7 research outputs found

    Review on Intrusion Detection System Based on The Goal of The Detection System

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    An extensive review of the intrusion detection system (IDS) is presented in this paper. Previous studies review the IDS based on the approaches (algorithms) used or based on the types of the intrusion itself. The presented paper reviews the IDS based on the goal of the IDS (accuracy and time), which become the main objective of this paper. Firstly, the IDS were classified into two types based on the goal they intend to achieve. These two types of IDS were later reviewed in detail, followed by a comparison of some of the studies that have earlier been carried out on IDS. The comparison is done based on the results shown in the studies compared. The comparison shows that the studies focusing on the detection time reduce the accuracy of the detection compared to other studies

    A Review on Various Methods of Intrusion Detection System

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    Detection of Intrusion is an essential expertise business segment as well as a dynamic area of study and expansion caused by its requirement. Modern day intrusion detection systems still have these limitations of time sensitivity. The main requirement is to develop a system which is able of handling large volume of network data to detect attacks more accurately and proactively. Research conducted by on the KDDCUP99 dataset resulted in a various set of attributes for each of the four major attack types. Without reducing the number of features, detecting attack patterns within the data is more difficult for rule generation, forecasting, or classification. The goal of this research is to present a new method that Compare results of appropriately categorized and inaccurately categorized as proportions and the features chosen. Data mining is used to clean, classify and examine large amount of network data. Since a large volume of network traffic that requires processing, we use data mining techniques. Different Data Mining techniques such as clustering, classification and association rules are proving to be useful for analyzing network traffic. This paper presents the survey on data mining techniques applied on intrusion detection systems for the effective identification of both known and unknown patterns of attacks, thereby helping the users to develop secure information systems. Keywords: IDS, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Clustering, Classification DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-1-02 Publication date: January 31st 2020

    Intrusion Detection System Berbasis Seleksi Fitur Dengan Kombinasi Filter Information Gain Ratio Dan Correlation

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    Intrusion Detection System merupakan suatu sistem yang dikembangkan untuk memantau dan memfilter aktivitas jaringan dengan mengidentifikasi serangan. Karena jumlah data yang perlu diperiksa oleh IDS sangat besar dan banyaknya fitur-fitur asing yang dapat membuat proses analisis menjadi sulit untuk mendeteksi pola perilaku yang mencurigakan, maka IDS perlu mengurangi jumlah data yang akan diproses dengan cara mengurangi fitur yang dapat dilakukan dengan seleksi fitur. Pada penelitian ini mengkombinasikan dua metode perangkingan fitur yaitu Information Gain Ratio dan Correlation dan mengklasifikasikannya menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor. Hasil perankingan dari kedua metode dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Pada kelompok pertama dicari nilai mediannya dan untuk kelompok kedua dihapus. Lalu dilakukan klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menggunakan 10 kali validasi silang dan dilakukan pengujian dengan nilai k=5. Penerapan pemodelan yang diusulkan menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.61%. Sedangkan untuk akurasi tanpa seleksi fitur menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.59%. AbstractIntrusion Detection System is a system that was developed for monitoring and filtering activity in network with identified of attack. Because of the amount of the data that need to be checked by IDS is very large and many foreign feature that can make the analysis process difficult for detection suspicious pattern of behavior, so that IDS need for reduce amount of the data to be processed by reducing features that can be done by feature selection. In this study, combines two methods of feature ranking is Information Gain Ratio and Correlation and classify it using K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. The result of feature ranking from the both methods divided into two groups. in the first group searched for the median value and in the second group is removed. Then do the classification of  K-Nearest Neighbor using 10 fold cross validation and do the tests with values k=5. The result of the  proposed modelling produce the highest accuracy of 99.61%. While the highest accuracy value of the not using the feature selection is 99.59%

    Intelligent surveillance of indoor environments based on computer vision and 3D point cloud fusion

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    A real-time detection algorithm for intelligent surveillance is presented. The system, based on 3D change detection with respect to a complex scene model, allows intruder monitoring and detection of added and missing objects, under different illumination conditions. The proposed system has two independent stages. First, a mapping application provides an accurate 3D wide model of the scene, using a view registration approach. This registration is based on computer vision and 3D point cloud. Fusion of visual features with 3D descriptors is used in order to identify corresponding points in two consecutive views. The matching of these two views is first estimated by a pre-alignment stage, based on the tilt movement of the sensor, later they are accurately aligned by an Iterative Closest Point variant (Levenberg-Marquardt ICP), which performance has been improved by a previous filter based on geometrical assumptions. The second stage provides accurate intruder and object detection by means of a 3D change detection approach, based on Octree volumetric representation, followed by a clusters analysis. The whole scene is continuously scanned, and every captured is compared with the corresponding part of the wide model thanks to the previous analysis of the sensor movement parameters. With this purpose a tilt-axis calibration method has been developed. Tests performed show the reliable performance of the system under real conditions and the improvements provided by each stage independently. Moreover, the main goal of this application has been enhanced, for reliable intruder detection by the tilting of the sensors using its built-in motor to increase the size of the monitored area. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through the CICYT projects (TRA2013-48314-C3-1-R) and (TRA2011-29454-C03-02)

    L-SCANN: Logarithmic Subcentroid and Nearest Neighbor , Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 4

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    Securing a computer network has become a need in this digital era. One way to ensure the security is by deploying an intrusion detection system (IDS), which some of them employs machine learning methods, such as k k k-nearest neighbor. Despite its strength for detecting intrusion, there are some factors, which should be improved. In IDS, some research has been done in terms of feature generation or feature selection. However, its performance may not be good enough. In this paper, a method to increase the quality of the generated features while maintaining its high accuracy and low computational time is proposed. This is done by reducing the search space in training data. In this case, the authors use distance between the evaluated point and the centroid of the other clusters, as well as the logarithmic distance between the evaluated point and the subcentroid of the respective cluster. Besides the performance, the effect of homogeneity in extracting centroid and subcentroid on the accuracy of the detection model is also evaluated. Based on conducted experiment, authors find that the proposed method is able to decrease processing time and increase the performance. In more details, by using NSL-KDD 20% dataset, there is an increase of 4%, 2%, and 6% from those of TANN in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, respectively. Similarly, by using Kyoto 2006 dataset, proposed method rises 1%, 3%, and 2% than those of TANN

    An Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System in Presence of Benign Outliers with Visualization Capabilities

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    Abnormal network traffic analysis through Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) and visualization techniques has considerably become an important research topic to protect computer networks from intruders. It has been still challenging to design an accurate and a robust IDS with visualization capabilities to discover security threats due to the high volume of network traffic. This research work introduces and describes a novel anomaly-based intrusion detection system in presence of long-range independence data called benign outliers, using a neural projection architecture by a modified Self-Organizing Map (SOM) to not only detect attacks and anomalies accurately, but also provide visualized information and insights to end users. The proposed approach enables better analysis by merging the large amount of network traffic into an easy-to-understand 2D format and a simple user interaction. To show the performance and validate the proposed visualization-based IDS, it has been trained and tested over synthetic and real benchmarking datasets (NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, AAGM and VPN-nonVPN) that are widely applied in this domain. The results of the conducted experimental study confirm the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed approach