415 research outputs found

    A New Approach of Detecting Network Anomalies using Improved ID3 with Horizontal Partioning Based Decision Tree

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    In this paper we are proposing a new approach of Detecting Network Anomalies using improved ID3 with horizontal portioning based decision tree. Here we first apply different clustering algorithms and after that we apply horizontal partioning decision tree and then check the network anomalies from the decision tree. Here in this paper we find the comparative analysis of different clustering algorithms and existing id3 based decision tree

    K-Means+ID3 and dependence tree methods for supervised anomaly detection

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    In this dissertation, we present two novel methods for supervised anomaly detection. The first method K-Means+ID3 performs supervised anomaly detection by partitioning the training data instances into k clusters using Euclidean distance similarity. Then, on each cluster representing a density region of normal or anomaly instances, an ID3 decision tree is built. The ID3 decision tree on each cluster refines the decision boundaries by learning the subgroups within a cluster. To obtain a final decision on detection, the k-Means and ID3 decision trees are combined using two rules: (1) the nearest neighbor rule; and (2) the nearest consensus rule. The performance of the K-Means+ID3 is demonstrated over three data sets: (1) network anomaly data, (2) Duffing equation data, and (3) mechanical system data, which contain measurements drawn from three distinct application domains of computer networks, an electronic circuit implementing a forced Duffing equation, and a mechanical mass beam system subjected to fatigue stress, respectively. Results show that the detection accuracy of the K-Means+ID3 method is as high as 96.24 percent on network anomaly data; the total accuracy is as high as 80.01 percent on mechanical system data; and 79.9 percent on Duffing equation data. Further, the performance of K-Means+ID3 is compared with individual k-Means and ID3 methods implemented for anomaly detection. The second method dependence tree based anomaly detection performs supervised anomaly detection using the Bayes classification rule. The class conditional probability densities in the Bayes classification rule are approximated by dependence trees, which represent second-order product approximations of probability densities. We derive the theoretical relationship between dependence tree classification error and Bayes error rate and show that the dependence tree approximation minimizes an upper bound on the Bayes error rate. To improve the classification performance of dependence tree based anomaly detection, we use supervised and unsupervised Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (MRMR) feature selection method to select a set of features that optimally characterize class information. We derive the theoretical relationship between the Bayes error rate and the MRMR feature selection criterion and show that MRMR feature selection criterion minimizes an upper bound on the Bayes error rate. The performance of the dependence tree based anomaly detection method is demonstrated on the benchmark KDD Cup 1999 intrusion detection data set. Results show that the detection accuracies of the dependence tree based anomaly detection method are as high as 99.76 percent in detecting normal traffic, 93.88 percent in detecting denial-of-service attacks, 94.88 percent in detecting probing attacks, 86.40 percent in detecting user-to-root attacks, and 24.44 percent in detecting remote-to-login attacks. Further, the performance of dependence tree based anomaly detection method is compared with the performance of naïve Bayes and ID3 decision tree methods as well as with the performance of two anomaly detection methods reported in recent literature

    Intrusion Detection System with Data Mining Approach: A Review

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    Despite of growing information technology widely, security has remained one challenging area for computers and networks. Recently many researchers have focused on intrusion detection system based on data mining techniques as an efficient strategy. The main problem in intrusion detection system is accuracy to detect new attacks therefore unsupervised methods should be applied. On the other hand, intrusion in system must be recognized in realtime, although, intrusion detection system is also helpful in off-line status for removing weaknesses of network2019;s security. However, data mining techniques can lead us to discover hidden information from network2019;s log data. In this survey, we try to clarify: first,the different problem definitions with regard to network intrusion detection generally; second, the specific difficulties encountered in this field of research; third, the varying assumptions, heuristics, and intuitions forming the basis of erent approaches; and how several prominent solutions tackle different problems

    Intrusion detection using clustering

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    In increasing trends of network environment every one gets connected to the system. So there is need of securing information, because there are lots of security threats are present in network environment. A number of techniques are available for intrusion detection. Data mining is the one of the efficient techniques available for intrusion detection. Data mining techniques may be supervised or unsuprevised.Various Author have applied various clustering algorithm for intrusion detection, but all of these are suffers form class dominance, force assignment and No Class problem. This paper proposes a hybrid model to overcome these problems. The performance of proposed model is evaluated over KDD Cup 1999 data set

    Collaborative IDS Framework for Cloud

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    Cloud computing is used extensively to deliver utility computing over the Internet. Defending network acces- sible Cloud resources and services from various threats and attacks is of great concern. Intrusion Detection Sys- tem (IDS) has become popular as an important network security technology to detect cyber-attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel Collaborative IDS (CIDS) Framework for cloud. We use Snort to detect the known stealthy attacks using signature matching. To detect unknown at- tacks, anomaly detection system (ADS) is built using De- cision Tree Classi�er and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Alert Correlation and automatic signature generation re- duce the impact of Denial of Service (DoS) /Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks and increase the performance and accuracy of IDS

    New Trends in Network Anomaly Detection

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    Towards an Unsupervised Method for Network Anomaly Detection in Large Datasets

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    In this paper, we present an effective tree based subspace clustering technique (TreeCLUSS) for finding clusters in network intrusion data and for detecting known as well as unknown attacks without using any labelled traffic or signatures or training. To establish its effectiveness in finding the appropriate number of clusters, we perform a cluster stability analysis. We also introduce an effective cluster labelling technique (CLUSSLab) to label each cluster based on the stable cluster set obtained from TreeCLUSS. CLUSSLab is a multi-objective technique that employs an ensemble approach for labelling each stable cluster generated by TreeCLUSS to achieve high detection rate. We also introduce an effective unsupervised feature clustering technique to identify the dominating feature set from each cluster. We evaluate the performance of both TreeCLUSS and CLUSSLab using several real world intrusion datasets to identify known as well as unknown attacks and find that results are excellent

    Data Mining in Healthcare: A Survey of Techniques and Algorithms with its Limitations and Challenges

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    The large amount of data in healthcare industry is a key resource to be processed and analyzed for knowledge extraction. The knowledge discovery is the process of making low-level data into high-level knowledge. Data mining is a core component of the KDD process. Data mining techniques are used in healthcare management which improve the quality and decrease the cost of healthcare services. Data mining algorithms are needed in almost every step in KDD process ranging from domain understanding to knowledge evaluation. It is necessary to identify and evaluate the most common data mining algorithms implemented in modern healthcare services. The need is for algorithms with very high accuracy as medical diagnosis is considered as a significant yet obscure task that needs to be carried out precisely and efficiently

    A Review on Cybersecurity based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms

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    Machin learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) technique have been widely applied to areas like image processing and speech recognition so far. Likewise, ML and DL plays a critical role in detecting and preventing in the field of cybersecurity. In this review, we focus on recent ML and DL algorithms that have been proposed in cybersecurity, network intrusion detection, malware detection. We also discuss key elements of cybersecurity, main principle of information security and the most common methods used to threaten cybersecurity. Finally, concluding remarks are discussed including the possible research topics that can be taken into consideration to enhance various cyber security applications using DL and ML algorithms