1,798 research outputs found

    Gait Verification using Knee Acceleration Signals

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    A novel gait recognition method for biometric applications is proposed. The approach has the following distinct features. First, gait patterns are determined via knee acceleration signals, circumventing difficulties associated with conventional vision-based gait recognition methods. Second, an automatic procedure to extract gait features from acceleration signals is developed that employs a multiple-template classification method. Consequently, the proposed approach can adjust the sensitivity and specificity of the gait recognition system with great flexibility. Experimental results from 35 subjects demonstrate the potential of the approach for successful recognition. By setting sensitivity to be 0.95 and 0.90, the resulting specificity ranges from 1 to 0.783 and 1.00 to 0.945, respectively

    Automatic detection, extraction and analysis of unrestrained gait using a wearable sensor system

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    Within this paper we demonstrate thee ffectiveness of a novel body-worn gait monitoring and analysis framework to both accurately and automatically assess gait during ’freeliving’ conditions. Key features of the system include the ability to automatically identify individual steps within specific gait conditions, and the implementation of continuous waveform analysis within an automated system for the generation of temporally normalized data and their statistical comparison across subjects

    New control strategies for neuroprosthetic systems

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    The availability of techniques to artificially excite paralyzed muscles opens enormous potential for restoring both upper and lower extremity movements with\ud neuroprostheses. Neuroprostheses must stimulate muscle, and control and regulate the artificial movements produced. Control methods to accomplish these tasks include feedforward (open-loop), feedback, and adaptive control. Feedforward control requires a great deal of information about the biomechanical behavior of the limb. For the upper extremity, an artificial motor program was developed to provide such movement program input to a neuroprosthesis. In lower extremity control, one group achieved their best results by attempting to meet naturally perceived gait objectives rather than to follow an exact joint angle trajectory. Adaptive feedforward control, as implemented in the cycleto-cycle controller, gave good compensation for the gradual decrease in performance observed with open-loop control. A neural network controller was able to control its system to customize stimulation parameters in order to generate a desired output trajectory in a given individual and to maintain tracking performance in the presence of muscle fatigue. The authors believe that practical FNS control systems must\ud exhibit many of these features of neurophysiological systems

    Eat-Radar: Continuous Fine-Grained Eating Gesture Detection Using FMCW Radar and 3D Temporal Convolutional Network

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    Unhealthy dietary habits are considered as the primary cause of multiple chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. The automatic food intake monitoring system has the potential to improve the quality of life (QoF) of people with dietary related diseases through dietary assessment. In this work, we propose a novel contact-less radar-based food intake monitoring approach. Specifically, a Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar sensor is employed to recognize fine-grained eating and drinking gestures. The fine-grained eating/drinking gesture contains a series of movement from raising the hand to the mouth until putting away the hand from the mouth. A 3D temporal convolutional network (3D-TCN) is developed to detect and segment eating and drinking gestures in meal sessions by processing the Range-Doppler Cube (RD Cube). Unlike previous radar-based research, this work collects data in continuous meal sessions. We create a public dataset that contains 48 meal sessions (3121 eating gestures and 608 drinking gestures) from 48 participants with a total duration of 783 minutes. Four eating styles (fork & knife, chopsticks, spoon, hand) are included in this dataset. To validate the performance of the proposed approach, 8-fold cross validation method is applied. Experimental results show that our proposed 3D-TCN outperforms the model that combines a convolutional neural network and a long-short-term-memory network (CNN-LSTM), and also the CNN-Bidirectional LSTM model (CNN-BiLSTM) in eating and drinking gesture detection. The 3D-TCN model achieves a segmental F1-score of 0.887 and 0.844 for eating and drinking gestures, respectively. The results of the proposed approach indicate the feasibility of using radar for fine-grained eating and drinking gesture detection and segmentation in meal sessions

    Pathophysiological mechanisms in Parkinson`s Disease and Dystonia – converging aetiologies

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    In this thesis I used a range of experimental approaches including genetics, enzyme activity measurements, histology and imaging to explore converging pathophysiological mechanisms of Parkinson`s disease and dystonia, two conditions with frequent clinical overlap. First, based on a combined retro- and prospective cohort of patients, using a combination of lysosomal enzyme activity measurements in peripheral blood and brain samples, as well as a target gene approach, I provide first evidence of reduced levels of enzyme activity in Glucocerebrosidase and the presence of GBA mutations, indicating lysosomal abnormality, in a relevant proportion of patients with dystonia of previously unknown origin. Second, based on a retrospective cohort of patients, I detail that a relevant proportion of genetically confirmed mitochondrial disease patients present with a movement disorder phenotype - predominantly dystonia and parkinsonism. Analysing volumetric MRI data, I describe a patterned cerebellar atrophy in these particular patients. This also includes the first cases of isolated dystonia due to mitochondrial disease, adding the latter as a potential aetiology for dystonia of unknown origin. Third, I used a combination of post-GWAS population genetic approaches and tissue-based experiments to explore in how far the strong association between advancing age and Parkinson ́s disease is mediated via telomere length. Although the initial finding of an association between genetically determined telomere length and PD risk did not replicate in independent cohorts, I provide evidence that telomere length in human putamen physiologically shortens with advancing age and 3 is regulated differently than in other brain regions. This is unique in the human brain, implying a particular age-related vulnerability of the striatum, part of the nigro-striatal network, crucially involved in PD pathophysiology. I conclude by discussing the above findings in light of the current literature, expand on their relevance and possible direction of future experiments

    Progressive-Regressive Strategy for Biometrical Authentication

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    This chapter thoroughly investigates the use of the progressive–regressive strategy for biometrical authentication through the use of human gait and face images. A considerable amount of features were extracted and relevant parameters computed for such an investigation and a vast number of datasets developed. The datasets consist of features and computed parameters extracted from human gait and face images from various subjects of different ages. Soft-computing techniques, discrete wavelet transform (DWT), principal component analysis and the forward–backward dynamic programming method were applied for the best-fit selection of parameters and the complete matching process. The paretic and non-paretic characteristics were classified through Naïve Bayes’ classification theorem. Both classification and recognition were carried out in parallel with test and trained datasets and the whole process of investigation was successfully carried out through an algorithm developed in this chapter. The success rate of biometrical authentication is 89%

    A review of vision-based gait recognition methods for human identification

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    Human identification by gait has created a great deal of interest in computer vision community due to its advantage of inconspicuous recognition at a relatively far distance. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent developments on gait recognition approaches. The survey emphasizes on three major issues involved in a general gait recognition system, namely gait image representation, feature dimensionality reduction and gait classification. Also, a review of the available public gait datasets is presented. The concluding discussions outline a number of research challenges and provide promising future directions for the field

    El uso de la tecnología de captura de movimiento para el análisis del rendimiento deportivo

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    In sport performance, motion capture aims at tracking and recording athletes’ human motion in real time to analyze physical condition, athletic performance, technical expertise and injury mechanism, prevention and rehabilitation. The aim of this paper is to systematically review the latest developments of motion capture systems for the analysis of sport performance. To that end, selected keywords were searched on studies published in the last four years in the electronic databases ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, PubMed and SPORTDiscus, which resulted in 892 potential records. After duplicate removal and screening of the remaining records, 81 journal papers were retained for inclusion in this review, distributed as 53 records for optical systems, 15 records for non-optical systems and 13 records for markerless systems. Resultant records were screened to distribute them according to the following analysis categories: biomechanical motion analysis, validation of new systems and performance enhancement. Although optical systems are regarded as golden standard with accurate results, the cost of equipment and time needed to capture and postprocess data have led researchers to test other technologies. First, non-optical systems rely on attaching sensors to body parts to send their spatial information to computer wirelessly by means of different technologies, such as electromagnetic and inertial (accelerometry). Finally, markerless systems are adequate for free, unobstructive motion analysis since no attachment is carried by athletes. However, more sensors and sophisticated signal processing must be used to increase the expected level of accuracy.En el ámbito del rendimiento deportivo, el objetivo de la captura de movimiento es seguir y registrar el movimiento humano de deportistas para analizar su condición física, rendimiento, técnica y el origen, prevención y rehabilitación de lesiones. En este artículo, se realiza una revisión sistemática de los últimos avances en sistemas de captura de movimiento para el análisis del rendimiento deportivo. Para ello, se buscaron palabras clave en estudios publicados en los últimos cuatro años en las bases de datos electrónicas ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, PubMed y SPORTDiscus, dando lugar a 892 registros. Tras borrar duplicados y análisis del resto, se seleccionaron 81 artículos de revista, distribuidos en 53 registros para sistemas ópticos, 15 para sistemas no ópticos y 13 para sistemas sin marcadores. Los registros se clasificaron según las categorías: análisis biomecánico, validación de nuevos sistemas y mejora del rendimiento. Aunque los sistemas ópticos son los sistemas de referencia por su precisión, el coste del equipamiento y el tiempo invertido en la captura y postprocesado ha llevado a los investigadores a probar otras tecnologías. En primer lugar, los sistemas no ópticos se basan en adherir sensores a zonas corporales para mandar su información espacial a un ordenador mediante distintas tecnologías, tales como electromagnética y inercial (acelerometría). Finalmente, los sistemas sin marcadores permiten un análisis del movimiento sin restricciones ya que los deportistas no llevan adherido ningún elemento. Sin embargo, se necesitan más sensores y un procesado de señal avanzado para aumentar el nivel de precisión necesario