597 research outputs found

    Optimization And Design Of Photovoltaic Micro-inverter

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    To relieve energy shortage and environmental pollution issues, renewable energy, especially PV energy has developed rapidly in the last decade. The micro-inverter systems, with advantages in dedicated PV power harvest, flexible system size, simple installation, and enhanced safety characteristics are the future development trend of the PV power generation systems. The double-stage structure which can realize high efficiency with nice regulated sinusoidal waveforms is the mainstream for the micro-inverter. This thesis studied a double stage micro-inverter system. Considering the intermittent nature of PV power, a PFC was analyzed to provide additional electrical power to the system. When the solar power is less than the load required, PFC can drag power from the utility grid. In the double stage micro-inverter, the DC/DC stage was realized by a LLC converter, which could realize soft switching automatically under frequency modulation. However it has a complicated relationship between voltage gain and load. Thus conventional variable step P&O MPPT techniques for PWM converter were no longer suitable for the LLC converter. To solve this problem, a novel MPPT was proposed to track MPP efficiently. Simulation and experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT. The DC/AC stage of the micro-inverter was realized by a BCM inverter. With duty cycle and frequency modulation, ZVS was achieved through controlling the inductor current bi-directional in every switching cycle. This technique required no additional resonant components and could be employed for low power applications on conventional full-bridge and half-bridge inverter topologies. Three different current mode control schemes were derived from the basic theory of the proposed technique. They were referred to as Boundary Current Mode (BCM), Variable Hysteresis Current Mode (VHCM), and Constant Hysteresis Current Mode (CHCM) individually in this paper with their advantages and disadvantages analyzed in detail. Simulation and experimental iv results demonstrated the feasibilities of the proposed soft-switching technique with the digital control schemes. The PFC converter was applied by a single stage Biflyback topology, which combined the advantages of single stage PFC and flyback topology together, with further advantages in low intermediate bus voltage and current stresses. A digital controller without current sampling requirement was proposed based on the specific topology. To reduce the voltage spike caused by the leakage inductor, a novel snubber cell combining soft switching technique with snubber technique together was proposed. Simulation and experimental waveforms illustrated the same as characteristics as the theoretical analysis. In summary, the dissertation analyzed each power stage of photovoltaic micro-inverter system from efficiency and effectiveness optimization perspectives. Moreover their advantages were compared carefully with existed topologies and control techniques. Simulation and experiment results were provided to support the theoretical analysis

    Bidirectional Three-Phase AC-DC Power Conversion Using DC-DC Converters and a Three-Phase Unfolder

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    Strategic use of energy storage systems alleviates imbalance between energy generation and consumption. Battery storage of various chemistries is favorable for its relatively high energy density and high charge and discharge rates. Battery voltage is in dc, while the distribution of electricity is still predominantly in ac. To effectively harness the battery energy, a dc-ac inverter is required. A conventional inverter contains two high-frequency switching stages. The battery-interfacing stage provides galvanic isolation and switches at high frequency to minimize the isolation transformer size. The grid-interfacing stage also operates at high frequency to obtain sinusoidal grid currents and the desired power. Negative consequences of high-frequency switching include increased switching loss and the generation of large voltage harmonics that require filtering. This dissertation proposes an alternative two-stage inverter topology aimed at reducing converter size and weight. This is achieved by reducing the number of high-frequency switching stages and associated filter requirements. The grid-interfacing stage is operated at the line frequency, while only the battery-interfacing stage operates at high frequency to shape the line currents and control power flow. The line-frequency operation generates negligible switching loss and minimal current harmonics in the grid-interfacing stage. As a result, the required filter is reduced in size. Hardware designs are performed and compared between the conventional and proposed converters to quantify expected size reduction. Control methods are developed and verified in simulation and experiment to obtain high-quality line currents at all power factors

    Isolated Wired and Wireless Battery Charger with Integrated Boost Converter for PHEV and EV Applications

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    Vehicle charging and vehicle traction drive components can be integrated for multi-functional operations, as these functions are currently operating independently. While the vehicle is parked, the hardware that is available from the traction drive can be used for charging. The only exception to this would be the dynamic vehicle-charging concept on roadways. WPT can be viewed as a revolutionary step in PEV charging because it fits the paradigm of vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) wirelessly. WPT charging is convenient and flexible not only because it has no cables and connectors that are necessary, but due more to the fact that charging becomes fully independent. This is possibly the most convenient attribute of WPT as PEV charging can be fully autonomous and may eventually eclipse conductive charging. This technology also provides an opportunity to develop an integrated charger technology that will allow for both wired and wireless charging methods. Also the integrated approach allows for higher charging power while reducing the weight and volume of the charger components in the vehicle. The main objective of this work is to design, develop, and demonstrate integrated wired and wireless chargers with boost functionality for traction drive to provide flexibility to the EV customers

    A Single-phase Rectifier With Ripple-power Decoupling and Application to LED Lighting

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    In recent years, Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) is widely used in lighting applications for its high efficacy and high reliability. However, the rectifier, which is required by the LEDs to convert the AC power from the grid into DC power, suffers from low-reliability caused by the filtering capacitor. In order to fully utilize the long operational hours of the LEDs, this thesis proposes a rectifier that has improved reliability by adding a ripple-port to eliminate the non-reliable electrolytic capacitor. The ripple-port is capable of decoupling the ripple-power inherited in a single-phase rectifier, which enables using the reliable film capacitor to replace the electrolytic capacitor. To guarantee that the ripple-port can effectively decouple the ripple-power, a closed-loop control scheme is designed and implemented in a digital controller. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed rectifier can reduce the required capacitance by 70%, which results in a 60% increase in lifetime. The proposed ripple-port circuit can be considered as an add-on module to be integrated into the rectifiers used in applications that require long lifetime. A detailed analysis of the efficiency, cost and reliability of applying the ripple-port in LED lighting applications supports the feasibility of the proposed circuit

    Emerging Converter Topologies and Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems

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    Continuous cost reduction of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the rise of power auctions resulted in the establishment of PV power not only as a green energy source but also as a cost-effective solution to the electricity generation market. Various commercial solutions for grid-connected PV systems are available at any power level, ranging from multi-megawatt utility-scale solar farms to sub-kilowatt residential PV installations. Compared to utility-scale systems, the feasibility of small-scale residential PV installations is still limited by existing technologies that have not yet properly address issues like operation in weak grids, opaque and partial shading, etc. New market drivers such as warranty improvement to match the PV module lifespan, operation voltage range extension for application flexibility, and embedded energy storage for load shifting have again put small-scale PV systems in the spotlight. This Special Issue collects the latest developments in the field of power electronic converter topologies, control, design, and optimization for better energy yield, power conversion efficiency, reliability, and longer lifetime of the small-scale PV systems. This Special Issue will serve as a reference and update for academics, researchers, and practicing engineers to inspire new research and developments that pave the way for next-generation PV systems for residential and small commercial applications

    Very High Frequency Galvanic Isolated Offline Power Supply

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    A Novel Induction Heating System Using Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped Inverter

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    Contribution to Knowledge: The main knowledge contribution of the dissertation can be summarized as follows: 1-A new design of induction heating power supply configuration with two categories of LLC topologies: A Novel induction heating power supply topology using multilevel neutral point clamped inverter (MNPCI) is investigated and verified. The proposed converter topology decreases the switching losses by decreasing the DC link voltage to half its DC rail voltage value with the aid of operation under soft switching mode condition. Depending on the modified LLC optimum design being introduced, it shares the advantage features of both voltage fed and current fed inverters with the capability to absorb the undesired parasitic components in the design. The new design involves adding new circuit parameter that helps in controlling the power transfer from the MNPCI to the resonant load tank. All the analytical analysis made and the corresponding experimental work verifies the prototype configuration. This contribution was presented by the author and published in: {B.M. Flayyih; M.Z. Ahmed; M. Ambroze, ''A Novel Hybrid Voltage-Current Fed Induction Heating Power Supply System Using Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped Inverter '', Energycon 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference, Dubrovnik-Croatia. From 13th - 16th May 2014}. 2-An optimum power control of induction heating system by reducing harmonic distortion content: The development of IH system has become a pressing need to improve the power transfer from power supply to the IH load of the application required, and due to variable characteristic of IH load workpiece during the heating cycle, it is necessary to develop an IH system that operates using resonant inverters with switching frequency that changes according to changing load conditions during the IH application process, in order to keep tuning with natural resonant frequency of the system and keep working under optimal operational point. A novel super frequency induction heating power supply using MNPCI with optimum control algorithm is introduced. The control strategy is to keep phase shift angle between voltage and current approximately zero at all load conditions to ensure maximum power transfer whatever the load parameters changes, that is necessary to reduce the switching losses and increase the efficiency. The load topology being used consists of variable LLC resonant tank with values chosen carefully to coincide with the design. Afterword, an Optimum Harmonic Control of a proposed induction heating power supply with MNPCI is also introduced in this research. The proposed system achieves the soft switching mode for both current and voltage with low harmonic distortion and the capability to maximize the heating power by controlling the harmonics. The modulation strategy depends on changing the ON switching time of the prototype to an optimized value that achieves natural switching with lowest possible harmonic distortion and thus, gaining highest heating power efficiency. This contribution was also presented by the author and published in {B.M. Flayyih; M.Z. Ahmed; S. MacVeigh, ''A Comprehensive Power Analysis of Induction Heating Power Supply System Using Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped Inverter With Optimum Control Algorithm '', 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), From 9th - 12th June 2015, Sydney, Australia}. This contribution is also presented by the author in: {B.M. Flayyih; M.Z. Ahmed; M. Ambroze, ''An Optimum Harmonic Control of Induction Heating Power Supply System Using Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped Inverter'', The IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific (ITEC2016), Busan, Korea on 1st - 4th June, 2016}.This thesis investigates a novel DC/AC resonant inverter of Induction Heating (IH) system presenting a Multilevel Neutral Point Clamped (MNPCI) topology, as a new part of power supply design. The main function of the prototype is to provide a maximum and steady state power transfer from converter to the resonant load tank, by achieving zero current switching (ZCS) with selecting the best design of load tank topology, and utilizing the advantage aspects of both the Voltage Fed Inverter (VFI) and Current Fed Inverter (CFI) kinds, therefore it can considered as a hybrid-inverter (HVCFI) category . The new design benefits from series resonant inverter design through using two bulk voltage source capacitors to feed a constant voltage delivery to the MNPCI inverter with half the DC rail voltage to decrease the switching losses and mitigate the over voltage surge occurred in inverter switches during operation which may cause damage when dealing with high power systems. Besides, the design profits from the resonant load topology of parallel resonant inverter, through using the LLC resonant load tank. The design gives the advantage of having an output current gain value of about Quality Factor (Q) times the inverter current and absorbs the parasitic components. On the contrary, decreasing inverter current means decreasing the switching frequency and thus, decreasing the switching losses of the system. This aspect increases the output power, which increases the heating efficiency. In order for the proposed system to be more reliable and matches the characteristics of IH process , the prototype is modelled with a variable LLC topology instead of fixed load parameters with achieving soft switching mode of ZCS and zero voltage switching (ZVS) at all load conditions and a tiny phase shift angle between output current and voltage, which might be neglected. To achieve the goal of reducing harmonic distortion, a new harmonic control modulation is introduced, by controlling the ON switching time to obtain minimum Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) content accompanied with optimum power for heating energy.Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.Al Shuhadaa Establishment of Iraq

    Research on low power technology by AC power supply circuits

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3692号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新6060Waseda Universit

    Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies, Configurations, and Architectures

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are projected to be one of the major contributors to energy transition in the global transportation due to their rapid expansion. The EVs will play a vital role in achieving a sustainable transportation system by reducing fossil fuel dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, high level of EVs integration into the distribution grid has introduced many challenges for the power grid operation, safety, and network planning due to the increase in load demand, power quality impacts and power losses. An increasing fleet of electric mobility requires the advanced charging systems to enhance charging efficiency and utility grid support. Innovative EV charging technologies are obtaining much attention in recent research studies aimed at strengthening EV adoption while providing ancillary services. Therefore, analysis of the status of EV charging technologies is significant to accelerate EV adoption with advanced control strategies to discover a remedial solution for negative grid impacts, enhance desired charging efficiency and grid support. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current deployment of EV charging systems, international standards, charging configurations, EV battery technologies, architecture of EV charging stations, and emerging technical challenges. The charging systems require a dedicated converter topology, a control strategy and international standards for charging and grid interconnection to ensure optimum operation and enhance grid support. An overview of different charging systems in terms of onboard and off-board chargers, AC-DC and DC-DC converter topologies, and AC and DC-based charging station architectures are evaluated

    Study of a Symmetrical LLC Dual-Active Bridge Resonant Converter Topology for Battery Storage Systems

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    A symmetrical LLC resonant converter topology with a fixed-frequency quasi-triple phase-shift modulation method is proposed for battery-powered electric traction systems with extensions to other battery storage systems. Operation of the converter with these methods yields two unique transfer characteristics and is dependent on the switching frequency. The converter exhibits several desirable features: 1) load-independent buck-boost voltage conversion when operated at the low-impedance resonant frequency, allowing for dc-link voltage regulation, zero-voltage switching across a wide load range, and intrinsic load transient resilience; 2) power flow control when operated outside the low-impedance resonance for integrated battery charging; 3) and simple operational mode selection based on needed functionality with only a single control variable per mode. Derivation of the transfer characteristics for three operation cases using exponential Fourier series coefficients is presented. Pre-design evaluation of the S-LLC converter is presented using these analytical methods and corroborated through simulation. Furthermore, the construction of a rapid-prototyping magnetics design tool developed for high-frequency transformer designs inclusive of leakage inductance, which is leveraged to create the magnetic elements needed for this work. Two 2kW prototypes of the proposed topology are constructed to validate the analysis, with one prototype having a transformer incorporating the series resonant inductance and secondary clamp inductance into the transformer leakage and magnetizing inductance, respectively. A test bench is presented to validate the analysis methods and proposed multi-operational control scheme. Theoretical and experimental results are compared, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the new multi-mode operation scheme of the S-LLC converter topology