828 research outputs found

    Noncontact Vital Signs Detection

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    Human health condition can be accessed by measurement of vital signs, i.e., respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR), blood oxygen level, temperature and blood pressure. Due to drawbacks of contact sensors in measurement, non-contact sensors such as imaging photoplethysmogram (IPPG) and Doppler radar system have been proposed for cardiorespiratory rates detection by researchers.The UWB pulse Doppler radars provide high resolution range-time-frequency information. It is bestowed with advantages of low transmitted power, through-wall capabilities, and high resolution in localization. However, the poor signal to noise ratio (SNR) makes it challenging for UWB radar systems to accurately detect the heartbeat of a subject. To solve the problem, phased-methods have been proposed to extract the phase variations in the reflected pulses modulated by human tiny thorax motions. Advance signal processing method, i.e., state space method, can not only be used to enhance SNR of human vital signs detection, but also enable the micro-Doppler trajectories extraction of walking subject from UWB radar data.Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave (SFCW) radar is an alternative technique useful to remotely monitor human subject activities. Compared with UWB pulse radar, it relieves the stress on requirement of high sampling rate analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and possesses higher signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) in vital signs detection. However, conventional SFCW radar suffers from long data acquisition time to step over many frequencies. To solve this problem, multi-channel SFCW radar has been proposed to step through different frequency bandwidths simultaneously. Compressed sensing (CS) can further reduce the data acquisition time by randomly stepping through 20% of the original frequency steps.In this work, SFCW system is implemented with low cost, off-the-shelf surface mount components to make the radar sensors portable. Experimental results collected from both pulse and SFCW radar systems have been validated with commercial contact sensors and satisfactory results are shown

    Estudio de técnicas de compresión de pulsos en sistemas radar

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    This work deals with pulse compression techniques. These techniques are often used in radar systems. The study is focused on pulse compression using Frequency Modulation techniques. In this work, we have reviewed the important concepts and tested them carrying out numerical simulations via Matlab. The main techniques investigated are pulse compression using CHIRP pulses, mismatched filtering and pulse compression using other FM laws. We have studied the limitations and the benefits of these techniques. Additionally, a novel approach is presented to correct undesired effects due to moving targets.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    The Goldstone solar system radar: A science instrument for planetary research

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    The Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) station at NASA's Deep Space Communications Complex in California's Mojave Desert is described. A short chronological account of the GSSR's technical development and scientific discoveries is given. This is followed by a basic discussion of how information is derived from the radar echo and how the raw information can be used to increase understanding of the solar system. A moderately detailed description of the radar system is given, and the engineering performance of the radar is discussed. The operating characteristics of the Arcibo Observatory in Puerto Rico are briefly described and compared with those of the GSSR. Planned and in-process improvements to the existing radar, as well as the performance of a hypothetical 128-m diameter antenna radar station, are described. A comprehensive bibliography of referred scientific and engineering articles presenting results that depended on data gathered by the instrument is provided

    Non-Contact Detection of Vital Signs Based on Improved Adaptive EEMD Algorithm (July 2022)

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    Non-contact vital sign detection technology has brought a more comfortable experience to the detection process of human respiratory and heartbeat signals. Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) is a noise-assisted adaptive data analysis method which can be used to decompose the echo data of frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar and extract the heartbeat and respiratory signals. The key of EEMD is to add Gaussian white noise into the signal to overcome the mode aliasing problem caused by original empirical mode decomposition (EMD). Based on the characteristics of clutter and noise distribution in public places, this paper proposed a static clutter filtering method for eliminating ambient clutter and an improved EEMD method based on stable alpha noise distribution. The symmetrical alpha stable distribution is used to replace Gaussian distribution, and the improved EEMD is used for the separation of respiratory and heartbeat signals. The experimental results show that the static clutter filtering technology can effectively filter the surrounding static clutter and highlight the periodic moving targets. Within the detection range of 0.5 m similar to 2.5 m, the improved EEMD method can better distinguish the heartbeat, respiration, and their harmonics, and accurately estimate the heart rate

    Waveform design and processing techniques in OFDM radar

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    Includes bibliographical referencesWith the advent of powerful digital hardware, software defined radio and radar have become an active area of research and development. This in turn has given rise to many new research directions in the radar community, which were previously not comprehensible. One such direction is the recently investigated OFDM radar, which uses OFDM waveforms instead of the classic linear frequency mod- ulated waveforms. Being a wideband signal, the OFDM symbol offers spectral efficiency along with improved range resolution, two enticing characteristics for radar. Historically a communication signal, OFDM is a special form of multi- carrier modulation, where a single data stream is transmitted over a number of lower rate carriers. The information is conveyed via sets of complex phase codes modulating the phase of the carriers. At the receiver, a demodulation stage estimates the transmitted phase codes and the information in the form of binary words is finally retrieved. In radar, the primary goal is to detect the presence of targets and possibly estimate some of their features through measurable quantities, e.g. range, Doppler, etc. Yet, being a young waveform in radar, more understanding is required to turn it into a standard radar waveform. Our goal, with this thesis, is to mature our comprehension of OFDM for radar and contribute to the realm of OFDM radar. First, we develop two processing alternatives for the case of a train of wideband OFDM pulses. In this, our first so-called time domain solution consists in applying a matched filter to compress the received echoes in the fast time before applying a fast Fourier transform in the slow time to form the range Doppler image. We motivate this approach after demonstrating that short OFDM pulses are Doppler tolerant. The merit of this approach is to conserve existing radar architectures while operating OFDM waveforms. The second so-called frequency domain solution that we propose is inspired from communication engineering research since the received echoes are tumbled in the frequency domain. After several manipulations, the range Doppler image is formed. We explain how this approach allows to retrieve an estimate of the unambiguous radial velocity, and propose two methods for that. The first method requires the use of identical sequence (IS) for the phase codes and is, as such, binding, while the other method works irrespective of the phase codes. Like the previous technique, this processing solution accommodates high Doppler frequencies and the degradation in the range Doppler image is negligible provided that the spacing between consecutive subcarriers is sufficient. Unfortunately, it suffers from the issue of intersymbol interference (ISI). After observing that both solutions provide the same processing gain, we clarify the constraints that shall apply to the OFDM signals in either of these solutions. In the first solution, special care has been employed to design OFDM pulses with low peak-to-mean power ratio (PMEPR) and low sidelobe level in the autocorrelation function. In the second solution, on the other hand, only the constraint of low PMEPR applies since the sidelobes of the scatterer characteristic function in the range Doppler image are Fourier based. Then, we develop a waveform-processing concept for OFDM based stepped frequency waveforms. This approach is intended for high resolution radar with improved low probability of detection (LPD) characteristics, as we propose to employ a frequency hopping scheme from pulse to pulse other than the conventional linear one. In the same way we treated our second alternative earlier, we derive our high range resolution processing in matrix terms and assess the degradation caused by high Doppler on the range profile. We propose using a bank of range migration filters to retrieve the radial velocity of the scatterer and realise that the issue of classical ambiguity in Doppler can be alleviated provided that the relative bandwidth, i.e. the total bandwidth covered by the train of pulses divided by the carrier frequency, is chosen carefully. After discussing a deterministic artefact caused by frequency hopping and the means to reduce it at the waveform design or processing level, we discuss the benefit offered by our concept in comparison to other standard wideband methods and emphasize on its LPD characteristics at the waveform and pulse level. In our subsequent analysis, we investigate genetic algorithm (GA) based techniques to finetune OFDM pulses in terms of radar requirements viz., low PMEPR only or low PMEPR and low sidelobe level together, as evoked earlier. To motivate the use of genetic algorithms, we establish that existing techniques are not exible in terms of the OFDM structure (the assumption that all carriers are present is always made). Besides, the use of advanced objective functions suited to particular configurations (e.g. low sidelobe level in proximity of the main autocorrelation peak) as well as the combination of multiple objective functions can be done elegantly with GA based techniques. To justify that solely phase codes are used for our optimisation(s), we stress that the weights applied to the carriers composing the OFDM signal can be spared to cope with other radar related challenges and we give an example with a case of enhanced detection. Next, we develop a technique where we exploit the instantaneous wideband trans- mission to characterise the type of the canonical scatterers that compose a target. Our idea is based on the well-established results from the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD), where the scattered energy varies with frequency. We present the problem related to ISI, stress the need to design the transmitted pulse so as to reduce this risk and suggest having prior knowledge over the scatterers relative positions. Subsequently, we develop a performance analysis to assess the behaviour of our technique in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Then, we demonstrate the merit of integrating over several pulses to improve the characterisation rate of the scatterers. Because the scattering centres of a target resonate variably at different frequencies, frequency diversity is another enticing property which can be used to enhance the sensing performance. Here, we exploit this element of diversity to improve the classification function. We develop a technique where the classification takes place at the waveform design when few targets are present. In our case study, we have three simple targets. Each is composed of perfectly electrically conducting spheres for which we have exact models of the scattered field. We develop a GA based search to find optimal OFDM symbols that best discriminate one target against any other. Thereafter, the OFDM pulse used for probing the target in the scene is constructed by stacking the resulting symbols in time. After discussing the problem of finding the best frequency window to sense the target, we develop a performance analysis where our figure of merit is the overall probability of correct classification. Again, we prove the merit of integrating over several pulses to reach classification rates above 95%. In turn, this study opens onto new challenges in the realm of OFDM radar. We leave for future research the demonstration of the practical applicability of our novel concepts and mention manifold research axes, viz., a signal processing axis that would include methods to cope with inter symbol interference, range migration issues, methods to raise the ambiguity in Doppler when several echoes from distinct scatterers overlap in the case of our frequency domain processing solutions; an algorithmic axis that would concern the heuristic techniques employed in the design of our OFDM pulses. We foresee that further tuning might help speeding up our GA based algorithms and we expect that constrained multi- objective optimisation GA (MOO-GA) based techniques shall benefit the OFDM pulse design problem in radar. A system design axis that would account for the hardware components' behaviours, when possible, directly at the waveform design stage and would include implementation of the OFDM radar system

    Conceptual design of a fleet of autonomous regolith throwing devices for radiation shielding of lunar habitats

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in conjunction with Universities Space Research Association (USRA) has requested that the feasibility of a fleet of regolith tossing devices designed to cover a lunar habitat for radiation protection be demonstrated. The regolith, or lunar soil, protects the lunar habitat and its inhabitants from radiation. Ideally, the device will operate autonomously in the lunar environment. To prove the feasibility of throwing regolith on the Moon, throwing solutions were compared to traditional, Earth-based methods for moving soil. Various throwing configurations were investigated. A linear throwing motion combined with a spring and motor energizing system proved a superior solution. Three different overall configurations for the lunar device are presented. A single configuration is chosen and critical parameters such as operating procedure, system volume, mass, and power are developed. The report is divided into seven main sections. First, the Introduction section gives background information, defines the project requirements and the design criteria, and presents the methodology used for the completion of this design. Next, the Preliminary Analysis section presents background information on characteristics of lunar habitats and the lunar environment. Then, the Alternate Designs section presents alternate solutions to each of the critical functions of the device. Fourth, a detailed analysis of throwing the regolith is done to demonstrate its feasibility. Then, the three overall design configurations are presented. Next, a configuration is selected and the conceptual design is expanded to include system performance characteristics, size, and mass. Finally, the Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work section evaluates the design, outlines the next step to be taken in the design process, and suggests possible goals for future design work

    Dielectric mixtures -- electrical properties and modeling

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    In this paper, a review on dielectric mixtures and the importance of the numerical simulations of dielectric mixtures are presented. It stresses on the interfacial polarization observed in mixtures. It is shown that this polarization can yield different dielectric responses depending on the properties of the constituents and their concentrations. Open question on the subject are also introduced.Comment: 40 pages 12 figures, to be appear in IEEE Trans. on Dielectric