2 research outputs found

    A novel medical decision support system based on fuzzy cognitive maps enhanced by intuitive and learning capabilities for modeling uncertainty

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    In this paper, an active Hebbian learning (AHL) for intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive map (iFCM) is proposed for grading the celiac. This method performs the diagnosis procedure automatically, and it is more suitable for specialists in better understanding and assessment of the disease. Our approach shows potential in confronting hesitancy through considering experts’ uncertainty in modeling. In this study, we propose an automatic computer-aided diagnosis system based on iFCMs to determine the grade of celiac disease. By relying on the knowledge of experts, the key features of disease are extracted as the main concepts, and the iFCM model for the complex grading system is designed as a graph with eight concepts. The results obtained by applying our proposed method (iFCM-AHL) on the dataset verify the ability and effectiveness of this model. The proposed iFCM by considering hesitation of experts in modeling process and property of less sensitive to missing input data, not only increase accuracy in detecting the type of disease, but also obtain a higher robustness, in dealing with incomplete data. The obtained results have been compared with the findings of the FCM, interval type-2 fuzzy logic system, untrained iFCM and five extensions of the FCM. Comparative results show that our approach offers a robust classification method that produces better performance than other models. © 2018 Elsevier Inc

    Análise dinâmica dos determinantes de conduta ambiental nas PMEs: Uma abordagem sócio-técnica

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    A crescente preocupação relativa à temática ambiental representa um novo desafio para as empresas, exigindo das mesmas a incorporação da temática da sustentabilidade ambiental na sua estratégia empresarial. No entanto, a falta de uma perspetiva holística de sustentabilidade, bem como de uma perceção de interdependência entre excelência corporativa, económica e ambiental, tem impedido que empresas de menor dimensão – como as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) – considerem investimentos ambientais para além dos legalmente exigidos. Neste sentido, parece tornar-se relevante, para a sobrevivência a longo prazo e para o incremento das vantagens competitivas das empresas, a exploração de métodos integrados que identifiquem e apresentem uma visão holística dos determinantes de conduta ambiental. Com este intuito, a presente dissertação propõe a utilização de técnicas de mapeamento cognitivo, recorrendo à metodologia Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping e à abordagem System Dynamics. O valor acrescentado desta proposta será suportado pela experiência e pelos conhecimentos de um painel de especialistas com experiência prática na área ambiental em PMEs, que fornecerão os inputs para a concretização do modelo de base. As vantagens e as limitações desta abordagem metodológica serão também objeto de análise, bem como as suas implicações teórico-práticas.The increasing concern about environmental issues represents a new challenge for companies, requiring the topic of environmental sustainability to be incorporated into their business strategies. However, the absence of a holistic perspective of sustainability and the limited perception of the interdependence between corporate, economic and environmental excellence has prevented smaller companies – such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – from considering environmental investments beyond those legally required. In this regard, the adoption of integrated methods that allow for the identification and presentation of a holistic view of the determinants of environmental conduct seems to be extremely relevant for these companies’ long-term survival, as well as to increase their competitive advantages. The present dissertation proposes the use of cognitive mapping techniques, using the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping methodology and the System Dynamics approach. The added value of the resulting model is supported by the professional experience and practical knowledge of a panel of experts in SME environmental conduct. The advantages and limitations of our proposal, as well as its theoretical and practical implications, are also analyzed