11 research outputs found

    Ant replication: saving power expenditure in MANETs

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    Frad-hoc: a framework to routing ad-hoc networks

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    This article presents a routing framework for mobile ad-hoc networks, which was called as FRAd-hoc. The main goal of the contribution was the design and implementation of a structure that could gather generic characteristics from hybrid routing algorithm domains.Therefore, it is possible to offer a specializing framework to produce and make available reusable software components. The results present in this research work indicate that the FRAd-hoc environment has reached a successful level, because it was possible to produce others algorithms starting from the proposed framework.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    Frad-hoc: a framework to routing ad-hoc networks

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    This article presents a routing framework for mobile ad-hoc networks, which was called as FRAd-hoc. The main goal of the contribution was the design and implementation of a structure that could gather generic characteristics from hybrid routing algorithm domains.Therefore, it is possible to offer a specializing framework to produce and make available reusable software components. The results present in this research work indicate that the FRAd-hoc environment has reached a successful level, because it was possible to produce others algorithms starting from the proposed framework.1st IFIP International Conference on Ad-Hoc NetWorkingRed de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    More Improvement by Helping Ant to Fault-Tolerant Heuristic Routing Algorithm in Mesh Networks

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    Abstract: Routing with fault-tolerant mechanisms has a crucial effect on the fast exchange of information in variety of networks including mesh networks. This study attempts to choose an optimal path in terms of fault tolerance to transmit messages from source to destination while taking into account faulty nodes in such mesh networks. In this study, we take advantage of ant colony optimization algorithm to propose Adaptive Heuristic Routing algorithms to this problem. We use color pheromone ants to overcome problem of fail-recover behavior of network components. The proposed method is compared with fault-tolerant routing algorithm in mesh networks using the balanced ring. Simulation results depict that this method reacted quickly in terms of network faults, meanwhile in each time step the data can choose the optimal path to reach their destination. In this study, we improve performance of the proposed method using update ants to inform other nodes about the discovered shortest path. Simulation results show that the proposed method dramaticcaly increase efficiency of routing mechanism in mesh networks

    More on Castor: the Scalable Secure Routing for Ad-hoc Networks

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    Wireless ad hoc networks are inherently vulnerable, as any node can disrupt the communication of potentially any other node in the network. Many solutions to this problem have been proposed. In this paper, we take a fresh and comprehensive approach, simultaneously addressing three aspects: security, scalability and adaptability to changing network conditions. Our communication protocol, Castor, occupies a unique point in the design space: it does not use any control messages except simple packet acknowledgments, and each node makes routing decisions locally and independently of other nodes without exchanging routing state with them. This novel design makes Castor resilient to a wide range of attacks and allows it to scale to large network sizes and to remain efficient under high mobility. We compare Castor against four representative protocols from the literature. Our protocol achieves up to two times higher packet delivery rates, particularly in large and highly volatile networks, incurs no or only limited additional overhead and it is able to survive more severe attacks and recovers from them faster

    A novel routing protocol using mobile agents and reactive route discovery for ad hoc wireless networks

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    10.1109/ICON.2002.1033329IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON311-31

    Proposta de um framework de roteamento para redes mĂłveis ad-hoc

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnolĂłgico. Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncia da Computação

    Descoberta da topologia de redes dinĂąmicas e descentralizadas com agentes mĂłveis inteligentes

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    Orientador: Elias P. Duarte JrDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de Ciencias Exatas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduaçao em InformĂĄtica. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005Inclui bibliografiaResumo: Neste trabalho, Ă© proposta uma estratĂ©gia para a descoberta distribuĂ­da da topologia de redes dinĂąmicas e descentralizadas, tais como redes peer-to-peer descentralizadas nĂŁo estruturadas e redes mĂłveis sem fio ad hoc. Na estratĂ©gia proposta, agentes mĂłveis - entidades computacionais autĂŽnomas, capazes de se deslocar entre os nodos de uma rede - sĂŁo usados para disseminar informaçÔes a respeito da topologia da rede. Esta estratĂ©gia se baseia em uma metĂĄfora inspirada em colĂŽnias de formigas, na qual os agentes sĂŁo simples e se comunicam atravĂ©s da estigmergia - forma de comunicação usada por formigas reais. Esta metĂĄfora se fundamenta nos princĂ­pios da inteligĂȘncia coletiva, ou seja, a inteligĂȘncia e complexidade do sistema nĂŁo estĂŁo nos agentes individuais, mas sim no produto das suas interaçÔes. Diversos aspectos da estratĂ©gia proposta sĂŁo apresentados e discutidos, tais como a confiabilidade das informaçÔes frente o dinamismo da rede, os mĂ©todos usados para determinar os itinerĂĄrios percorridos pelos agentes, e a definição do nĂșmero de agentes que deve usado em redes cujo tamanho pode variar com o passar do tempo. Resultados experimentais mostram que a estratĂ©gia produz descriçÔes da topologia bastante similares Ă  topologia real. Eles tambĂ©m demonstram que o mĂ©todo baseado em feromĂŽnios para a seleção dos destinos dos agentes melhora o desempenho da estratĂ©gia em comparação com uma seleção aleatĂłria; e que a população de agentes pode ser ajustada dinamicamente Ă s mudanças de tamanho da rede.Abstract: This work introduces a strategy for topology discovery in decentralized and dynamic networks, such as decentralized and unstructured peer-to-peer networks and mobile ad hoc networks. In the proposed strategy, mobile agents - autonomous computational entities that are able to move between the nodes in a network - are used to disseminate information about the network topology. This strategy is based upon a metaphor inspired by ant colonies, in which the agents are simple and communicate through stigmergy - a communication scheme used by real-world ants. This metaphor follows the ideas of swarm intelligence, meaning the system's intelligence and complexity are not in the agents themselves, but in the product of their interactions. Several aspects of the proposed strategy are presented and discussed, such as the reliability of the topology information given the dynamic nature of the network, the methods used by the agents to determine their itineraries, and the number of agents that are used in networks that have an arbitrary size. Experimental results show that the strategy produces topology descriptions that are very close to the real topology. They also show that the pheromone-based method for agent destination selection attains better results than a random selection, and that the number of agents can be automatically adjusted as the size of the network changes