16 research outputs found

    A Method for measuring the upper limb motion and computing a compatible exoskeleton trajectory

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the problem of computing trajectories for an exoskeleton that match a motion recorded on a given subject. Literature suggests that this problem can be solved by reconstructing the subject's joint motion using one of the numerous models available, and then feeding the exoskeleton with the joint trajectories. This is founded on the assumption that the exoskeleton kinematics reproduces the human kinematics. In practice, though, mismatches are unavoidable and lead to inaccuracies. We thus developed a method that is primarily based on an appropriate mechanical design: passive mechanisms are used to connect the exoskeleton with splints wore by the subject, in such a way that, within the workspace, there always exists a posture of the exoskeleton compatible with a given position and orientation of the splints. The trajectory computing method, by itself, consists of recording the position and orientation of the splints thanks to a conventional 3D motion tracker and to exploit standard robotics tools in order to compute an exoskeleton posture compatible with the measured human posture. Conclusive experimental results involving an existing 4 DoF upper-limb exoskeleton are shown

    Changing human upper-limb synergies with an exoskeleton using viscous fields

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    International audienceRobotic exoskeletons can apply forces distributed on the limbs of the subject they are connected to. This offers a great potential in the field of neurorehabilitation, to address the impairment of interjoint coordination in hemiparetic stroke patients. In these patients, the normal flexible joint rotation synergies are replaced by pathological fixed patterns of rotation. In this paper, we investigate how the concept of synergy can be exploited in the control of an upper limb exoskeleton. The long term goal is to develop a device capable of changing the joint synchronization of a patient performing exercises during rehabilitation. The paper presents a controller able of generating joint viscous torques in such a way that constraints on joint velocities can be imposed to the subject without constraining the hand motion. On another hand, the same formalism is used to describe synergies observed on the arm joint motion of subjects realizing pointing tasks. This approach is experimented on a 4 Degrees Of Freedom (DoF) upper arm exoskeleton with subjects performing pointing 3-dimensional tasks. Results exhibit the basic properties of the controller and show its capacity to impose an arbitrary chosen synergy without affecting the hand motion

    Bio-Cooperative Approach for the Human-in-the-Loop Control of an End-Effector Rehabilitation Robot

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    The design of patient-tailored rehabilitative protocols represents one of the crucial factors that influence motor recovery mechanisms, such as neuroplasticity. This approach, including the patient in the control loop and characterized by a control strategy adaptable to the user's requirements, is expected to significantly improve functional recovery in robot-aided rehabilitation. In this paper, a novel 3D bio-cooperative robotic platform is developed. A new arm-weight support system is included into an operational robotic platform for 3D upper limb robot-aided rehabilitation. The robotic platform is capable of adapting therapy characteristics to specific patient needs, thanks to biomechanical and physiological measurements, and thus closing the subject in the control loop. The level of arm-weight support and the level of the assistance provided by the end-effector robot are varied on the basis of muscular fatigue and biomechanical indicators. An assistance-as-needed approach is applied to provide the appropriate amount of assistance. The proposed platform has been experimentally validated on 10 healthy subjects; they performed 3D point-to-point tasks in two different conditions, i.e., with and without assistance-as-needed. The results have demonstrated the capability of the proposed system to properly adapt to real needs of the patients. Moreover, the provided assistance was shown to reduce the muscular fatigue without negatively influencing motion execution

    User-centered design and development of TWIN-Acta: A novel control suite of the TWIN lower limb exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of persons post-stroke

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    Introduction: Difficulties faced while walking are common symptoms after stroke, significantly reducing the quality of life. Walking recovery is therefore one of the main priorities of rehabilitation. Wearable powered exoskeletons have been developed to provide lower limb assistance and enable training for persons with gait impairments by using typical physiological movement patterns. Exoskeletons were originally designed for individuals without any walking capacities, such as subjects with complete spinal cord injuries. Recent systematic reviews suggested that lower limb exoskeletons could be valid tools to restore independent walking in subjects with residual motor function, such as persons post-stroke. To ensure that devices meet end-user needs, it is important to understand and incorporate their perspectives. However, only a limited number of studies have followed such an approach in the post-stroke population. Methods: The aim of the study was to identify the end-users needs and to develop a user-centered-based control system for the TWIN lower limb exoskeleton to provide post-stroke rehabilitation. We thus describe the development and validation, by clinical experts, of TWIN-Acta: a novel control suite for TWIN, specifically designed for persons post-stroke. We detailed the conceived control strategy and developmental phases, and reported evaluation sessions performed on healthy clinical experts and people post-stroke to evaluate TWIN-Acta usability, acceptability, and barriers to usage. At each developmental stage, the clinical experts received a one-day training on the TWIN exoskeleton equipped with the TWIN-Acta control suite. Data on usability, acceptability, and limitations to system usage were collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Results: The system received overall good usability and acceptability ratings and resulted in a well-conceived and safe approach. All experts gave excellent ratings regarding the possibility of modulating the assistance provided by the exoskeleton during the movement execution and concluded that the TWIN-Acta would be useful in gait rehabilitation for persons post-stroke. The main limit was the low level of system learnability, attributable to the short-time of usage. This issue can be minimized with prolonged training and must be taken into consideration when planning rehabilitation. Discussion: This study showed the potential of the novel control suite TWIN-Acta for gait rehabilitation and efficacy studies are the next step in its evaluation process

    Augmented visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback in motor learning: A review

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    It is generally accepted that augmented feedback, provided by a human expert or a technical display, effectively enhances motor learning. However, discussion of the way to most effectively provide augmented feedback has been controversial. Related studies have focused primarily on simple or artificial tasks enhanced by visual feedback. Recently, technical advances have made it possible also to investigate more complex, realistic motor tasks and to implement not only visual, but also auditory, haptic, or multimodal augmented feedback. The aim of this review is to address the potential of augmented unimodal and multimodal feedback in the framework of motor learning theories. The review addresses the reasons for the different impacts of feedback strategies within or between the visual, auditory, and haptic modalities and the challenges that need to be overcome to provide appropriate feedback in these modalities, either in isolation or in combination. Accordingly, the design criteria for successful visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback are elaborate

    Design, implementation and control of rehabilitation robots for upper and lower limbs

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    We present two novel rehabilitation robots for stroke patients. For lower limb stroke rehabilitation, we present a novel self-aligning exoskeleton for the knee joint. The primal novelty of the design originates from its kinematic structure that allows translational movements of the knee joint on the sagittal plane along with the knee rotation. Automatically adjusting its joint axes, the exoskeleton enables a perfect match between human joint axes and the device axes. Thanks to this feature, the knee exoskeleton is not only capable of guaranteeing ergonomy and comfort throughout the therapy, but also extends the usable range of motion for the knee joint. Moreover, this adjustability feature significantly shortens the setup time required to attach the patient to the robot, allowing more effective time be spend on exercises instead of wasting it for adjustments. We have implemented an impedance-type concept of the knee exoskeleton, experimentally characterized its closed-loop performance and demonstrated ergonomy and useability of this device through human subject experiments. To administer table top exercises during upper limb stroke rehabilitation, we present a novel Mecanum-wheeled holonomic mobile rehabilitation robot for home therapy. The device can move/rotate independently on its unlimited planar workspace to provide assistance to patients. We have implemented two different concepts of holonomic mobile platform based on different actuation and sensing principles: an admittance-type mobile robot and a mobile platform with series elastic actuation. The admittance-type robot is integrated with virtual reality simulations and can assist patients through virtual tunnels designed around nominal task trajectories. The holonomic platform with series elastic actuation eliminates the need for costly force sensors and enables implementation of closed loop force control with higher controller gains, providing robustness against imperfections in the power transmission and allowing lower cost drive components to be utilized. For contour following tasks with the holonomic platforms, we have synthesized passive velocity field controllers (PVFC) that ensure coordination and synchronization between various degrees of freedom of the patient arm, while letting patients to complete the task at their own preferred pace. PVFC not only minimizes the contour error but also ensures coupled stability of the human-in-the-loop system

    A novel paradigm for patient-cooperative control of upper-limb rehabilitation robots

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    Early intervention and intensive therapy improve the outcome of neuromuscular rehabilitation. There are indications that where a patient is motivated and premeditates their movement, the recovery is more effective. Therefore, a strategy for patient-cooperative control of rehabilitation devices for upper extremities is proposed and evaluated. The strategy is based on the minimal intervention principle allowing an efficient exploitation of task space redundancies and resulting in user-driven movement trajectories. The patient's effort is taken into consideration by enabling the machine to comply with forces exerted by the user. The interaction is enhanced through a multimodal display and a virtually generated environment that includes haptic, visual and sound modalities

    A Person-Centric Design Framework for At-Home Motor Learning in Serious Games

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    abstract: In motor learning, real-time multi-modal feedback is a critical element in guided training. Serious games have been introduced as a platform for at-home motor training due to their highly interactive and multi-modal nature. This dissertation explores the design of a multimodal environment for at-home training in which an autonomous system observes and guides the user in the place of a live trainer, providing real-time assessment, feedback and difficulty adaptation as the subject masters a motor skill. After an in-depth review of the latest solutions in this field, this dissertation proposes a person-centric approach to the design of this environment, in contrast to the standard techniques implemented in related work, to address many of the limitations of these approaches. The unique advantages and restrictions of this approach are presented in the form of a case study in which a system entitled the "Autonomous Training Assistant" consisting of both hardware and software for guided at-home motor learning is designed and adapted for a specific individual and trainer. In this work, the design of an autonomous motor learning environment is approached from three areas: motor assessment, multimodal feedback, and serious game design. For motor assessment, a 3-dimensional assessment framework is proposed which comprises of 2 spatial (posture, progression) and 1 temporal (pacing) domains of real-time motor assessment. For multimodal feedback, a rod-shaped device called the "Intelligent Stick" is combined with an audio-visual interface to provide feedback to the subject in three domains (audio, visual, haptic). Feedback domains are mapped to modalities and feedback is provided whenever the user's performance deviates from the ideal performance level by an adaptive threshold. Approaches for multi-modal integration and feedback fading are discussed. Finally, a novel approach for stealth adaptation in serious game design is presented. This approach allows serious games to incorporate motor tasks in a more natural way, facilitating self-assessment by the subject. An evaluation of three different stealth adaptation approaches are presented and evaluated using the flow-state ratio metric. The dissertation concludes with directions for future work in the integration of stealth adaptation techniques across the field of exergames.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    The Influence of Dopamine Replacement on Movement Impairments During Bimanual Coordination in Parkinson’s Disease (PD)

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    The purpose of the current thesis was to investigate the influence of dopamine replacement on performance during bimanual coordination in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) There has been conflicting research on the cause of movement impairments such as coordination deficits, slowed switching and upper limb freezing that occur during coordinated movements It is unclear whether decreased function of the dopaminergic system after withdrawal from dopamine replacement is responsible for these deficits Healthy age-matched control participants were compared to PD participants in two experiments to determine the movement impairments that occurred during three-dimensional wrist flexion-extension bimanual coordination as a result of PD. In addition, individuals with PD were compared without (‘off’) and with (‘on’) dopamine replacement in both experiments to determine whether modulation of the dopaminergic system influenced coordinated movements. In Experiment 1, continuous bimanual coordination was performed in m-phase (simultaneous wrist flexion and extension) and anti-phase (flexion of one wrist while extending other wrist) with movements externally paced with increasing across seven cycle frequencies (0.75 to 2 Hz). Visual feedback was also manipulated in one of three sensory conditions no vision, normal vision or augmented vision. Visual feedback, phase and cycle frequency manipulation was performed to determine whether other deficits (e.g. sensory and/or attentional deficits) may influence coordinated movements Despite reduced amplitude of movements in both limbs of individuals with PD (PD ‘off’), coordination deficits were not observed in PD compared to healthy control participants. In addition, there was an increased occurrence of upper limb freezing (ULF) when cycle frequency demand was greater Dopamine replacement did increase the amplitude of movements in individuals with PD but did not influence coordination performance or the occurrence of ULF. In Experiment 2, coordinated movements were initiated in either m-phase or antiphase and participants were required to voluntarily switch to the other phase pattern when an auditory cue was presented Trials were performed at one of two cycle frequencies (1 or 2 Hz) and one of two sensory conditions (no vision or normal vision) to determine whether other deficits (e.g. sensory and/or attentional deficits) may influence coordinated movement. In addition, a separate block of trials were performed in anti-phase coordination with an auditory cue that did not require a switch Non-switching trials were included to investigate whether the presence of a distracting cue could evoke ULF comparable to when switching between movements was required PD ‘off’ participants demonstrated slower switching, more delayed responses and deficits in coordination performance when compared to healthy control participants. The increased demand of cycle frequency particularly when initiating anti-phase coordination, after voluntary switching and with the presence of the auditory cue without switching contributed to a large occurrence of ULF in individuals with PD. Dopamine replacement improved the ability to switch between phase patterns but had no overall influence on coordination performance or the occurrence of ULF. Overall, the results of the current thesis demonstrated that dopamine replacement can improve motor symptoms during coordinated movements (e g hypometna and bradykinesia) but does not contribute to coordination performance or ULF in individuals with PD. As a consequence, it was concluded that coordination deficits and ULF are not caused by the dysfunctional dopaminergic system but rather associated to secondary impairment caused by PD. The movement impairments caused by secondary dysfunction of PD were proposed to be associated with increased attentional demands and possible executive dysfunction related to fronto-stnatal pathways that cannot be modulated by dopamine replacement. Thus, treatment of complex movement impairments such as coordination deficits and ULF may benefit from rehabilitation or non-dopamine therapies that focus on the global dysfunction caused by PD