5 research outputs found

    New human action recognition scheme with geometrical feature representation and invariant discretization for video surveillance

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    Human action recognition is an active research area in computer vision because of its immense application in the field of video surveillance, video retrieval, security systems, video indexing and human computer interaction. Action recognition is classified as the time varying feature data generated by human under different viewpoint that aims to build mapping between dynamic image information and semantic understanding. Although a great deal of progress has been made in recognition of human actions during last two decades, few proposed approaches in literature are reported. This leads to a need for much research works to be conducted in addressing on going challenges leading to developing more efficient approaches to solve human action recognition. Feature extraction is the main tasks in action recognition that represents the core of any action recognition procedure. The process of feature extraction involves transforming the input data that describe the shape of a segmented silhouette of a moving person into the set of represented features of action poses. In video surveillance, global moment invariant based on Geometrical Moment Invariant (GMI) is widely used in human action recognition. However, there are many drawbacks of GMI such that it lack of granular interpretation of the invariants relative to the shape. Consequently, the representation of features has not been standardized. Hence, this study proposes a new scheme of human action recognition (HAR) with geometrical moment invariants for feature extraction and supervised invariant discretization in identifying actions uniqueness in video sequencing. The proposed scheme is tested using IXMAS dataset in video sequence that has non rigid nature of human poses that resulting from drastic illumination changes, changing in pose and erratic motion patterns. The invarianceness of the proposed scheme is validated based on the intra-class and inter-class analysis. The result of the proposed scheme yields better performance in action recognition compared to the conventional scheme with an average of more than 99% accuracy while preserving the shape of the human actions in video images

    A Review on Human Activity Recognition Using Vision-Based Method

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    A Study on Human Motion Acquisition and Recognition Employing Structured Motion Database

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    九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第332号 学位授与年月日:平成24年3月23日1 Introduction||2 Human Motion Representation||3 Human Motion Recognition||4 Automatic Human Motion Acquisition||5 Human Motion Recognition Employing Structured Motion Database||6 Analysis on the Constraints in Human Motion Recognition||7 Multiple Persons’ Action Recognition||8 Discussion and ConclusionsHuman motion analysis is an emerging research field for the video-based applications capable of acquiring and recognizing human motions or actions. The automaticity of such a system with these capabilities has vital importance in real-life scenarios. With the increasing number of applications, the demand for a human motion acquisition system is gaining importance day-by-day. We develop such kind of acquisition system based on body-parts modeling strategy. The system is able to acquire the motion by positioning body joints and interpreting those joints by the inter-parts inclination. Besides the development of the acquisition system, there is increasing need for a reliable human motion recognition system in recent years. There are a number of researches on motion recognition is performed in last two decades. At the same time, an enormous amount of bulk motion datasets are becoming available. Therefore, it becomes an indispensable task to develop a motion database that can deal with large variability of motions efficiently. We have developed such a system based on the structured motion database concept. In order to gain a perspective on this issue, we have analyzed various aspects of the motion database with a view to establishing a standard recognition scheme. The conventional structured database is subjected to improvement by considering three aspects: directional organization, nearest neighbor searching problem resolution, and prior direction estimation. In order to investigate and analyze comprehensively the effect of those aspects on motion recognition, we have adopted two forms of motion representation, eigenspace-based motion compression, and B-Tree structured database. Moreover, we have also analyzed the two important constraints in motion recognition: missing information and clutter outdoor motions. Two separate systems based on these constraints are also developed that shows the suitable adoption of the constraints. However, several people occupy a scene in practical cases. We have proposed a detection-tracking-recognition integrated action recognition system to deal with multiple people case. The system shows decent performance in outdoor scenarios. The experimental results empirically illustrate the suitability and compatibility of various factors of the motion recognition

    Analyse du contenu expressif des gestes corporels

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    Nowadays, researches dealing with gesture analysis suffer from a lack of unified mathematical models. On the one hand, gesture formalizations by human sciences remain purely theoretical and are not inclined to any quantification. On the other hand, the commonly used motion descriptors are generally purely intuitive, and limited to the visual aspects of the gesture. In the present work, we retain Laban Movement Analysis (LMA – originally designed for the study of dance movements) as a framework for building our own gesture descriptors, based on expressivity. Two datasets are introduced: the first one is called ORCHESTRE-3D, and is composed of pre-segmented orchestra conductors’ gestures, which have been annotated with the help of lexicon of musical emotions. The second one, HTI 2014-2015, comprises sequences of multiple daily actions. In a first experiment, we define a global feature vector based upon the expressive indices of our model and dedicated to the characterization of the whole gesture. This descriptor is used for action recognition purpose and to discriminate the different emotions of our orchestra conductors’ dataset. In a second approach, the different elements of our expressive model are used as a frame descriptor (e.g., describing the gesture at a given time). The feature space provided by such local characteristics is used to extract key poses of the motion. With the help of such poses, we obtain a per-frame sub-representation of body motions which is available for real-time action recognition purposeAujourd’hui, les recherches portant sur le geste manquent de modèles génériques. Les spécialistes du geste doivent osciller entre une formalisation excessivement conceptuelle et une description purement visuelle du mouvement. Nous reprenons les concepts développés par le chorégraphe Rudolf Laban pour l’analyse de la danse classique contemporaine, et proposons leur extension afin d’élaborer un modèle générique du geste basé sur ses éléments expressifs. Nous présentons également deux corpus de gestes 3D que nous avons constitués. Le premier, ORCHESTRE-3D, se compose de gestes pré-segmentés de chefs d’orchestre enregistrés en répétition. Son annotation à l’aide d’émotions musicales est destinée à l’étude du contenu émotionnel de la direction musicale. Le deuxième corpus, HTI 2014-2015, propose des séquences d’actions variées de la vie quotidienne. Dans une première approche de reconnaissance dite « globale », nous définissons un descripteur qui se rapporte à l’entièreté du geste. Ce type de caractérisation nous permet de discriminer diverses actions, ainsi que de reconnaître les différentes émotions musicales que portent les gestes des chefs d’orchestre de notre base ORCHESTRE-3D. Dans une seconde approche dite « dynamique », nous définissons un descripteur de trame gestuelle (e.g. défini pour tout instant du geste). Les descripteurs de trame sont utilisés des poses-clés du mouvement, de sorte à en obtenir à tout instant une représentation simplifiée et utilisable pour reconnaître des actions à la volée. Nous testons notre approche sur plusieurs bases de geste, dont notre propre corpus HTI 2014-201