4 research outputs found

    An embedding traid-bit method to improve the performance of Arabic text steganography

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    The enormous development in the utilization of the Internet has driven by continuous improvements in the region of security. The enhanced security techniques are applied to save the intellectual property. There are numerous sorts of security mechanisms. Steganography is the art and science of concealing secret information inside a cover media without drawing any suspicion to the eavesdropper so that the secret information can only be detected by its proposed recipient. This is done along with the other steganography methods such as image, audio, video, various text steganography methods that are being presented. The text is ideal for steganography due to its ubiquity. There are many steganography methods used several languages such as English, Chines and Arabic language to embed the hidden message in the cover text. Kashida, shifting point and sharp_edges are Arabic steganography methods with high capacity. However, kashida, shifting point and sharp_edges techniques have lack of capability to embed the hidden message into the cover text. This study proposed new method called Traid-bit method by integrating three several types of methods such us kashida, shifting point and sharp_edges to evaluate the proposed method in improving the performance of embedding process. The study presents the process design of proposed method including the algorithms and the system design. The study found that the evaluation of the proposed method provides good knowledge to steganographer to improve the performance of embedding process when the Arabic text steganography method is developed

    An Improved Method for Hiding Text in Image Using Header Image

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    The necessities of steganography methods for hiding secret message into images have been ascend. Thereby, this study is to generate a practical steganography procedure to hide text into image. This operation allows the user to provide the system with both text and cover image, and to find a resulting image that comprises the hidden text inside. The suggested technique is to hide a text inside the header formats of a digital image. Least Significant Bit (LSB) method to hide the message or text, in order to keep the features and characteristics of the original image are used. A new method is applied via using the whole image (header formats) to hide the image. From the experimental results, suggested technique that gives a higher embedding of several stages of complexity. Also, LSB method via using the whole image is to increase the security and robustness of the proposed method as compared to state-of the-art methods

    Digital Text Steganography

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo se seznámit s digitální textovou steganografií, s metodami sloužící pro ukrývání textu, naimplementovat vlastní nebo již existující metody a nakonec srovnat dosažené výsledky těchto metod. Práce představuje čtyři metody (Zero distribution, sémantická, syntaktická a Format based), které ukrývají tajná data do textu, každá jiným způsobem. Provedeným výzkumem bylo zjištěno, že nejlepší vlastnosti stego textu produkuje Sémantická metoda, hned za ní Format based s Zero distribution a nejhůře dopadla syntaktická metoda. Na základě zjištěných údajů je tedy možné vybrat metodu podle vlastních potřeb.The goal of this bachelor project was to learn about digital text steganography, about methods for hiding the text, to implement my own or already existing methods and finally to compare acomplished results of these methods. This project introduces four methods (Zero distribution, semathics, syntax and Format based) which hide secret data into cover text, each of them by its own way. Research has found that semanthics method produces the best properties of stego text followed by Format based and Zero distribution, syntax method ended up worst. Based on the data found we can choose which method we will use.

    Teknik penyembunyian mesej dalam steganografi teks menggunakan pendekatan warna RGB dan penempatan rawak

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    Steganography is a technique that protects the confidentiality and integrity of data in a protective medium from suspicion of hidden data. The hiding of a message in a text medium can be performed on various text attributes such as type, style, size, and font color to generate a stego text. This study have identified two main problems that lead to the suspicion towards the stego text which is the obvious change of colors of the generated stego and the static representation of the secret message characters using sequential selection of hiding location. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to propose the use of specific value for each combination of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color to reduce the generated stego text obvious color changes. This study also recommends a dynamic secret message representation method based on a randomly selected character location. A Homophonic Cipher Table was adapted as a method to generate the dynamic secret message characters. Besides, the Second Quotient Remainder Theorem was proposed to convert the secret message characters into a 3D representation by mapping (x,y,z) values to RGB color. The RGB color cube model values of RGB(0,0,0) to RGB(15,15,15) were used to format a selected cover text characters using the Pseudorandom Number Generator. The performance of stego text produced in this study was evaluated using three main measures namely capacity, imperceptibility, and robustness. The results revealed that the proposed method produces a better performance of secret message hiding by 41.31% increase in capacity and the Jaro Winkler's scale imperceptibility score of 1. The performance of stego text is proven to be robust as there is no difference compared to the cover text before and after the compression process. In conclusion, the proposed method has successfully reduced the generated stego text obviousness in the change of colors that lead to suspicion of existence of hidden message. Beside, this method also capable of producing dynamic secret messages using a single cover text