63,690 research outputs found

    A New Proposed Cost Model for List Accessing Problem using Buffering

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    There are many existing well known cost models for the list accessing problem. The standard cost model developed by Sleator and Tarjan is most widely used. In this paper, we have made a comprehensive study of the existing cost models and proposed a new cost model for the list accessing problem. In our proposed cost model, for calculating the processing cost of request sequence using a singly linked list, we consider the access cost, matching cost and replacement cost. The cost of processing a request sequence is the sum of access cost, matching cost and replacement cost. We have proposed a novel method for processing the request sequence which does not consider the rearrangement of the list and uses the concept of buffering, matching, look ahead and flag bit.Comment: 05 Pages, 2 figure

    Efficient Computation of Subspace Skyline over Categorical Domains

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    Platforms such as AirBnB, Zillow, Yelp, and related sites have transformed the way we search for accommodation, restaurants, etc. The underlying datasets in such applications have numerous attributes that are mostly Boolean or Categorical. Discovering the skyline of such datasets over a subset of attributes would identify entries that stand out while enabling numerous applications. There are only a few algorithms designed to compute the skyline over categorical attributes, yet are applicable only when the number of attributes is small. In this paper, we place the problem of skyline discovery over categorical attributes into perspective and design efficient algorithms for two cases. (i) In the absence of indices, we propose two algorithms, ST-S and ST-P, that exploits the categorical characteristics of the datasets, organizing tuples in a tree data structure, supporting efficient dominance tests over the candidate set. (ii) We then consider the existence of widely used precomputed sorted lists. After discussing several approaches, and studying their limitations, we propose TA-SKY, a novel threshold style algorithm that utilizes sorted lists. Moreover, we further optimize TA-SKY and explore its progressive nature, making it suitable for applications with strict interactive requirements. In addition to the extensive theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithms, we conduct a comprehensive experimental evaluation of the combination of real (including the entire AirBnB data collection) and synthetic datasets to study the practicality of the proposed algorithms. The results showcase the superior performance of our techniques, outperforming applicable approaches by orders of magnitude

    Efficient Scalable Accurate Regression Queries in In-DBMS Analytics

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    Recent trends aim to incorporate advanced data analytics capabilities within DBMSs. Linear regression queries are fundamental to exploratory analytics and predictive modeling. However, computing their exact answers leaves a lot to be desired in terms of efficiency and scalability. We contribute a novel predictive analytics model and associated regression query processing algorithms, which are efficient, scalable and accurate. We focus on predicting the answers to two key query types that reveal dependencies between the values of different attributes: (i) mean-value queries and (ii) multivariate linear regression queries, both within specific data subspaces defined based on the values of other attributes. Our algorithms achieve many orders of magnitude improvement in query processing efficiency and nearperfect approximations of the underlying relationships among data attributes

    Cloud-based desktop services for thin clients

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    Cloud computing and ubiquitous network availability have renewed people's interest in the thin client concept. By executing applications in virtual desktops on cloud servers, users can access any application from any location with any device. For this to be a successful alternative to traditional offline applications, however, researchers must overcome important challenges. The thin client protocol must display audiovisual output fluidly, and the server executing the virtual desktop should have sufficient resources and ideally be close to the user's current location to limit network delay. From a service provider viewpoint, cost reduction is also an important issue

    An Efficient Cell List Implementation for Monte Carlo Simulation on GPUs

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    Maximizing the performance potential of the modern day GPU architecture requires judicious utilization of available parallel resources. Although dramatic reductions can often be obtained through straightforward mappings, further performance improvements often require algorithmic redesigns to more closely exploit the target architecture. In this paper, we focus on efficient molecular simulations for the GPU and propose a novel cell list algorithm that better utilizes its parallel resources. Our goal is an efficient GPU implementation of large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for the grand canonical ensemble. This is a particularly challenging application because there is inherently less computation and parallelism than in similar applications with molecular dynamics. Consistent with the results of prior researchers, our simulation results show traditional cell list implementations for Monte Carlo simulations of molecular systems offer effectively no performance improvement for small systems [5, 14], even when porting to the GPU. However for larger systems, the cell list implementation offers significant gains in performance. Furthermore, our novel cell list approach results in better performance for all problem sizes when compared with other GPU implementations with or without cell lists.Comment: 30 page