5 research outputs found

    Technological taxonomies for hypernym and hyponym retrieval in patent texts

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    This paper presents an automatic approach to creating taxonomies of technical terms based on the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC). The resulting taxonomy contains about 170k nodes in 9 separate technological branches and is freely available. We also show that a Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model can be fine-tuned to generate hypernyms and hyponyms with relatively high precision, confirming the manually assessed quality of the resource. The T5 model opens the taxonomy to any new technological terms for which a hypernym can be generated, thus making the resource updateable with new terms, an essential feature for the constantly evolving field of technological terminology.Comment: ToTh 2022 - Terminology & Ontology: Theories and applications, Jun 2022, Chamb{\'e}ry, Franc

    Facilitating Technology Transfer by Patent Knowledge Graph

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    Technologies are one of the most important driving forces of our societal development and realizing the value of technologies heavily depends on the transfer of technologies. Given the importance of technologies and technology transfer, an increasingly large amount of money has been invested to encourage technological innovation and technology transfer worldwide. However, while numerous innovative technologies are invented, most of them remain latent and un-transferred. The comprehension of technical documents and the identification of appropriate technologies for given needs are challenging problems in technology transfer due to information asymmetry and information overload problems. There is a lack of common knowledge base that can reveal the technical details of technical documents and assist with the identification of suitable technologies. To bridge this gap, this research proposes to construct knowledge graph for facilitating technology transfer. A case study is conducted to show the construction of a patent knowledge graph and to illustrate its benefit to finding relevant patents, the most common and important form of technologies

    Identificaci贸n de elementos en curaci贸n de datos para la gesti贸n de patentes colombianas en qu铆mica de alimentos

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    Las patentes son uno de los documentos que indican y fomentan el desarrollo tecnol贸gico de un pa铆s y trabajo investigativo. Estos documentos son especiales porque manejan informaci贸n primaria, tienen diferentes autores, tienen un ciclo de vida complejo y derecho de explotaci贸n por un tiempo determinado. Estos documentos se pueden consultar en bases de datos que poseen controles y est谩ndares propios o exigidos por la OMPI. En Colombia la SIC tramita y gestiona dichos documentos. La curaci贸n de datos es un proceso transversal de la curaci贸n digital, que se entiende como todos los procesos que controlan o crean los datos para que tengan un ciclo de vida satisfactorio y cumplan las funciones para las cuales fueron creados. Por consiguiente al tener una curaci贸n de datos satisfactoria se intuye que los documentos pueden tener una mayor facilidad de ser gestionados en bases de datos. El objetivo de 茅sta investigaci贸n es identificar cu谩les son los elementos en curaci贸n de datos necesarios para mejorar la gesti贸n de patentes colombianas en qu铆mica de alimentos. Las patentes seleccionadas fueron patentes colombianas en el periodo 2002-2012. El trabajo utiliz贸 la base de datos Espacenet por su organizaci贸n estandarizada de las patentes y su facilidad a la hora de utilizar controles en la muestra. Como resultado de la investigaci贸n se encontr贸 que las patentes colombianas no tienen un control sobre la cantidad y tipo de descriptores tem谩ticos por patente y la normalizaci贸n de los datos que relacionan unas patentes con otras.Patents are used often to both indicate and support the investigative work and technology development of a Country. These are special documents for not only do they contain primary information, they also have different authors, legal claims, complex life cycle and rights of exploitation. Patents are consulted in internet databases, which are often subjected to OMPI standards. The SIC manages said documents in Colombia. Data Curation is a process in Digital Curation. This process controls and creates data so that it can accomplish the process they were created for. Thusly it is inferred that with a competent data curation patents could be managed easily in databases. The objective of this investigation is to identify the elements in Data Curation that allows a better management of Colombian patents. This investigation used the Espacenet database for its simplicity in search engine and high standards and control. It also used the Colombian patents in Food Chemistry during 2002 to 2012 for analysis. As a result, it was found that Colombian patents did not ha a control about the quantity and type of subject descriptors for a patent and a normalization of the data that relates one patent to another.Profesional en Ciencia de la Informaci贸n - Bibliotec贸logo (a)Pregrad