5,444 research outputs found

    Non-iterative RGB-D-inertial Odometry

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    This paper presents a non-iterative solution to RGB-D-inertial odometry system. Traditional odometry methods resort to iterative algorithms which are usually computationally expensive or require well-designed initialization. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes to combine a non-iterative front-end (odometry) with an iterative back-end (loop closure) for the RGB-D-inertial SLAM system. The main contribution lies in the novel non-iterative front-end, which leverages on inertial fusion and kernel cross-correlators (KCC) to match point clouds in frequency domain. Dominated by the fast Fourier transform (FFT), our method is only of complexity O(nlog⁥n)\mathcal{O}(n\log{n}), where nn is the number of points. Map fusion is conducted by element-wise operations, so that both time and space complexity are further reduced. Extensive experiments show that, due to the lightweight of the proposed front-end, the framework is able to run at a much faster speed yet still with comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-arts

    Evaluating indoor positioning systems in a shopping mall : the lessons learned from the IPIN 2018 competition

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    The Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN) conference holds an annual competition in which indoor localization systems from different research groups worldwide are evaluated empirically. The objective of this competition is to establish a systematic evaluation methodology with rigorous metrics both for real-time (on-site) and post-processing (off-site) situations, in a realistic environment unfamiliar to the prototype developers. For the IPIN 2018 conference, this competition was held on September 22nd, 2018, in Atlantis, a large shopping mall in Nantes (France). Four competition tracks (two on-site and two off-site) were designed. They consisted of several 1 km routes traversing several floors of the mall. Along these paths, 180 points were topographically surveyed with a 10 cm accuracy, to serve as ground truth landmarks, combining theodolite measurements, differential global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and 3D scanner systems. 34 teams effectively competed. The accuracy score corresponds to the third quartile (75th percentile) of an error metric that combines the horizontal positioning error and the floor detection. The best results for the on-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 11.70 m (Track 1) and 5.50 m (Track 2), while the best results for the off-site tracks showed an accuracy score of 0.90 m (Track 3) and 1.30 m (Track 4). These results showed that it is possible to obtain high accuracy indoor positioning solutions in large, realistic environments using wearable light-weight sensors without deploying any beacon. This paper describes the organization work of the tracks, analyzes the methodology used to quantify the results, reviews the lessons learned from the competition and discusses its future

    Survey of Motion Tracking Methods Based on Inertial Sensors: A Focus on Upper Limb Human Motion

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    Motion tracking based on commercial inertial measurements units (IMUs) has been widely studied in the latter years as it is a cost-effective enabling technology for those applications in which motion tracking based on optical technologies is unsuitable. This measurement method has a high impact in human performance assessment and human-robot interaction. IMU motion tracking systems are indeed self-contained and wearable, allowing for long-lasting tracking of the user motion in situated environments. After a survey on IMU-based human tracking, five techniques for motion reconstruction were selected and compared to reconstruct a human arm motion. IMU based estimation was matched against motion tracking based on the Vicon marker-based motion tracking system considered as ground truth. Results show that all but one of the selected models perform similarly (about 35 mm average position estimation error)

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Hand-finger pose tracking using inertial and magnetic sensors

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    Cooperative Relative Positioning of Mobile Users by Fusing IMU Inertial and UWB Ranging Information

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    Relative positioning between multiple mobile users is essential for many applications, such as search and rescue in disaster areas or human social interaction. Inertial-measurement unit (IMU) is promising to determine the change of position over short periods of time, but it is very sensitive to error accumulation over long term run. By equipping the mobile users with ranging unit, e.g. ultra-wideband (UWB), it is possible to achieve accurate relative positioning by trilateration-based approaches. As compared to vision or laser-based sensors, the UWB does not need to be with in line-of-sight and provides accurate distance estimation. However, UWB does not provide any bearing information and the communication range is limited, thus UWB alone cannot determine the user location without any ambiguity. In this paper, we propose an approach to combine IMU inertial and UWB ranging measurement for relative positioning between multiple mobile users without the knowledge of the infrastructure. We incorporate the UWB and the IMU measurement into a probabilistic-based framework, which allows to cooperatively position a group of mobile users and recover from positioning failures. We have conducted extensive experiments to demonstrate the benefits of incorporating IMU inertial and UWB ranging measurements.Comment: accepted by ICRA 201

    UAV/UGV Autonomous Cooperation: UAV Assists UGV to Climb a Cliff by Attaching a Tether

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    This paper proposes a novel cooperative system for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) which utilizes the UAV not only as a flying sensor but also as a tether attachment device. Two robots are connected with a tether, allowing the UAV to anchor the tether to a structure located at the top of a steep terrain, impossible to reach for UGVs. Thus, enhancing the poor traversability of the UGV by not only providing a wider range of scanning and mapping from the air, but also by allowing the UGV to climb steep terrains with the winding of the tether. In addition, we present an autonomous framework for the collaborative navigation and tether attachment in an unknown environment. The UAV employs visual inertial navigation with 3D voxel mapping and obstacle avoidance planning. The UGV makes use of the voxel map and generates an elevation map to execute path planning based on a traversability analysis. Furthermore, we compared the pros and cons of possible methods for the tether anchoring from multiple points of view. To increase the probability of successful anchoring, we evaluated the anchoring strategy with an experiment. Finally, the feasibility and capability of our proposed system were demonstrated by an autonomous mission experiment in the field with an obstacle and a cliff.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted to 2019 International Conference on Robotics & Automation. Video: https://youtu.be/UzTT8Ckjz1

    Inertial Sensors for Human Motion Analysis: A Comprehensive Review

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    Inertial motion analysis is having a growing interest during the last decades due to its advantages over classical optical systems. The technological solution based on inertial measurement units allows the measurement of movements in daily living environments, such as in everyday life, which is key for a realistic assessment and understanding of movements. This is why research in this field is still developing and different approaches are proposed. This presents a systematic review of the different proposals for inertial motion analysis found in the literature. The search strategy has been carried out on eight different platforms, including journal articles and conference proceedings, which are written in English and published until August 2022. The results are analyzed in terms of the publishers, the sensors used, the applications, the monitored units, the algorithms of use, the participants of the studies, and the validation systems employed. In addition, we delve deeply into the machine learning techniques proposed in recent years and in the approaches to reduce the estimation error. In this way, we show an overview of the research carried out in this field, going into more detail in recent years, and providing some research directions for future wor
