10 research outputs found

    Edges Detection Based On Renyi Entropy with Split/Merge

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    Most of the classical methods for edge detection are based on the first and second order derivatives of gray levels of the pixels of the original image. These processes give rise to the exponential increment of computational time, especially with large size of images, and therefore requires more time for processing. This paper shows the new algorithm based on both the Rényi entropy and the Shannon entropy together for edge detection using split and merge technique. The objective is to find the best edge representation and decrease the computation time. A set of experiments in the domain of edge detection are presented. The system yields edge detection performance comparable to the classic methods, such as Canny, LOG, and Sobel.  The experimental results show that the effect of this method is better to LOG, and Sobel methods. In addition, it is better to other three methods in CPU time. Another benefit comes from easy implementation of this method. Keywords: Rényi Entropy, Information content, Edge detection, Thresholdin

    Нечетко-логические методы в задаче детектирования границ объектов

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    Рассматривается задача уменьшения вычислительной сложности методов выделения контуров на изображениях. Решение поставленной задачи достигается модификацией детектора Канни двумя нечетко-логическими методами, позволяющими сократить число проходов по исходному изображению: в-первом случае, путем исключения двух проходов, связанных с определением наличия соседства претендующего на границу пикселя со смежными в рамке размером 3´3, а во-втором случае, исключением операции определения угла направления градиента путем формирования данной величины комбинацией нечетких правил. Целью работы является уменьшение времени детектирования границ объектов на фото- видео-изображениях, за счет уменьшения вычислительной сложности применяемых методов. Интеллектуализация процесса детектирования границ осуществляется частичным повтором вычислительных операций, используемых в детекторе Канни, с дальнейшей заменой наиболее сложных вычислительных процедур. В предлагаемых методах после определения величины градиента и угла его направления осуществляется фаззификация восьми входных переменных, в качестве которых используется разность градиентов между центральной и смежными ячейками в рамке размером 3´3. Затем строится база нечетких правил. В первом методе в зависимости от угла направления градиента используются четыре нечетких правила и исключается один проход. Во втором методе шестнадцать нечетких правил сами задают угол направления градиента, при этом исключается два прохода вдоль изображения. Разность градиентов между центральной ячейкой и смежными ячейками позволяет учитывать форму распределения градиента. Затем на основе метода центра тяжести осуществляется дефаззификация результирующей переменной. Дальнейшее использование нечетких a-срезов позволяет осуществить бинаризацию результирующего изображения с выделением на нем границ объектов. Для оценки вычислительной скорости работы предложенных нечетких методов детектирования границ в среде Microsoft Visual Studio было разработано программное обеспечение. Представленные экспериментальные результаты показали, что уровень шума зависит от величины a-среза и параметров меток трапециевидных функций принадлежности. Ограничением двух методов является использование кусочно-линейных функций принадлежности. Экспериментальные исследования работоспособности предложенных методов детектирования контуров показали, что время первого нечеткого метода на 18% быстрее по сравнению с детектором Канни и на 2 % по отношению ко второму нечеткому методу. Однако при визуальной оценке установлено, что второй нечеткий метод лучше определяет границы объектов

    Noisy images edge detection: Ant colony optimization algorithm

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    The edges of an image define the image boundary. When the image is noisy, it does not become easy to identify the edges. Therefore, a method requests to be developed that can identify edges clearly in a noisy image. Many methods have been proposed earlier using filters, transforms and wavelets with Ant colony optimization (ACO) that detect edges. We here used ACO for edge detection of noisy images with Gaussian noise and salt and pepper noise. As the image edge frequencies are close to the noise frequency band, the edge detection using the conventional edge detection methods is challenging. The movement of ants depends on local discrepancy of image’s intensity value. The simulation results compared with existing conventional methods and are provided to support the superior performance of ACO algorithm in noisy images edge detection. Canny, Sobel and Prewitt operator have thick, non continuous edges and with less clear image content. But the applied method gives thin and clear edges

    Image Segmentation with Human-in-the-loop in Automated De-caking Process for Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) becomes a critical technology that increases the speed and flexibility of production and reduces the lead time for high-mix, low-volume manufacturing. One of the major bottlenecks in further increasing its productivity lies around its post-processing procedures. This work focuses on tackling a critical and inevitable step in powder-bed additive manufacturing processes, i.e., powder cleaning or de-caking. Pressing concerns can be raised with human involvement when performing this task manually. Therefore, a robot-driven automatic powder cleaning system could be an alternative to reducing time consumption and increasing safety for AM operators. However, since the color and surface texture of the powder residuals and the sintered parts are similar from a computer vision perspective, it can be challenging for robots to plan their cleaning path. This study proposes a machine learning framework incorporating image segmentation and eye tracking to de-cake the parts printed by a powder bed additive manufacturing process. The proposed framework intends to partially incorporate human biological behaviors to increase the performance of an image segmentation algorithm to assist the path planning for the robot de-caking system. The proposed framework is verified and evaluated by comparing it with the state-of-the-art image segmentation algorithms. Case studies were utilized to validate and verify the proposed human-in-the-loop algorithms. With a mean accuracy, f1-score, precision, and IoU score of 81.2%, 82.3%, 85.8%, and 66.9%, respectively, the suggested HITL eye tracking plus segmentation framework produced the best performance out of all the algorithms evaluated and compared. Regarding computational time, the suggested HITL framework matches the running times of the other test existing models, with a mean time of 0.510655 seconds and a standard deviation of 0.008387. Finally, future works and directions are presented and discussed. A significant portion of this work can be found in (Asare-Manu et al., 2023

    A Novel Edge Feature Description Method for Blur Detection in Manufacturing Processes

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    A novel inspection sensor by using an edge feature description (EFD) algorithm based on a support vector machine (SVM) is proposed for industrial inspection of images. This method detects and adaptively segments blurred images by using the proposed algorithm, which uses EFD to effectively classify blurred samples and improve the conventional methods of inspecting blurred objects; the algorithm selects and optimally tunes suitable features. The proposed sensor applies a suitable feature-extraction strategy on the basis of the sensing results. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods

    Biomimetic Design for Efficient Robotic Performance in Dynamic Aquatic Environments - Survey

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    This manuscript is a review over the published articles on edge detection. At first, it provides theoretical background, and then reviews wide range of methods of edge detection in different categorizes. The review also studies the relationship between categories, and presents evaluations regarding to their application, performance, and implementation. It was stated that the edge detection methods structurally are a combination of image smoothing and image differentiation plus a post-processing for edge labelling. The image smoothing involves filters that reduce the noise, regularize the numerical computation, and provide a parametric representation of the image that works as a mathematical microscope to analyze it in different scales and increase the accuracy and reliability of edge detection. The image differentiation provides information of intensity transition in the image that is necessary to represent the position and strength of the edges and their orientation. The edge labelling calls for post-processing to suppress the false edges, link the dispread ones, and produce a uniform contour of objects

    Discrete Mathematics and Symmetry

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    Some of the most beautiful studies in Mathematics are related to Symmetry and Geometry. For this reason, we select here some contributions about such aspects and Discrete Geometry. As we know, Symmetry in a system means invariance of its elements under conditions of transformations. When we consider network structures, symmetry means invariance of adjacency of nodes under the permutations of node set. The graph isomorphism is an equivalence relation on the set of graphs. Therefore, it partitions the class of all graphs into equivalence classes. The underlying idea of isomorphism is that some objects have the same structure if we omit the individual character of their components. A set of graphs isomorphic to each other is denominated as an isomorphism class of graphs. The automorphism of a graph will be an isomorphism from G onto itself. The family of all automorphisms of a graph G is a permutation group

    A novel edge detection method based on the maximizing objective function 

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    [[abstract]]This paper proposes a novel edge detection method for both gray level images and color images. The 3 x 3 mask in the image is considered and two pixel sets S-0 and S-1 in the mask are used to define an objective function. The values of the objective function corresponding to four directions determine the edge intensity and edge direction of each pixel in the mask. After all pixels in the image have been processed, the edge map and direction map are generated. Then we apply the non-maxima suppression method to the edge map and the direction map to extract the edge points. The proposed method can detect the edge successfully, while double edges, thick edges, and speckles can be avoided. (c) 2006 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.[[note]]SC