analysis of natural product spaces

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    Computational methodologies extracting specific substructures like functional groups or molecular scaffolds from input molecules can be grouped under the term “in silico molecule fragmentation”. They can be used to investigate what specifically characterises a heterogeneous compound class, like pharmaceuticals or Natural Products (NP) and in which aspects they are similar or dissimilar. The aim is to determine what specifically characterises NP structures to transfer patterns favourable for bioactivity to drug development. As part of this thesis, the first algorithmic approach to in silico deglycosylation, the removal of glycosidic moieties for the study of aglycones, was developed with the Sugar Removal Utility (SRU) (Publication A). The SRU has also proven useful for investigating NP glycoside space. It was applied to one of the largest open NP databases, COCONUT (COlleCtion of Open Natural prodUcTs), for this purpose (Publication B). A contribution was made to the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) by developing the open Scaffold Generator Java library (Publication C). Scaffold Generator can extract different scaffold types and dissect them into smaller parent scaffolds following the scaffold tree or scaffold network approach. Publication D describes the OngLai algorithm, the first automated method to identify homologous series in input datasets, group the member structures of each group, and extract their common core. To support the development of new fragmentation algorithms, the open Java rich client graphical user interface application MORTAR (MOlecule fRagmenTAtion fRamework) was developed as part of this thesis (Publication E). MORTAR allows users to quickly execute the steps of importing a structural dataset, applying a fragmentation algorithm, and visually inspecting the results in different ways. All software developed as part of this thesis is freely and openly available (see https://github.com/JonasSchaub)

    AiiDA: Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science

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    Computational science has seen in the last decades a spectacular rise in the scope, breadth, and depth of its efforts. Notwithstanding this prevalence and impact, it is often still performed using the renaissance model of individual artisans gathered in a workshop, under the guidance of an established practitioner. Great benefits could follow instead from adopting concepts and tools coming from computer science to manage, preserve, and share these computational efforts. We illustrate here our paradigm sustaining such vision, based around the four pillars of Automation, Data, Environment, and Sharing. We then discuss its implementation in the open-source AiiDA platform (http://www.aiida.net), that has been tuned first to the demands of computational materials science. AiiDA's design is based on directed acyclic graphs to track the provenance of data and calculations, and ensure preservation and searchability. Remote computational resources are managed transparently, and automation is coupled with data storage to ensure reproducibility. Last, complex sequences of calculations can be encoded into scientific workflows. We believe that AiiDA's design and its sharing capabilities will encourage the creation of social ecosystems to disseminate codes, data, and scientific workflows.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    High Content and Throughput Drug Discovery

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    Design and implementation of a platform for predicting pharmacological properties of molecules

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019O processo de descoberta e desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos prolonga-se por vários anos e implica o gasto de imensos recursos monetários. Como tal, vários métodos in silico são aplicados com o intuito de dimiuir os custos e tornar o processo mais eficiente. Estes métodos incluem triagem virtual, um processo pelo qual vastas coleções de compostos são examinadas para encontrar potencial terapêutico. QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship) é uma das tecnologias utilizada em triagem virtual e em optimização de potencial farmacológico, em que a informação estrutural de ligandos conhecidos do alvo terapêutico é utilizada para prever a actividade biológica de um novo composto para com o alvo. Vários investigadores desenvolvem modelos de aprendizagem automática de QSAR para múltiplos alvos terapêuticos. Mas o seu uso está dependente do acesso aos mesmos e da facilidade em ter os modelos funcionais, o que pode ser complexo quando existem várias dependências ou quando o ambiente de desenvolvimento difere bastante do ambiente em que é usado. A aplicação ao qual este documento se refere foi desenvolvida para lidar com esta questão. Esta é uma plataforma centralizada onde investigadores podem aceder a vários modelos de QSAR, podendo testar os seus datasets para uma multitude de alvos terapêuticos. A aplicação permite usar identificadores moleculares como SMILES e InChI, e gere a sua integração em descritores moleculares para usar como input nos modelos. A plataforma pode ser acedida através de uma aplicação web com interface gráfica desenvolvida com o pacote Shiny para R e directamente através de uma REST API desenvolvida com o pacote flask-restful para Python. Toda a aplicação está modularizada através de teconologia de “contentores”, especificamente o Docker. O objectivo desta plataforma é divulgar o acesso aos modelos criados pela comunidade, condensando-os num só local e removendo a necessidade do utilizador de instalar ou parametrizar qualquer tipo de software. Fomentando assim o desenvolvimento de conhecimento e facilitando o processo de investigação.The drug discovery and design process is expensive, time-consuming and resource-intensive. Various in silico methods are used to make the process more efficient and productive. Methods such as Virtual Screening often take advantage of QSAR machine learning models to more easily pinpoint the most promising drug candidates, from large pools of compounds. QSAR, which means Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship, is a ligand-based method where structural information of known ligands of a specific target is used to predict the biological activity of another molecule against that target. They are also used to improve upon an existing molecule’s pharmacologic potential by elucidating the structural composition with desirable properties. Several researchers create and develop QSAR machine learning models for a variety of different therapeutic targets. However, their use is limited by lack of access to said models. Beyond access, there are often difficulties in using published software given the need to manage dependencies and replicating the development environment. To address this issue, the application documented here was designed and developed. In this centralized platform, researchers can access several QSAR machine learning models and test their own datasets for interaction with various therapeutic targets. The platform allows the use of widespread molecule identifiers as input, such as SMILES and InChI, handling the necessary integration into the appropriate molecular descriptors to be used in the model. The platform can be accessed through a Web Application with a full graphical user interface developed with the R package Shiny and through a REST API developed with the Flask Restful package for Python. The complete application is packaged up in container technology, specifically Docker. The main goal of this platform is to grant widespread access to the QSAR models developed by the scientific community, by concentrating them in a single location and removing the user’s need to install or set up software unfamiliar to them. This intends to incite knowledge creation and facilitate the research process

    Towards Molecular Simulations that are Transparent, Reproducible, Usable By Others, and Extensible (TRUE)

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    Systems composed of soft matter (e.g., liquids, polymers, foams, gels, colloids, and most biological materials) are ubiquitous in science and engineering, but molecular simulations of such systems pose particular computational challenges, requiring time and/or ensemble-averaged data to be collected over long simulation trajectories for property evaluation. Performing a molecular simulation of a soft matter system involves multiple steps, which have traditionally been performed by researchers in a "bespoke" fashion, resulting in many published soft matter simulations not being reproducible based on the information provided in the publications. To address the issue of reproducibility and to provide tools for computational screening, we have been developing the open-source Molecular Simulation and Design Framework (MoSDeF) software suite. In this paper, we propose a set of principles to create Transparent, Reproducible, Usable by others, and Extensible (TRUE) molecular simulations. MoSDeF facilitates the publication and dissemination of TRUE simulations by automating many of the critical steps in molecular simulation, thus enhancing their reproducibility. We provide several examples of TRUE molecular simulations: All of the steps involved in creating, running and extracting properties from the simulations are distributed on open-source platforms (within MoSDeF and on GitHub), thus meeting the definition of TRUE simulations