12 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Sinyal ECG menggunakan Deep Learning dengan Stacked Denoising Autoencoders

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    Aritmia merupakan kondisi jantung yang berdetak tidak sebagaimana mestinya, baik berdetak terlalu cepat, lambat, atau berdetak dengan pola yang tidak beraturan. Sehingga peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh menjadi tidak normal dan mempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan tubuh. Untuk mendiagnosa aritmia yaitu dengan membaca pola sinyal aktifitas jantung yang disebut dengan Electrocardiogram (ECG). Metode Deep Learning dapat digunakan untuk membaca pola ECG dan menghasilkan informasi di dalamnya. Deep Learning merupakan suatu metode pembelajaran mesin yang memungkinkan komputasi dalam level abstraksi bertingkat. Salah satu model Deep Learning yaitu Stacked Denoising Autoencoders (SDAE). SDAE digunakan untuk mendapatkan ekstraksi ciri dari suatu data. Pada penelitian ini, penyusun merancang sebuah sistem yang dapat mengenali jenis aritmia dari suatu rekaman aktifitas jantung seseorang menggunakan metode SDAE untuk mendapatkan ekstraksi ciri, dan Softmax Regression untuk melakukan fine tuning. Akurasi tertinggi yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini sebesar 98.91%

    Atrial fibrillation classification based on MLP networks by extracting Jitter and Shimmer parameters

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac anomaly and one that potentially threatens human life. Due to its relation to a variation in cardiac rhythm during indeterminate periods, long-term observations are necessary for its diagnosis. With the increase in data volume, fatigue and the complexity of long-term features make analysis an increasingly impractical process. Most medical diagnostic aid systems based on machine learning, are designed to automatically detect, classify or predict certain behaviors. In this work, using the PhysioNet MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation database, a system based on MLP artificial neural network is proposed to differentiate, between AF and non-AF, segments and ECG’s features, obtaining average accuracy of 80.67% in test set, for the 10-fold cross-validation method. As a highlight, the extraction of jitter and shimmer parameters from ECG windows is presented to compose the network input sets, indicating a slight improvement in the model's performance. Added to these, Shannon's and logarithmic energy entropies are determined, also indicating an improvement in performance related to the use of fewer features.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A novel electrocardiogram arrhythmia classification method based on stacked sparse auto-encoders and softmax regression

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    Arrhythmia classification is crucial in electrocardiogram (ECG) based automatic cardiovascular disease diagnosis, e.g., to help prevent stroke or sudden cardiac death. However, the complex individual differences in ECG morphology make it challenging in accurately categorizing arrhythmia heartbeats. To promote robustness of the algorithm for individual differences, we propose a novel ECG arrhythmia classification method with stacked sparse auto-encoders (SSAEs) and a softmax regression (SF) model. The SSAEs is employed to hierarchically extract high-level features from huge amount of ECG data. Features are extracted automatically such that no individual difference in feature selection will bias extraction accuracy. Moreover, the input can be reconstructed completely by the features in each level of the auto-encoder. The SF is then trained to serve as a classifier for discriminating six different types of arrhythmia heartbeats. Computational experiments and comparative analyses are presented to validate the effectiveness of the theoretical models

    PVC detection in ECG

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou automatické detekce komorových extrasystol v EKG záznamech. V jazyce Python byla implementována metoda detekce využívající konvoluční neuronové sítě a LSTM jednotek. Pro detekci byly využity srdeční cykly extrahované z jednoho svodu EKG. Při klasifikaci do dvou tříd (KES a normální rytmus) dosáhlo F1 skóre na testovací množině 96,41 %, u klasifikace do tří tříd (KES, normální rytmus a ostatní arytmie) 81,76 %. V závěru práce je úspěšnost klasifikace zhodnocena a diskutována, dosažené výsledky pro klasifikaci do dvou tříd jsou srovnatelné s výsledky metod z jiných studií.The thesis deals with problems of automatic detection of premature ventricular contractions in ECG records. One detection method which uses a convolutional neural network and LSTM units is implemented in the Python language. Cardiac cycles extracted from one-lead ECG were used for detection. F1 score for binary classification (PVC and normal beat) on the test dataset reached 96,41 % and 81,76 % for three-class classification (PVC, normal beat and other arrhythmias). Lastly, the accuracy of the classification is evaluated and discussed, the achieved results for binary classification are comparable to the results of methods described in different papers.

    A Visual Analytics System for Investigating Multimorbidity Using Supervised Machine Learning

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    Patterns of multimorbidity are complex and difficult to summarise using static visualization techniques like tables and charts. We present a visual analytics system with the goal of facilitating the process of making sense of data collected from patients with multimorbidity. The system reveals underlying patterns in the data visually and interactively, which enables users to easily assess both prevalence and correlation estimates of different chronic diseases among multimorbid patients with varying characteristics. To do so, the system uses count-based conditional probability, binary logistic regression, softmax regression and decision tree models to dynamically compute and visualize prevalence and correlation estimates for subsets of the data characterized by a user-selected set of pre-existing chronic conditions. The system also allows the user to examine the impact of adjusting for characteristics like age and gender on both the prevalence estimates and on correlations among diseases. By dynamically changing patient characteristics of interest and examining the resulting visualizations, the user can explore how prevalence and correlation estimates change with disease diagnosis and with other patient characteristics. This thesis is therefore a significant effort in understanding high-dimensional joint distributions of random variables and the created system can be used in any domain, such as economics, politics or social sciences, in which investigating the relationships between several random variables is vital to drawing the right conclusion

    Deep Learning in Cardiology

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    The medical field is creating large amount of data that physicians are unable to decipher and use efficiently. Moreover, rule-based expert systems are inefficient in solving complicated medical tasks or for creating insights using big data. Deep learning has emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction and intervention. Deep learning is a representation learning method that consists of layers that transform the data non-linearly, thus, revealing hierarchical relationships and structures. In this review we survey deep learning application papers that use structured data, signal and imaging modalities from cardiology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of applying deep learning in cardiology that also apply in medicine in general, while proposing certain directions as the most viable for clinical use.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, 10 table

    Classificação de episódios de fibrilação atrial por análise do ECG com redes neuronais artificiais MLP e LSTM

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáA fibrilação atrial (AF) é uma doença cardíaca que afeta aproximadamente 1% da população mundial, sendo a anomalia cardíaca mais comum. Apesar de não ser uma causa direta de morte, frequentemente está associada ou gera outros problemas que ameaçam a vida humana, como o derrame e a doença da artéria coronária. As principais características da AF são: a alta variação do ritmo cardíaco, o enfraquecimento ou desaparecimento da contração atrial e a ocorrência de irregularidades nas atividades dos ventrículos. O diagnóstico da AF é realizado por um médico especialista, principalmente através da inspeção visual de gravações de eletrocardiograma (ECG) de longo termo. Tais gravações podem chegar a várias horas, e são necessárias pois a AF pode ocorrer a qualquer momento do dia. Dessa forma surgem os problemas quanto ao grande volume de dados e as dependências de longo termo. Além disso, as particularidades e as variabilidades dos padrões de deformação de cada sujeito fazem com que o problema esteja também relacionado com a experiência do cardiologista. Assim, a proposta de um sistema computacional de auxílio ao diagnóstico médico baseado em inteligência artificial se torna muito interessante, uma vez que não sofre com a fadiga e é fortemente indicado para lidar com dados em grande quantidade e com alta variabilidade. Portanto, neste trabalho foi proposta a exploração de modelos de aprendizagem de máquina para análise e classificação de sinais ECG de longo termo, para auxiliar no diagnóstico da AF. Os modelos foram baseados em redes neuronais artificiais do tipo Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) e Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Utilizam-se os sinais da base de dados MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation, sem remoção de ruído, tendências ou artefatos, numa etapa de extração de características temporais, morfológicas, estatísticas e em tempo-frequência sobre segmentos de contexto variável (duração em segundos ou contagem de intervalos entre picos R). As características do sinal ECG utilizadas, foram: duração dos intervalos R-R (RRi) consecutivos, perturbação Jitter, perturbação Shimmer, entropias de Shannon e energia logarítmica, frequências instantâneas, entropia espectral e transformada Scattering. Sobre estes atributos foram aplicadas diferentes estratégias de normalização por Z-score e valor máximo absoluto, de forma a normalizar os indicadores de acordo com o contexto do sujeito ou local do segmento. Após a exploração de várias combinações destas características e dos parâmetros das redes MLP, obteve-se uma acurácia de classificação para a metodologia 10-fold cross-validation de 80,67%. Entretanto, notou-se que as marcações do pico das ondas R advindas da base de dados eram imprecisas. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se um algoritmo de detecção do pico das ondas R baseado na combinação entre a derivada do sinal, a energia de Shannon e a transformada de Hilbert, resultado em uma acurácia de marcação dos picos R de 98,95%. A partir das novas marcações, determinou-se todas as características e em seguida foram exploradas diversas estruturas de redes neuronais MLP e LSTM, sendo que os melhores resultados em acurácia/exatidão para estas arquiteturas foram, respectivamente, 91,96% e 98,17%. Em todos os testes, a MLP demonstrou melhora de desempenho à medida que mais características foram sendo agregadas nos conjuntos de dados. A LSTM por outro lado, obteve os melhores resultados quando foram combinados 60 RRi e as respectivas entropias das ondas P, T e U.Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a heart disease that affects approximately 1% of the world population, being the most common cardiac anomaly. Although it is not a direct cause of death, it is often associated with or generates other problems that threaten human life, such as stroke and coronary artery disease. The main characteristics of AF are the high variation in heart rate, the weakening or disappearance of atrial contraction and the occurrence of irregularities in the activities of the ventricles. The diagnosis of AF is performed by a specialist doctor, mainly through visual inspection of long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. Such recordings can take several hours and are necessary because AF can occur at any time of the day. Thus, problems arise regarding the large amount of data and long-term dependencies. In addition, the particularities and variability of the deformation patterns of each subject make the problem also related to the cardiologist's experience. Thus, the proposal for a computational system to aid medical diagnosis based on artificial intelligence becomes very interesting, since it does not suffer from fatigue and is strongly indicated to deal with data in large quantities and with high variability. Therefore, in this work it was proposed to explore machine learning models for the analysis and classification of long-term ECG signals, to assist in the diagnosis of AF. The models were based on artificial neural networks Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The signals from the MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation database are used, without removing noise, trends or artifacts, in a stage of extracting temporal, morphological, statistical and time-frequency features over segments of variable context (duration in seconds or counting intervals between peaks R). The features of the ECG signal used were: duration of consecutive R-R (RRi) intervals, Jitter disturbance, Shimmer disturbance, Shannon entropies and logarithmic energy, instantaneous frequencies, spectral entropy and Scattering transform. On these attributes, different normalization strategies were applied by Z-score and absolute maximum value, to normalize the indicators according to the context of the subject or location of the segment. After exploring various combinations of these features and the parameters of the MLP networks, the accuracy of classification for the 10-fold cross-validation methodology was 80.67%. However, it was noted that the annotations of the peak of R waves from the database were inaccurate. Thus, an algorithm for detecting the peak of R waves was developed based on the combination of the derivative of the signal, the Shannon energy, and the Hilbert transform, resulting in an accuracy of marking the R peaks of 98.95%. From the new markings, all features were determined and then several structures of neural networks MLP and LSTM were explored, and the best results in accuracy for these architectures were, respectively, 91.96% and 98.17%. In all tests, MLP showed improvement in performance as more features were added to the data sets. LSTM, on the other hand, obtained the best result when 60 RRi and the respective entropies of the P, T and U waves were combined

    Crowd Abnormal Behaviour Detection and Analysis

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    The analysis and understanding of abnormal behaviours in human crowds is a challenging task in pattern recognition and computer vision. First of all, the semantic definition of the term “crowd” is ambiguous. Secondly, the taxonomy of crowd behaviours is usually rudimentary and intrinsically complicated. How to identify and construct effective features for crowd behaviour classification is a prominent challenge. Thirdly, the acquisition of suitable video for crowd analysis is another critical problem. In order to address those issues, a categorization model for abnormal behaviour types is defined according to the state-of-the-art. In the novel taxonomy of crowd behaviour, eight types of crowd behaviours are defined based on the key visual patterns. An enhanced social force-based model is proposed to achieve the visual realism in crowd simulation, hence to generate customizable videos for crowd analysis. The proposed model consists of a long-term behavior control model based on A-star path finding algorithm and a short-term interaction handling model based on the enhanced social force. The proposed simulation approach produced all the crowd behaviours in the new taxonomy for the training and testing of the detection procedure. On the aspect of feature engineering, an innovative signature is devised for assisting the segmentation of crowd in both low and high density. The signature is modelled with derived features from Grey-Level Co-occurrence Matrix. Another major breakthrough is an effective approach for efficiently extracting spatial temporal information based on the information entropy theory and Gabor background subtraction. The extraction approach is capable of obtaining the texture with most motion information, which could help the detection approach to achieve the real-time processing. Overall, these contributions have supported the crucial components in a pipeline of abnormal crowd behaviour detecting process. This process is consisted of crowd behaviour taxonomy, crowd video generation, crowd segmentation and crowd abnormal behaviour detection. Experiments for each component show promising results, and proved the accessibility of the proposed approaches