14 research outputs found

    Spatial reproducibility of complex fractionated atrial electrogram depending on the direction and configuration of bipolar electrodes: an in-silico modeling study

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    Although 3D-complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) mapping is useful in radiofrequency catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), the directions and configuration of the bipolar electrodes may affect the electrogram. This study aimed to compare the spatial reproducibility of CFAE by changing the catheter orientations and electrode distance in an in-silico left atrium (LA). We conducted this study by importing the heart CT image of a patient with AF into a 3D-homogeneous human LA model. Electrogram morphology, CFAE-cycle lengths (CLs) were compared for 16 different orientations of a virtual bipolar conventional catheter (conv-cath: size 3.5 mm, inter-electrode distance 4.75 mm). Additionally, the spatial correlations of CFAE-CLs and the percentage of consistent sites with CFAE-CL<120 ms were analyzed. The results from the conv-cath were compared with that obtained using a mini catheter (mini-cath: size 1 mm, inter-electrode distance 2.5 mm). Depending on the catheter orientation, the electrogram morphology and CFAE-CLs varied (conv-cath: 11.5±0.7% variation, mini-cath: 7.1±1.2% variation), however the mini-cath produced less variation of CFAE-CL than conv-cath (p<0.001). There were moderate spatial correlations among CFAE-CL measured at 16 orientations (conv-cath: r=0.3055±0.2194 vs. mini-cath: 0.6074±0.0733, p<0.001). Additionally, the ratio of consistent CFAE sites was higher for mini catheter than conventional one (38.3±4.6% vs. 22.3±1.4%, p<0.05). Electrograms and CFAE distribution are affected by catheter orientation and electrode configuration in the in-silico LA model. However, there was moderate spatial consistency of CFAE areas, and narrowly spaced bipolar catheters were less influenced by catheter direction than conventional catheters.ope

    Clinical Usefulness of Computational Modeling-Guided Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Updated Outcome of Multicenter Randomized Study

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    Objective: Catheter ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) is still challenging, no optimal extra-pulmonary vein lesion set is known. We previously reported the clinical feasibility of computational modeling-guided AF catheter ablation. Methods: We randomly assigned 118 patients with persistent AF (77.8% men, age 60.8 ± 9.9 years) to the computational modeling-guided ablation group (53 patients) and the empirical ablation group (55 patients) based on the operators' experience. For virtual ablation, four virtual linear and one electrogram-guided lesion sets were tested on patient heart computed tomogram-based models, and the lesion set with the fastest termination time was reported to the operator in the modeling-guided ablation group. The primary outcome was freedom from atrial tachyarrhythmias lasting longer than 30 s after a single procedure. Results: During 31.5 ± 9.4 months, virtual ablation procedures were available in 95.2% of the patients (108/118). Clinical recurrence rate was significantly lower after a modeling-guided ablation than after an empirical ablation (20.8 vs. 40.0%, log-rank p = 0.042). Modeling-guided ablation was independently associated with a better long-term rhythm outcome of persistent AF ablation (HR = 0.29 [0.12-0.69], p = 0.005). The rhythm outcome of the modeling-guided ablation showed better trends in males, non-obese patients with a less remodeled atrium (left atrial dimension < 50 mm), ejection fraction ≥ 50%, and those without hypertension or diabetes (p < 0.01). There were no significant differences between the groups for the total procedure time (p = 0.403), ablation time (p = 0.510), and major complication rate (p = 0.900). Conclusion: Among patients with persistent AF, the computational modeling-guided ablation was superior to the empirical catheter ablation regarding the rhythm outcome. Clinical trial registration: This study was registered with the ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02171364.ope

    Складність Лемпеля-Зіва та кризи ринку криптовалют

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    The informational (Kolmogorov) measure of complexity in accordance with the Lempel-Ziv algorithm (LZC) is calculated for the logarithmic returns of daily Bitcoin/values.Thecalculationswerecarriedoutforamovingwindowwithavariationinitssize(50250days)inincrementsofonedayintheframeworkoftheimplementedcoarsegrainingprocedure.Itisshownthatinbothmonoandmultiscalingversions,LZCissensitivetonoticeablefluctuationsintheBitcoinpricethatoccurasaresultofcriticaleventsinthecryptocurrencymarket.Inequilibrium,stablestate,havingarelativelylowvalue,LZCrapidlyincreasesimmediatelybeforethecrisis,whichprovesthedominanceofthechaoticcomponentofthetimeseries.Theclassificationandperiodizationofcrisisphenomenainthecryptocurrencymarketfortheperiod20102020hasbeencarriedout.TheresultsdemonstratethepossibilityofusingtheLZCmeasureasanindicatorprecursorofcrisisphenomenainthecryptocurrencymarket.Інформаційна(колмогоровской)міраскладностівідповіднодоалгоритмуЛемпеляЗіва(LZC)розрахованадлялогарифмічногоповерненняденнихзначеньбіткойн/ values. The calculations were carried out for a moving window with a variation in its size (50–250 days) in increments of one day in the framework of the implemented coarse graining procedure. It is shown that in both mono-and multi-scaling versions, LZC is sensitive to noticeable fluctuations in the Bitcoin price that occur as a result of critical events in the cryptocurrency market. In equilibrium, stable state, having a relatively low value, LZC rapidly increases immediately before the crisis, which proves the dominance of the chaotic component of the time series. The classification and periodization of crisis phenomena in the cryptocurrency market for the period 2010–2020 has been carried out. The results demonstrate the possibility of using the LZC measure as an indicator-precursor of crisis phenomena in the cryptocurrency market.Інформаційна (колмогоровской) міра складності відповідно до алгоритму Лемпеля-Зіва (LZC) розрахована для логарифмічного повернення денних значень біткойн/. Розрахунки проводилися для рухомого вікна зі зміною його розміру (50-250 днів) з кроком в один день в рамках впровадженої процедури грубого гранулювання. Показано, що як в моно-, так і в багатомасштабних версіях LZC чутливий до помітних коливань ціни біткойнов, що виникають в результаті критичних подій на ринку криптовалюта. У рівноважному стабільному стані, що має відносно низьке значення, LZC швидко зростає безпосередньо перед кризою, що доводить домінування хаотичної складової часового ряду. Проведено класифікацію та періодизація кризових явищ на ринку криптовалюта за період 2010-2020 рр. Результати демонструють можливість використання показника LZC як індикатора-передвічника кризових явищ на ринку криптовалюта

    Multiple factors influence the morphology of the bipolar electrogram: An in silico modeling study

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    Although bipolar electrograms (Bi-egms) are commonly used for catheter mapping and ablation of cardiac arrhythmias, the accuracy and reproducibility of Bi-egms have not been evaluated. We aimed to clarify the influence of the catheter orientation (CO), catheter contact angle (CA), local conduction velocity (CV), scar size, and catheter type on the Bi-egm morphology using an in silico 3-dimensional realistic model of atrial fibrillation. We constructed a 3-dimensional, realistic, in silico left atrial model with activation wave propagation including bipolar catheter models. Bi-egms were obtained by computing the extracellular potentials from the distal and proximal electrodes. The amplitude and width were measured on virtual Bi-egms obtained under different conditions created by changing the CO according to the wave direction, catheter-atrial wall CA, local CV, size of the non-conductive area, and catheter type. Bipolar voltages were also compared between virtual and clinically acquired Bi-egms. Bi-egm amplitudes were lower for a perpendicular than parallel CO relative to the wave direction (p<0.001), lower for a 90° than 0° CA (p<0.001), and lower for a CV of 0.13m/s than 0.48m/s (p<0.001). Larger sized non-conductive areas were associated with a decreased bipolar amplitude (p<0.001) and increased bipolar width (p<0.001). Among three commercially available catheters (Orion, Pentaray, and Thermocool), those with more narrowly spaced and smaller electrodes produced higher voltages on the virtual Bi-egms (p<0.001). Multiple factors including the CO, CA, CV, and catheter design significantly influence the Bi-egm morphology. Universal voltage cut-off values may not be appropriate for bipolar voltage-guided substrate mapping.ope

    Virtual In-Silico Modeling Guided Catheter Ablation Predicts Effective Linear Ablation Lesion Set for Longstanding Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Multicenter Prospective Randomized Study

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    Objective: Radiofrequency catheter ablation for persistent atrial fibrillation (PeAF) still has a substantial recurrence rate. This study aims to investigate whether an AF ablation lesion set chosen using in-silico ablation (V-ABL) is clinically feasible and more effective than an empirically chosen ablation lesion set (Em-ABL) in patients with PeAF. Methods: We prospectively included 108 patients with antiarrhythmic drug-resistant PeAF (77.8% men, age 60.8 ± 9.9 years), and randomly assigned them to the V-ABL (n = 53) and Em-ABL (n = 55) groups. Five different in-silico ablation lesion sets [1 pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), 3 linear ablations, and 1 electrogram-guided ablation] were compared using heart-CT integrated AF modeling. We evaluated the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of V-ABL compared with that of Em-ABL. Results: The pre-procedural computing time for five different ablation strategies was 166 ± 11 min. In the Em-ABL group, the earliest terminating blinded in-silico lesion set matched with the Em-ABL lesion set in 21.8%. V-ABL was not inferior to Em-ABL in terms of procedure time (p = 0.403), ablation time (p = 0.510), and major complication rate (p = 0.900). During 12.6 ± 3.8 months of follow-up, the clinical recurrence rate was 14.0% in the V-ABL group and 18.9% in the Em-ABL group (p = 0.538). In Em-ABL group, clinical recurrence rate was significantly lower after PVI+posterior box+anterior linear ablation, which showed the most frequent termination during in-silico ablation (log-rank p = 0.027). Conclusions: V-ABL was feasible in clinical practice, not inferior to Em-ABL, and predicts the most effective ablation lesion set in patients who underwent PeAF ablation.ope

    Estimating the time scale and anatomical location of atrial fibrillation spontaneous termination in a biophysical model

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    Due to their transient nature, spontaneous terminations of atrial fibrillation (AF) are difficult to investigate. Apparently, confounding experimental findings about the time scale of this phenomenon have been reported, with values ranging from 1 s to 1 min. We propose a biophysical modeling approach to study the mechanisms of spontaneous termination in two models of AF with different levels of dynamical complexity. 8 s preceding spontaneous terminations were studied and the evolution of cycle length and wavefront propagation were documented to assess the time scale and anatomical location of the phenomenon. Results suggest that termination mechanisms are dependent on the underlying complexity of AF. During simulated AF of low complexity, the total process of spontaneous termination lasted 3,200 ms and was triggered in the left atrium 800 ms earlier than in the right atrium. The last fibrillatory activity was observed more often in the right atrium. These asymmetric termination mechanisms in both time and space were not observed during spontaneous terminations of complex AF simulations, which showed less predictable termination patterns lasting only 1,600 ms. This study contributes to the interpretation of previous clinical observations, and illustrates how computer modeling provides a complementary approach to study the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias

    Ganglionated plexi stimulation induces pulmonary vein triggers and promotes atrial arrhythmogenecity: In silico modeling study

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    BACKGROUND: The role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) on atrial fibrillation (AF) is difficult to demonstrate in the intact human left atrium (LA) due to technical limitations of the current electrophysiological mapping technique. We examined the effects of the ANS on the initiation and maintenance of AF by employing a realistic in silico human left atrium (LA) model integrated with a model of ganglionated plexi (GPs). METHODS: We incorporated the morphology of the GP and parasympathetic nerves in a three-dimensional (3D) realistic LA model. For the model of ionic currents, we used a human atrial model. GPs were stimulated by increasing the IK[ACh], and sympathetic nerve stimulation was conducted through a homogeneous increase in the ICa-L. ANS-induced wave-dynamics changes were evaluated in a model that integrated a patient's LA geometry, and we repeated simulation studies using LA geometries from 10 different patients. RESULTS: The two-dimensional model of pulmonary vein (PV) cells exhibited late phase 3 early afterdepolarization-like activity under 0.05μM acetylcholine (ACh) stimulation. In the 3D simulation model, PV tachycardia was induced, which degenerated to AF via GP (0.05μM ACh) and sympathetic (7.0×ICa-L) stimulations. Under sustained AF, local reentries were observed at the LA-PV junction. We also observed that GP stimulation reduced the complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE)-cycle length (CL, p<0.01) and the life span of phase singularities (p<0.01). GP stimulation also increased the overlap area of the GP and CFAE areas (CFAE-CL≤120ms, p<0.01). When 3 patterns of virtual ablations were applied to the 3D AF models, circumferential PV isolation including the GP was the most effective in terminating AF. CONCLUSION: Cardiac ANS stimulations demonstrated triggered activity, automaticity, and local reentries at the LA-PV junction, as well as co-localized GP and CFAE areas in the 3D in silico GP model of the LA.ope

    The Spatiotemporal Stability of Dominant Frequency Sites in In-Silico Modeling of 3-Dimensional Left Atrial Mapping of Atrial Fibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: We previously reported that stable rotors were observed in in-silico human atrial fibrillation (AF) models, and were well represented by dominant frequency (DF). We explored the spatiotemporal stability of DF sites in 3D-AF models imported from patient CT images of the left atrium (LA). METHODS: We integrated 3-D CT images of the LA obtained from ten patients with persistent AF (male 80%, 61.8 ± 13.5 years old) into an in-silico AF model. After induction, we obtained 6 seconds of AF simulation data for DF analyses in 30 second intervals (T1-T9). The LA was divided into ten sections. Spatiotemporal changes and variations in the temporal consistency of DF were evaluated at each section of the LA. The high DF area was defined as the area with the highest 10% DF. RESULTS: 1. There was no spatial consistency in the high DF distribution at each LA section during T1-T9 except in one patient (p = 0.027). 2. Coefficients of variation for the high DF area were highly different among the ten LA sections (p < 0.001), and they were significantly higher in the four pulmonary vein (PV) areas, the LA appendage, and the peri-mitral area than in the other LA sections (p < 0.001). 3. When we conducted virtual ablation of 10%, 15%, and 20% of the highest DF areas (n = 270 cases), AF was changed to atrial tachycardia (AT) or terminated at a rate of 40%, 57%, and 76%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Spatiotemporal consistency of the DF area was observed in 10% of AF patients, and high DF areas were temporally variable. Virtual ablation of DF is moderately effective in AF termination and AF changing into AT.ope

    In Situ Procedure for High-Efficiency Computational Modeling of Atrial Fibrillation Reflecting Personal Anatomy, Fiber Orientation, Fibrosis, and Electrophysiology

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    We previously reported the feasibility and efficacy of a simulation-guided clinical catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) in an in-silico AF model. We developed a highly efficient realistic AF model reflecting the patient endocardial voltage and local conduction and tested its clinical feasibility. We acquired > 500 endocardial bipolar electrograms during right atrial pacing at the beginning of the AF ablation procedures. Based on the clinical bipolar electrograms, we generated simulated voltage maps by applying fibrosis and local activation maps adjusted for the fiber orientation. The software's accuracy (CUVIA2.5) was retrospectively tested in 17 patients and feasibility prospectively in 10 during clinical AF ablation. Results: We found excellent correlations between the clinical and simulated voltage maps (R = 0.933, p < 0.001) and clinical and virtual local conduction (R = 0.958, p < 0.001). The proportion of virtual local fibrosis was 15.4, 22.2, and 36.9% in the paroxysmal AF, persistent AF, and post-pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) states, respectively. The reconstructed virtual bipolar electrogram exhibited a relatively good similarities of morphology to the local clinical bipolar electrogram (R = 0.60 ± 0.08, p < 0.001). Feasibility testing revealed an in situ procedural computing time from the clinical data acquisition to wave-dynamics analyses of 48.2 ± 4.9 min. All virtual analyses were successfully achieved during clinical PVI procedures. We developed a highly efficient, realistic, in situ procedural simulation model reflective of individual anatomy, fiber orientation, fibrosis, and electrophysiology that can be applied during AF ablation.ope

    Effectiveness of atrial fibrillation rotor ablation is dependent on conduction velocity: An in-silico 3-dimensional modeling study.

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    BACKGROUND: We previously reported that stable rotors are observed in in-silico human atrial fibrillation (AF) models, and are well represented by a dominant frequency (DF). In the current study, we hypothesized that the outcome of DF ablation is affected by conduction velocity (CV) conditions and examined this hypothesis using in-silico 3D-AF modeling. METHODS: We integrated 3D CT images of left atrium obtained from 10 patients with persistent AF (80% male, 61.8±13.5 years old) into in-silico AF model. We compared AF maintenance durations (max 300s), spatiotemporal stabilities of DF, phase singularity (PS) number, life-span of PS, and AF termination or defragmentation rates after virtual DF ablation with 5 different CV conditions (0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6m/s). RESULTS: 1. AF maintenance duration (p<0.001), spatiotemporal mean variance of DF (p<0.001), and the number of PS (p = 0.023) showed CV dependent bimodal patterns (highest at CV0.4m/s and lowest at CV0.6m/s) consistently. 2. After 10% highest DF ablation, AF defragmentation rates were the lowest at CV0.4m/s (37.8%), but highest at CV0.5 and 0.6m/s (all 100%, p<0.001). 3. In the episodes with AF termination or defragmentation followed by 10% highest DF ablation, baseline AF maintenance duration was shorter (p<0.001), spatiotemporal mean variance of DF was lower (p = 0.014), and the number of PS was lower (p = 0.004) than those with failed AF defragmentation after DF ablation. CONCLUSION: Virtual ablation of DF, which may indicate AF driver, was more likely to terminate or defragment AF with spatiotemporally stable DF, but not likely to do so in long-lasting and sustained AF conditions, depending on CV.ope